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Recently, as if trampling own death, dead, increasingly began to come back to life, shocking employees ritual institutions, doctors, relatives. This mysterious facts could not be of interest to scientists who have attempted studies of clinical death, to analyze the experience had been "in the old days the river Styx and returned back.
Mysterious strangers
When American Gin walcot opened his eyes and tried to stand, a pathologist from new York morgue Bob Steven fell b fainting. Extraordinary event took place in June 2010 in new York. Subsequently, Mr. Steven said that for the last 20 years have not seen anything like this. The death of Gina was witnessed by doctors days ago, after which her body was directly sent to the palaces Stevens. In the state of clinical death, the woman spent 24 hours and, nevertheless, was able to return to life. Later she told the doctors that he saw how they tried to bring it back to life, and then doom he dropped his hands and covered her body in white sheets. "Acute heart failure!" said the doctor.
Then (as asserted Gin) it (or rather, her soul) slipped out the window and flew to the sea. She remembered the name of the village, yacht with dazzling white sails, the fishermen's houses, the Catholic Church and the blue mountains.
There we met two high strangers in white robes. "What can we do for you?" - they asked. In their faces was something that made gene believe in their wonderful opportunity. She began to ask mysterious strangers to help her get back into your body and continue life.
"I have young children, I have to grow!" - stubbornly insisted the woman. "Go back and live!" - and unison replied the man.
Return to your own body seemed Gina difficult and painful, but she did it. Making sure that her heart was pounding, stunned doctors have done everything to speed up the process of rehabilitation and return the woman to normal life. What they managed not without difficulty. After a few days of coming into the consciousness of the patient underwent surgery on the heart, and after the rehabilitation period she was discharged.
Later Mrs. walcot travelled in the same village, who sidela its soaring soul, and found there the fishermen's houses, yacht and Catholic Church. "I had the feeling that I was here!" - assured Gin. In g only to meet those strangers she failed.
A week after the above event happened in Pakistan. In the Metropolitan hospital on the table of the pathologist "living dead", which was considered dead after a wild stampede near a temple. Himself Raj Century told the journalists about the incident with a smile: "When I awoke, I was surrounded by dead bodies waiting to be opened. I went dry mouth, and I asked for water. Orderlies were frozen in amazement, and then one of them complied with the request". After a week Raj recovered and started to work.
Buried alive
A strange event occurred in the Colombian city of Cali and April 2009. A local hospital in critical condition did the 45-year-old housewife noelia Serna Rivera. The doctors did everything possible to save her, but the efforts were in vain.
But further events took fantastic turnover: suddenly noelia come to life right on the table in the morgue, when her body was about to embalm her. Arrived for this specialist fainted when he saw dead ever moved a hand. Further miraculously resurrected lady sent back to the hospital, where she went to the amendment and a month later returned to normal life, noelia was told that, having lost consciousness, was in the tunnel that rapidly flew into the light, but, outside, went back.
30-year-old Indian by the name of Susanta Deo at Catholic Christmas of 2009 was riding on a motorcycle, exceeded the speed and collided with a tractor-trailer. The accident the man received a head injury and a broken leg.
From a painful shock easy rider lost consciousness and was taken to a local hospital. The doctor examined the victim, stated death and with a clear conscience sent the body to the morgue.
But barely a pathologist started to prepare for the opening of the body as "patient" come to life and try to turn on his side. To the credit of the physician should be noted that he was able to pull myself together. Subsequently "miraculously resurrected" Saanto Deo was again taken to hospital district cents Cuttack. There he underwent surgery, and in a couple of months he again saddled favorite bike. Mr. Deo also told about the mysterious tunnel.
Scientists have advanced the theory that okolosmertnyh experience is a kind of defense mechanism. In order to avoid damage in case of injury, the brain produces protective chemicals that cause hallucinations. Hence so popular tunnel, in which patients are in a state of clinical death.
It turned out that the typical attributes okolosmertnyh experience (in particular - movement through the tunnel), and other visual hallucinations and shaped memories can be played with a powerful dose of ketamine. In 2000, the psychiatrist Karl Jansen wrote the book "Ketamine: dreams and reality", Previously he interviewed dozens of fans of this drug. Ketamine Ron Kamper described one of their drug experiences: "I was lost in a Golden light. I went up to the light and came into wordless conversation with light, which, as it seemed to me, was God!"
Wonderful and mysterious cases of return of the dead to life made scientists of many countries with new forces to study the state of clinical death.
American medic John Clarence called her eve of the death of this, a kind of "door to Nirvana".
Scientists believe that in the XIX century death stated very primitive, but - as it was considered a very effective way: bring a mirror to face. If the mirror was not fogged, the person was buried. In forensic medicine criterion of death was the lowering of body temperature up to twenty degrees.
As a result, thousands of people were buried alive.
It should be noted that modern scientists who are trying to penetrate the mysteries of human death, were talented predecessors. For example, the radio to communicate with the other world tried to create a famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison and the receiver to lock conversations souls of the dead men designed by Italian engineer and Nobel laureate Guglielmo Marconi.
What is the weight of the soul?
Recently Lithuanian doctors conducted a thorough weighing of dying patients. It turned out that at the moment of death is the abrupt decrease of the weight of the person at the twenty grams. Hence, the conclusion was made: lost in the transition to another world grams and have a soul. In other words, energy and information potential of a person. Experts believe that informative volume "soul" is about a billion gigabytes.
It was also found that all changes in human cells are accompanied by electric signals. Energy deceased changing. On the first day of the energy aura smooth and bright. By the end of the day there was a slight attenuation. On the second day aura significantly weakened, and the third became very weak and completely faded.
Scientists call this process of separation of the body to physical and information of substance. It turned out that the cause of death affect glow. The suicide it is intense, disturbing. While in the deceased by his death - even and smooth.
In 1996, Russian scientists have made an interesting experiment. The body of the deceased connected encephalograph, and then presented to the hand a cigarette lighter. The unit noted the same reaction at the corpse, as a living person.
Similar experiences have led to the fact that modern science has not rejected indiscriminately many metaphysical position, which came from different religions and theological doctrines. Increasingly, there are publications that refutes the materialistic concepts of the past. In this case the religion gradually reach the level of legends and recognise the results of scientific experiments, Competent scientists believe that humanity is on the verge of a revolutionary breakthrough in the knowledge of death and concomitant changes.