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Every Ukrainian want to make the potential donor. The Ministry of health of Ukraine developed and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law according to which every Ukrainian will be able to donate organs after their death, when life is not legally execute a waiver of such prospects. The bill was submitted to Parliament two weeks ago and is currently on the study of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on health, writes Today.
Chief transplantologist of the Ministry of health of Ukraine Alexander Nikonenko explained the necessity of the adoption of such a law. "We have 7 transplantation centres ready for constant work. But cadaveric donation is practically blocked. In our country make a hundred kidney transplantations per year, one heart and 12-14 - liver. Every year in kidney transplant need more than 2,000 people, the liver is about 1000, heart - 500-700.
After the death of a person's consent to transplantation of organs should give a relative, but it is a serious psychological condition, and often refuse," he says. According to the chief transplantologist, the development of the Ukrainian draft law, the authors relied on the experience of Russia, Belarus, Italy, Austria. Thus, after the adoption of the law, all Ukrainians will be potential donors. All 2 months will explain that they may refuse the delivery of the authorities: to do so would be to write an application and include a polyclinic on a residence or send by e-mail the state service for transplantation.
This office will create a unified register of refuseniks, and will also control the work of collection agencies and search for potential donors. In hospitals will work assistants, looking for potential donors in intensive care and informing them of the centers for organs. The main risk, which the lawyers say, is defective organs for transplantation and flourishing black market in organs. The authors of the law have relied on a very strict control system, assuring that such abuses will be impossible.