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Vice-President of Russian Academy of Sciences, theoretical physicist Alexander Andreev said that the discovery by scientists of the Higgs boson is of great importance for fundamental science, but will not help humanity to invent a perpetual motion machine, or the time machine.
"This is very, principle of fundamental importance, but to practice it means nothing yet", said Andreev. According to him, revolutionary physics and science in General would be if the Higgs boson was not. Commenting on the assumption that the discovery of the Higgs boson brings humanity to create a perpetual motion or time machine, Andreev said that "this is nonsense". As previously reported, the scientists of the research centre CERN in Switzerland on Wednesday announced the discovery of a new subdomeny shares, which can be the Higgs boson, or so-called "the God particle", which according to the Standard model of physics has created the whole mass of the Universe.
"In a sense, this is a breakthrough. If so, jump there. But the revolution, special, no", - said the Deputy Director of the Institute of physical problems named after Peter Kapitsa RAS Henry Bogomolov. "To improve the life in the near future because of this hope should not", the scientist has added. Bogomolov also noted that the discovery of the Higgs boson is unlikely to be of use in practical life. "This is the fundamental things. As to the application of the fundamental things in practice seldom" - he added. However, some Russian scientists do not agree with the opinion of his colleagues and still consider the discovery of the Higgs boson still sensation.
"This discovery sensational, and what weight of this discovery is that we will see a little later," said physicist Igor Golutvin. Meanwhile, Director of the Institute of safe development of atomic energy the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Bolshov believes that the discovery of the Higgs boson brings the world of science to unravel the secrets of the universe. He explained that this particle objects in the Universe are endowed mass.
"This share is decisive, it combines the strengths and weaknesses of the electromagnetic interaction, to have mass objects in the Universe is determined by this part" - he stressed. Let's remind, on July 4, CERN scientists announced to the world about the discovery of a new particle, for which they "hunted" since 1964. The Higgs boson is a fundamental part, one of the bricks that build the universe.
He also missing element in the main theoretical constructs in the physics of elementary particles, known as the Standard model.