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Contained in fried food substances can reward your children obesity and diabetes.
Family love to BBQ facilities may jeopardize the health of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (Photo MM Productions.)
It is known that many endocrine diseases doctors advise to refrain from fried foods. Researchers at the Medical center of mount Sinai in new York (USA) found out how fried foods increases the risk of developing obesity and diabetes. Scientists put mice on a normal diet with a normal amount of calories and fat, but with the addition of methylglyoxal.
Methylglyoxal appears in the latter stages of the reaction of glycation, products for which the body is not too useful. For example, joints, resulting reactions, increase the probability of uncontrolled inflammation. The mice that received methylglyoxal, after four generations showed a tendency to overweight and development of resistance to insulin is the main sign of diabetes of the second type.
We emphasize once again that animals are not treated by an excess of calories, that is, the negative effects have appeared not because of overeating for several generations. In an article published in the journal PNAS, the authors write that methylglyoxal acted on important protective protein SIRT1, which is located in the adipose tissue and is involved in the control of inflammation, simultaneously stimulating the metabolism of glucose and the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Methylglyoxal suppressed work of receptors that protect SIRT1 from the action of final reaction products glycation.
As a result, rodents increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, accumulated abdominal fat and began diabetes. Here it is necessary to remember that methylglyoxal that makes mice to diabetes, found in fried foods. And this may explain, for example, the problem of obesity and diabetes modern people: if within several generations of people would prefer fried, in the end it had to bring their descendants to this problems with metabolism.
Obviously, methylglyoxal working through some epigenetic mechanisms, but what are they, scientists have yet to find out.
In favor of the received data and say earlier results obtained by the same team of scientists, while only moderate exclusion of food containing compounds reactions glycation, significantly reduced the symptoms of type II diabetes. (In other experiments sick just gave substances, which linked the final products of this reaction.) Moreover, the weakening of diabetic symptoms occurred without any restrictions on the consumption of sugars. So, apparently, dietary recommendations diabetics can be corrected: the patient may eat sugar, but only if you go on steamed and boiled dishes.
Based on the materials of Medical Xpress.