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In a frightening message Washington Times says that North Korea can destroy the United States electromagnetic pulse weapons right now and this is a deadly threat to the US. North Korea has currently ability to hit the United States this weapon.
It is extremely destructive, it is believed that 200 million Americans may suffer as a result of the attack: will be in the grip of famine and death. Two nuclear tests conducted by North Korea, is very similar to super attack electromagnetic weapons. Electromagnetic pulse weapons is "Achilles heel" of America. To such attacks, we are not ready: electric networks will be destroyed, will not have access to banking operations, or cash machines, many Americans may freeze to death, to die of hunger or disease.
North Korea now has an Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)capable of delivering nuclear weapons to the United States, as evidenced by the successful launch of the orbiting satellite 12 poorly informed pundits, trying to assure us that North Korea still need many more years to reach the ability to produce miniature warheads, and they have no missiles for delivery charges.
Actually, this country has developed a fairly accurate missiles that pose a serious nuclear threat to the United States. Philip Yoon, Director of the Ploughshares Fund of San Francisco, from the group on nuclear disarmament, reportedly said: "the Real threat from the start has caused excessive reaction, which may lead to increased defence spending on unnecessary system. The sky is not falling. We should not panic".
In fact, North Korea is a deadly nuclear threat to the United States right now.
North Korea has already successfully tested and developed nuclear weapons. It also already has a miniature nuclear weapons for ballistic missiles and their means of delivery, that is armed with nuclear missiles. In 2011, the Director of military intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess, testified at the Senate Committee on Affairs of armed forces that North Korea has nuclear warheads for ballistic missiles.