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These seven questions designed to help You to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional reality, and help You create the life at will.
According to the theory of Quantum physics, the universe exists as an infinite number of possible events, until one of them will be selected. These features are presented in the wave principle, where each probability is on the convexity of wave (sine wave). Every time when the choice is made, wave sine wave of probabilities) ceases to exist. Any subsequent issue creates a new wave of opportunity. As soon as a number of opportunities/probability opens - the only thing you have to do is to choose the most suitable.
The questions below will be discussed, capacious and endowed with great strength. When you ask them - do not expect an immediate response, although it may happen that the answer will come immediately. Sometimes the very fact that the question is, works miracles and changes your life. Pay attention to their dreams and see the characters that get you in the eye. It may be the words from the book, picture, memory, etc. However, remember that the process of changing energy begins as soon as the question is asked. Keep asking yourself until then, until you feel that this issue has ceased to be relevant to you.
1. Is this my energy?
In the period of transition to a New level of Energy frequency surrounding vibrations can fluctuate considerably and to change dramatically. When the vibration of the planet increase you feel bliss and completeness of feelings. In such moments you feel that you truly accept, feel and understand the new energy. You are calm and confident that all will be well.
When the vibration of the planet fall you feel stress. Old restrict the program from which, as you thought you already got rid suddenly appear again. In these moments, you feel you are lacking and you don't know where and how to move forward. You are angry or too exhausted. It seems that all is not as it should, and you can return to old habits. You may even be surprised and say to yourself: "I thought I already broke up with old programs. Have I made a mistake... again?!" Well - you know those moments?
Psychic abilities developed in you is much stronger than you can imagine. You will not only feel shift vibration spectrum on the planet, but also catch the thoughts, emotions and physical sensations of others. This is a great ability and part of your New Energy beings. The problem is that you perceive these energies unconscious and try to fit them into some program clear to you from the past, and coinciding with its frequency! Old programs can be negative emotions, limiting thoughts, pain, illness or old habits, from which you have already refused in the present. However, you accept someone else's energy, mistakenly thinking that it's yours.
On my personal example, it was connected with the pain in the back that was my old program. Almost all my life, my physical actions were limited to the pain in the back, and specifically - the sciatica. Not so long ago I managed to get rid of this problem. OK, sure, it's not gone just like that. I very long time on yourself worked and learned to live in harmony with your body. But when the pain came back again, at first I condemned myself: "Oh no.. Why I have created this pain?" But then I stopped and decided to look at this problem from my extended ethereal body. Then I realized that aired get new energy in older programs. Her inner eyes I saw through the wind blows through me. Only I didn't just let the wind to pass through me, I created hooks that caught the wind and fixed it in my body. Because energy were similar, I thought it was my energy.
Another example, when I noticed that haunting me haunting memories of all those terrible (after my previous opinion) things worked my ex-husband before and during our divorce. Labyrinth unpleasant thoughts overwhelmed me, before I was finally able to realize this: "Wow! I have already dealt with this story. How so I again fell into the trap of these thoughts?" I realized that took emotions that doesn't belong to me. The energy of this programme coincided with the one that I had experienced before, being absorbed in the drama of his divorce. Since the energy of this was familiar to me, she gave me the same emotions. My consciousness is projected thoughts that was akin to that energy.
The fact that you are not required to accept these other people's energy. Conscious attitude to what is going on, you can ignore and not to allow the reaction to these energies, thus preventing the consequences of this reaction. Stay aware and discredit all what you feel or think negative. Ask yourself: "Mine?" Your inner awareness will help you get the answer that comes to you, mentally, or through testing muscles (kinesiology), or with the help of Tarot cards, etc. If this energy is not yours, it will show itself immediately after the question sounded. Then say the following words: "Thank you for understanding, but it is not my energy. Let life pass you by" use your imagination, breathe evenly and release it. The dissolves "hooks" and let the energy pass you. Relief may come not at once, give yourself time. Continue to breathe and let go.
Below is an exercise that is useful to apply in practice.
Come out to walk in a residential quarter. In process of movement on the street, notice every thought, emotion or feeling that comes to you and ask: "is It mine?" I was amazed when did this exercise. At some point I suddenly sad, but I caught myself and asked myself: "is it My state?" the answer came immediately: "No." "Well then let the energy of sadness passes by" said I to myself and sadness walked right by itself. Later my hips began to ache as soon as I realized that this is "not mine" energy: the pain was gone in a few minutes. Such moments was repeated again and again, and none of passing, but accept me energies that wasn't mine!
Constantly aware of this process, I think you will be surprised to discover how little actually thoughts, emotions and physical sensations, which really belong to you!
2. What will happen if...?
Everything that ever was created, was created in the imagination. When you ask yourself this question: "What will happen if...?", imagine how you will yourself to feel.
When you resort to your feelings, to perceive a potential reality, this process enables you that part which is responsible for the creation of reality. Focus your imagination to create a new sense. This will start a thread or wave energy, which will show the desired effect. Focusing only on the physical manifestation limits you this option. But you need a freedom of choice, so you need to consider all options, including those that you can't yet imagine.
Here are some examples:
What will be...
• if I will always have a lot of money?
• if my body will look the way I want?
• (or even better) if I love your body, regardless of how it looks?
• if I am extraordinarily successful?
• if I knew how to do this/any given situation?
• if I won't have to worry about your son, daughter, mother etc)?
If you experience difficulties in the representation of a physical sensations and emotions, do not despair. Continue to consult. You can even ask: "And what if I can imagine...?" the more time you spend on experiencing the desired effect/status, the better.
3. What should I bring to ... easy come true?
In the period of the New Energy, we create effortlessly. When we want something to happen, but not sure what exactly needs to be done, we must ask ourselves: "What is necessary to attract that ... easy come true?".
In no case do not ask: "What should I do?" or "What will be my next step?"
Feel the difference in energy of these issues?!
If you are wondering what to do, you set yourself a linear way of creation that requires you effort. "What are we to draw?" is an invitation for the desired take place without struggle and effort, and this opens opportunities that you could not even imagine. This question invites the Universe to support you during your creativity.
4. What good is what I have?
Very often we focus on what is wrong or bad in the situation. Then we begin to judge yourself and/or others, that they did wrong, making this version of events. Accordingly, what you focus your thoughts, attracts more and more energy. Therefore, asking, "What good is that I didn't get it?" attracts your energy towards that which is good and eliminates the process of condemnation.
Think of how many times in your life were events in which you yourself condemned for failure. For example, having survived such issue as the loss of a job. When you look back on this issue (maybe after you get a better job) you will realize that the very fact of loss of work, actually was positive for youNYM event. Asking yourself this question, you are changing perceptions, and consequently it affects your future experience.
5. As I have created it?
When you ask yourself, "How I created this?" you deliberately draw attention to the decision that was made by you unconsciously, and which led to not very positive consequences. Somehow my daughter got sick ear infection. After a few days I felt bad: the body ached, terrible weakness was literally knocked me down. I asked myself: "How have I created?" and remembered that in the morning he felt pain in the ear. I realized that I picked up the suffering and pain of his daughter. At the moment this morning I decided that I can faster and easier to cope with the disease than the daughter who had been ill for 6 days without visible improvements. I then turn its attention to something else, fell into a state of unconsciousness. After a couple of hours I felt bad. Question: "how have I created?" helped me to remember the moment of unconsciousness from which all started, and then I was able to cancel this program. Soon we both became much easier.
Do not ask: "Why did I do?" When you ask yourself "why" you go back to the time of their past failures, when you have done something similar and accordingly raise all the emotions and condemnation, which were caused by these failures. Why attracts all those energies force you to repeat its mistakes (for example, relations with her ex-husband is a traitor). Why establishes limiting the reality of the current situation. Instead ask, "as it began, and that was the moment of creation of this experience.
6. What was then, if not for this pain?
To use this question can be when asking: "is it My (state power)?", you will not experience any visible changes or improvements. By themselves, sudden pain are the interpretation of sensory/sensory signals. Therefore, asking the question 6, you will create an opportunity to broadcast such signals other way. For example, if someone is trying to communicate with you, and you did not react, then foreign energy unrealized communication may be reflected in you in the form of physical pain. Emotions can also be translated in pain.
7. How it can be improved?
Tell yourself that every time happens to be something good. If you find the money, say, "How this situation can become even better?"
Will the story of one woman who found a penny on the ground, and asked myself: "how this situation can improve?" Soon after, she found 10 dollar bill, on the back seat of the taxi, she asked again: "how can this become even better?" After some time, she noticed a shiny object in a culvert it was a diamond bracelet. Unfortunately, lifting it, she said to herself: "there can be nothing better than this!" and is no more.
Also say, "How can this be improved?", when you get into trouble. If your car has a flat, ask: "How can this be better?" If your child has trouble in school... "How can it improve?" This invitation of the Universe to show you how to actually situation may become better.
If you can't think of a question to ask yourself (on any topic), try:
So I asked if I know what to ask?
It may seem strange, but it is likely that this issue will be the best and most effective!
Regular use of these issues gradually change your reality. The main thing is that you create this reality and his life on Earth! You do it every day. Why not do it voluntarily? Why not have some fun and enjoy this creative process?
What if you can create the reality of your desire?
Sarah Bierman
Seven questions that will change your life!
Translation Diana Falbi.