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2012 год - завершения цикла пятой арийской расы!2012 - the end of the fifth cycle of the Aryan race, or a smooth transition of Mother Earth and humanity into a new dimension, or the last Judgment, through which must pass humanity.

In the prophecies of many ancient civilizations, including Sumer, Aztecs, Mayans, and others, in the esoteric literature, esoteric sites, information obtained by channeling messages received by contactees said about the forthcoming end of the fifth cycle of the Aryan race. That is, us - living descendants of Adam and eve in the space of the planet Earth, Solar system, Pleiades, the galaxies of the milky Way are part of one of the Universe, one of the Worlds of the Universe.

In statements Maya says about the end of the Fifth Sun (that is our fifth race) on December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization, most likely arrived to us from our native Pleiades, with the stars of the Maya. This civilization suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, leaving behind many mysteries.

Traditional religion, too, about the last Judgment and the End of the world, through which passes the mankind. In esoteric literature says that one cycle of rotation of our Solar system, around the Central sun of the Pleiades-Alkioni completed within 26 thousand years. After the end of each cycle the axis of the Earth is changing, and the new axis of the Earth will rotate under the new polar star. The land is completely cleared of accumulated mental and physical waste of human activity. The humankind will go through the last Judgment, i.e. holding the exam before the Almighty. 26 thousand years ago, with the completion of the next cycle on Earth lived 2 billion people, and after the last Judgment were still alive 1 million, and was later scattered abroad. And 13 thousand years ago the most advanced civilization of Atlantis went under water.

The current cycle is different from previous ones, at the same time should happen in a few cycles on the Earth in the Solar system, in our constellation of Pleiades, close to us in spirit to the star system of Sirius and Orion, our galaxy the milky Way and in our Universe. The power of Love and Light Space trying to humanity without great losses, moved into a new cycle. The transition is inevitable, no one has the right to cancel, then what is planned by God. The only way to explain to people that it is prepared for the transition, have increased the Love, got rid of dark ballast. And the forces under the influence of the forces of Darkness, trying to humanity remained forever in the dark, and served them: as an energy source. Moreover, our planet is ruled by the secret government, which is subject to this power. The appearance of many teachers in different parts of the world - North America - Drunvalo Melchesidec, South America - Jose Arguelles, Africa - teen Mares, Asia - Write Baba, Bulent Chorak, Australia - jasmuheen, Europe - auris, Kluev A.V.... the emergence of different societies and schools help humanity to realize that awaits him, how it should behave in the hardest moment it must be freed from the influence of darkness and aspire toward the Light.

The forces of darkness by advertising the illusory material world pushes mankind to save money and consumerism and increasing fear in the souls of men, to keep humanity in a strong check, make it do for them as a provider of low-frequency vibration. Mankind feels the impact of this negativity coming from structures working for the forces of darkness. Becoming conscious of the Divine creation, can save humanity from the traps set by these forces. In its history, not just getting under the influence of these forces of humanity,insulted humiliated, killed-the messengers of God. The impact of these forces on our planet is very huge. They push the human race, that it has made the world in a landfill mental and physical waste, barbaric way of squandering the resources of Mother Earth turning it on likeness of Mars is a dead planet.

Today maroodi NASA swim in its reddish - brown expanse looking for signs of life. For esoteric information 50 thousand years ago, Mars was a habitable planet. The militancy of the inhabitants of Mars put an end to the fate of our neighbor. The descendants of the Martians on the Land lot, their distinguishing feature, to solve everything by force. According to the information of aliens from Sirius B a secret government Land, comprising 2500 richest families of the planet long ago with the help of falling into their hands aliens - aliens, who are held in secret military base Americans - "area 51" built ships, which can easily run between Mars and Earth. On behalf of the secret government - NASA has created a secret Land government and members of their families underground cities on Mars. When on Earth will begin disasters they will immediately move to a neighboring planet, but no one can escape divine judgment, and will not save the underground city on the red planet. Message aliens from Sirius B confirms why NASA most of the materials about Mars keeps in the strict secret.

When satellites NASA recorded on Mars pyramid complex on the similarity of Egypt, NASA was trying to get information about the Martian pyramids did not get into the media, but it was too late. On the other hand, the world media, which is controlled by financial aces of the planet, seeks to ignore the information about the quantum transition of the Earth in the fourth dimension, but the billionaires secretly preparing for this cosmic event. The owners of these rich people also benefit that the majority of the Earthmen was left in darkness would serve them as a source of energy. But if they can fully or partially controlled media, the Internet is completely unable to control. The largest site in Russian NEV AGE MASTERS, will make a great contribution for the information society. Most of the information of this website is provided by our cosmic brothers, which give detailed information about the quantum transition that awaits humanity, what to do, what to watch out for us.

The transition is inevitable, it is decided that the most high, no one will be able to cancel. Scenario of transition varies from heavy terrible cataclysms until soft smooth transition. What it is, the final scenario of transition - 2012 is made at a very high cosmic level. To make the transition went smoothly without disasters, it is necessary that the energy of the society has increased, humanity must help their Love to our Mother Earth and everything that lives in it, without disasters and losses moved to another dimension.

One of the signs of the approaching transition is - the weakening of Earth's magnetic field and the increased quantities of disasters on Earth. Mother Earth herself is trying to get rid of unnecessary ballast, which reduces its energy. Mankind should take an example from our brothers dolphins and whales, which makes a huge contribution to improving energy of the Earth. Alien intelligence claims that at the level of consciousness dolphins and whales are above the human. And they were brought to us from the star system of Sirius. Dolphins and whales, as people all in a row do not destroy, and aggressive are not configured to her mother - Earth.

Mankind should help Mother Earth to the quantum transition went smoothly and it should increase the Love, and to strengthen the Unity of all that surrounds him. Only in the Love and Unity of the salvation of the Earth and earthlings. Destructive beings, on the contrary increase fear, hatred, violence, and that this transition has not performed or has ended tragically for the Earth and earthlings. They, through their media promote this way of life, where is the money, material wealth is transformed into the meaning of human existence. This Western doctrine has led to the plundering of the world's resources, and turning space Mother Earth in the sump mental and material waste. Although our cosmic brothers warned the rulers of the Earth, to stop the looting of the Earth, and in return offered safe technology that will protect the Earth from the barbarous attitude. But safe technology is not profitable financial aces planet they will remain without a source of income. Americans Vice versa with aliens from other technicalisation found a common language. First of all Americans are interested in aggressive technology, i.e. the technology of destruction. It is the Americans have created the most terrible weapon НАARР, which destroys everything.

According to experts on space contacts, ufologists, the main reason for the invasion of Americans in Iraq is not terrorism, nor the rich oil resources of Iraq, and are absolutely in a different plane. According to esoteric, mystics, specialists in secret Sciences, in our Solar system 12 planets, and neither the 9 planets, according to modern astronomy. the 12th planet in the Solar system Nibaru for 3600 years around our sun makes one revolution. It is from civilization Kunakov from the planet of Nibiru Sumerians got its extensive knowledge in various fields, from the Sumerians this knowledge received the Babylonians, Assyrians and they later spread to other cultures of the Earth. Kunakov on the territory of modern Iraq was an underground city. This underground city is supertechnology left by conacami.

Approaching the planet Nibiru is expected in the beginning of the 21st century. During the reign of Saddam Hussein's one of the ships of the planet Nibiru performing exploratory flight crashed on the territory of modern Iraq. Special services Saddam the wreck was taken away in an unknown area. Representatives of Nibiru without the permission of Saddam Hussein could not penetrate into the underground city. To extraterrestrial technology was not included in the Ruki Iraqi dictator to kunaki not agreed with Saddam, the Americans under the guise of fighting"terrorism" without the UN sanctions entered Iraq to extraterrestrial technology has got to them. According to information of some of the UFO contactees, the Americans agreed with representatives of extraterrestrial technicalisation on the exchange of technology that they are in the territory of Land behave freely. They may themselves without the permission of the Americans to act on the territory of the Land, but they don't want to break the cosmic law of non-interference. When the Americans gave permission of free actions, they will have tomorrow to answer for it before the forces of the Cosmos. Unfriendly attitude of these extraterrestrial thievishly to mankind often in the world media are observed. In turn, global media tries all visiting Earth alien civilization show only black background. This is done with a purpose.

Humanity itself is the newcomers from other star systems. Our space brothers always helped us, and unnoticed, since the appearance of the first alien monitor the human race, that it is something not done, they have not forgotten the lesson of Atlantis. The appearance of the alien ships in our space in 40 years has sharply increased. After mankind has developed and used against their fellow nuclear weapons. Often their appearance is fixed near military facilities. They know that God forbid this terrible weapon in the hands of dictators, fanatics, then our civilization and Mother Earth is nothing left. When the ship "Apollo 13" the accident happened and he couldn will pilonida, about the truth of the cause of the accident Americans were silent. Also on Board of the ship was a mini atomic bomb, the Americans wanted to try her on the moon.

"Apollo 13" constantly accompanied alien ships, and they have disabled the systems that have been associated with a dangerous weapon, and the ship itself was not able to land on the moon. 13 thousand years ago Atlantis went under water. The main reason for the catastrophe happened to this civilization was the development towards technoculture and the creation of weapons of mass destruction. When in 1969 the first man Neil amstrong set foot on the moon was waiting for the aliens, was to be held the first contact earthlings with an alien civilization, but Americans do not have allowed their astronauts to meet. The moon is the base of Sirius, they carry on their observation of the Earth and earthlings. And we are aliens from the star system of Sirius, Orion. We were referred to in the arms of Mother Earth spiritually, emotionally, and physically developed and got rid of imperil from space poison. Only the core of Mother Earth can transform the space poison into positive energy.

But now she chokes on the number of poisons that mankind has recently desearia. Instead of spiritual development of our fifth civilization - Aryan repeating the mistakes of Atlantis choosing the path of technological development zagubinoga Mother Earth, and barbarous attitude to it. Although it is for our education, for our happiness gives himself entirely, and we are his ingratitude paying a debt. The atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the noosphere of the Earth ruined to the ground. Oil and gas kings who rule our world aspire to new, safe, environmentally-friendly technology to ensure the Earthmen energy, we offer our cosmic brothers, were not introduced into life, and they would lose sources of income. Cash kings of the world through their media, films make fun of our brothers from other dimensions, showing them how terrible monsters.

Those hostile aliens, who kidnap people, teach them different experiences, it is with the permission of the financial aces of the world, engaged in this dark craft. In return, financial kings received military technology, which is widely used to destroy the kind of humanity in Iraq, in Afghanistan and other artificially created hot spots of the planet. Financial kings, imperceptibly at first involved the Soviet Union in the war in Afghanistan, that it dependent economy from oil sales have collapsed, and later disappeared himself Soviet Union, when struck the red Empire financial aces of the world through their surrogates, the oil companies a dead took power into their own hands. When their pupils the Taliban were in power in Afghanistan, under the guise of fighting terrorism entered themselves in Afghanistan, now they send different corners of the world full of military aircraft, drugs. The more chaos in the world is the better for the rich. One of the reasons why the information about contact with alien civilizations, about the quantum transition of the Earth kept a close secret, are financial magnates of our planet. They want humanity to keep in deep isolation. When mankind learns about the existence of alien civilizations, about the quantum transition of the Earth, then it can get out of control.

Do not be afraid! Fear is the main weapon of the dark forces. Fear on the contrary affects the energy of Mother Earth. Have to think about the salvation of the Soul, and no body. We need to love, to pray, to repent, and to trust in the will of God!
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