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"What is my fate, o Lord, and whom I serve? For the edification of the world or for the strengthening of faith?"
Wang, Bulgarian clairvoyant.
The material in this article is somewhat beyond the scope of the research that I have defined for myself. But the phenomenon of Vanga was so fantastically great that I just couldn't pass up some of her prophecies. In this article, we will touch upon the most discussed in our society the question: " is There life after death?"
Wang clearly and simply answered this question, and I simply wanted to add to her prophecies well known facts. But today, scientists don't know whether life after death is a matter of faith, but because everyone has the right to determine the degree of confidence to provide information.
About randomness, kindness and harmony in the Universe.
Krassimira Stoyanova writes that the question of if by chance happening almost everywhere social upheaval, Wang said, "is Not accidental, nothing is by chance. So I say to all the people that our consciousness must change kindness. And this is not only a wish. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it occurs regardless of whether we want it or not. New times require new thinking, a different consciousness, a qualitatively new people, so as not to disturb the harmony in the Universe. Many people try to adapt to the current changes, but it will not help them to enter into the future. They needed the time it takes, and they fulfilled the mission entrusted to them by the sky. Other good people, will serve for the future: the preservation and development of life".
Let's try to understand this, at first glance, strange prophecy, and to do this, divide it into parts.
1. Modern science has long been recognized that "chance is unknown rule", and any coincidence should be regarded as an "explosion of laws".
2. The prophecy of harmony in nature even more surprised, because even the ancient authors noted that social disasters are inextricably linked to natural disasters, and expounded it is as if the bad behavior violates the harmony on the planet. And this you can believe, because only the uncontrolled predatory deforestation has led to the fact that increased the area of deserts, and reduced the amount of drinking water on Earth, and from the agricultural turnover derived hundreds of thousands of hectares of Land. And the list of crimes person in relation to nature and the Land is endless. Maybe so, and natural disasters are becoming tougher?
3. So one of the people, according to Wang, there is no future? I think, this question everyone will be able to answer himself, after consulting with his conscience. I, I will mention only one common superstition, according to which and suicide in the afterlife has no future. According to this superstition, their souls are condemned to live in the form of ghosts in cemeteries, for they had voluntarily renounced ordained by the destiny of life. It is curious that the Orthodox Church has consistently opposed disposal suicide Christian cemeteries and refuses to make the last burial service over them.
About predestination of fate.
Let us Supplement this information with another quotation from the book Krasimira Stoyanova: To the question, is it possible to prevent the tragic outcome fatal predictions, Wang said: "No, it's not in my power. No one will overcome destiny. Human life is strictly predefined". Perhaps, this rule really is no exception. I looked in the available literature me many documented prophecies foretold by the prophets deaths of people, and they all came true. What is it? Literary stamp, invented and widely used by writers, or evidence of the inevitable fatal predictions?
About the past, present and future.
Krassimira Stoyanova writes that "for Vanga no concept of the present, past, and future. Time in its view - one common uniform stream".
Perhaps this is so, because the only way to understand syndrome amazing prophecies Vanga, which could at any time to see the past, present and future of people, however far these events are not defended in time from each other. I don't know how to scientifically explain this phenomenon, so I'll try to Express almost fantastic hypothesis. Maybe it will cause the reproach among some readers, but it allows me to somehow understand the fatal inevitability of prophecies.
For example, astronomers say that we see the light some already extinct stars. But the universe is infinite, and why not to imagine that in a different distance from us civilizations, these stars were not yet born, and for any other civilizations these stars are in the phase of its prosperity. And all this happens at the same time. Then indeed we all live in a single information flow past, present and future, but only some of us, like Vanga, have the ability to extract information from this thread. But Wang was for us a kind of a mediator between the world of intangible and life on earth. So why did none of the scientists failed to use the opportunity to get maximum of useful information from Vanga, because she generously shared it with all the people? But such attempts were.
Not everyone is given the right, to know the heavenly mysteries.
Now what about it writes Krassimira Stoyanova: "Some people are trying to find a path to her talent, turning over the pages of the book of her life, but found only a white page. Visited scientists and pseudo-scientists, psychics, fortune-tellers, but all do not understand of what Wang says. She mad: "you would Know that trampled with feet and what not hear with their ears, - not a moment would not be here stood". Came to her one scientist, brought a tape recorder. Asked Vanga questions, take notes. Wanted it pushed ajar the sky, and he looked over there, and described all in his book. Well, the book was published, but there is nothing substantial. ... Often visited one woman who believed that with Vanga it all clear and that it will be able to explain it. But Wang told her that not everyone is entitled to know the heavenly mysteries, and who is not given from above, that whatever he did, whatever listened to or recorded, will remain there at the bottom, where it was.
It remains to explain this, strange, at first glance, the phenomenon. To join the secret and know it is available only to those who can for years to explore the mountains of useless information, in search of the one fact, which is the key to this knowledge. "Brainstorm" will not help here. To such peaks climbing all my life.
About good and evil.
Krassimira Stoyanova writes that "Wang nobody was allowed to retaliate. She firmly believes that people should seek to do only good as evil deeds, including revenge, never go unpunished. And punishment always be very cruel, and if not slay the avenger, you will certainly become a curse for his progeny. I am often asked why so unfair happens, and it always answered: "To stronger hurt!" We should always be kind, not to suffer whole life"".
And Wang taught to be good, and do it now before it is too late...
Well, the history of religion knows cases when the penitent robber started a righteous life, and by reclusion, fasting and praying returned to God, and even after death was canonized. The thought of Vanga simple. You cannot be a Saint one day. Only becoming good themselves, throughout life, we can change the world for the better.
About life after death.
In addition, here is another episode in the life of Vanga, reported Krassimira Stoyanova: "the Most remarkable expression jasnovidjashhaja gift Vanga, according to many experts, is its ability to "talk" with deceased family members, relatives and friends of those who comes to her. View Vanga about death, about what happens to a person after it, sharply differ from generally accepted. Will one of the dialogs Vanga with Director P. I. (recording 1983).
- I have already said that after death the body decomposes, vanish, like all living things after death. But a certain part of the body resists decay, rot.
- Apparently referring to a person's soul?
"I don't know how to call it. I think, that in a person that is not subject to corruption, develops and moves to a new, higher status, which we do not specifically know. About is this: die illiterate, then die a student, then a man with higher education, then scientists.
"So man is waiting several deaths?
- Several deaths, but higher principle does not die. And this is the soul of man.
For Vanga death is only the physical end, and the person continues after death".
This prophecy Vanga is very similar to the doctrine of reincarnation in Buddhism, in which, however, there is a significant addition that the souls of wicked people turn into "our little brothers" (animals), or even, in trees and plants. I do not presume to judge the scientific character of the doctrine of reincarnation, but it is amazingly beautiful religious creed, and I have been convinced by their experience with the myths that beautiful myths, as a rule, according to the law, are never false.
About the "comet-retribution."
<br />Vanga lived, experiencing countless suffering from the world of the past, present and future. That's what she said Krasimira Stoyanova: "Sometimes I get very nervous, and people think I'm bad. I see the ring, which gradually tightened around the Earth, experiencing the torments of all people, and can not, and do not dare to explain this, because one very stern voice continually warns me that I did not try to explain anything, as people deserve the life that lead". Without knowing the exact meaning of this prophecy, I can only assume that in this case we are talking about the upcoming term global cosmic catastrophe of the Earth, associated with the "comet-retribution", which was withdrawn from circulation. His piercing pain on every person who in the pursuit of money, does not comply with the biblical commandments and morality, she tried to explain to us: "How to help these people, who respect nobody, rush race for money and things... as If a person has no purpose other than the desire to trample all bright and Holy, he reached the price is so expensive victims" ...
However some things, and these people began to change for the better. It has become fashionable, and so the criminals and corrupt government willingly give money to churches and religion. However, they failed to realize that from God money's not to bribe.
"We need to be kind and to love one another, to be saved! The future belongs to good people, they will live in a wonderful world that we can not imagine". Find ourselves whether we can understand it?
Doctor of historical Sciences, member
Union of writers of Russia
Budarin Mikhail Dmitrievich