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Дольмены: стол, за которым пирует тайнаGreat archaeological discoveries still happen. Who knows, maybe after Troy and in the Valley of the pyramids of the pharaohs third largest event in the world of archaeology will soon be considered dolmen complex in the valley of the river Janet near Gelendzhik. To remember everything!

What we remember about the world, when he was young? What we know about the dolmens? They were already here when the quarries of Egypt only had to cut first blocks for future pyramids, on the Grand place Babylon desert wind was still kicking the sand, and even to the biblical flood remained for a Millennium. These stone houses with holes in the front for two centuries excite the minds of the academic world. Dolmens are common in the band coasts of the Far East and through the Caucasus and the Mediterranean reach the coast of Africa. The most ancient peoples of the Earth do not remember who and why they were built. Write funny stories of dwarfs who lived in the dolmens, rode hares and ate grass juice. Or hungry giants, whose memory they got its name: the Celtic language "stone table" - tolmen. There are more questions than answers

The builders of the dolmens barely out of the stone age, but these were not savages in the animal skins. They were led by the possibilities of the lever, they were close to opening secrets dome construction. The architects, who investigated on the example of dolmens Janet initial history of the dispensation, were amazed at the ingenuity of ancient architects, the ingenious simplicity is very complicated construction problems.

For example, built in the zone of active seismic dolmen at the first earthquake was to crumble like a house of cards. However, during its long history the dolmens successfully survived thousands of aftershocks. The secret lies in the uniqueness of its modular design, the Millennium has anticipated computer-designed schema modern panel building. Another lesson taught by the ancient builders, - storm drainage and diversion of flows of water that worked with much more robust and efficient than the present. Dolmens river Janet will help clarify some of these mysteries ancient history. Each of them sharply differ on the architectonics of its parts, construction technology, the sacred character of patterns and ornaments. For the present researchers from different fields of scientific knowledge, they are concentrated experience of formation of early humanity.

Median dolmen, composed of huge stone blocks, each weighing tens of tons, with majestic portal, on which is carved the image of the gate. Western dolmen with art and elegance house of cards imaginatively composed of carefully fitted units. This type of design is now found in eskimo igloos, gates, that in the North are made of chopped snow bricks. Finally, Eastern dolmen, masonry which creates a nearly perfect circle. Archaeologists have found that the blocks and plates for these dolmens were dug out of rock and delivered here on top of a hill, 600 - 700 meters. Each dolmen rests on a powerful platform of stone blocks, it was built in the calculation of the century...? No, dolmen designed for Eternity. The Holy place is never empty

Here at dolmen complex river Janet, this proverb gets sad ambiguity. If the place of science for a long time remains vacant, his fast is, at best, superstition, in the worst - vandalism. The absolute majority of the dolmens that resisted the onslaught of thousands of years, has not sustained human greed. They robbed marauders different centuries and tribes, blew up the ignorance of our contemporaries, the builders of the "new world".

Famous dolmen in Dzhubga, on the wall of which archeologists found unique petroglyphs, according to local historians, had visited and the hen-house, and room for steaming fodders. And it is a happy fate for dolmen - he survived. At a very rough estimate, over the last century lost half of dolmens, and today their number does not exceed one thousand. The exact figure is not known by anybody.

Powerful modern technology multiplies the destructive power of our ignorance. Many of the dolmens were crushed stone in the Foundation of the interstate, some were pillaged by tractors on a separate plate, which went to the capital construction of garages and stone sheds. Recently enterprising people find them a new application. Last year on pages of local and Federal mass media were publications about the blatant crime in the Criminal code qualifies as a "cultural vandalism".

Local entrepreneur POSADSKOGO rural district of Gelendzhik destroyed five dolmens. Tractors ofrelevant them from the depths of the forest close to the motorway and from what remained after the barbaric transportation, collected two dolmen-remake. Here he purposed to create excursion object and to earn on it money. "Smart" entrepreneur was surprised, when it was polite, but very smart people from the police. - What crime, you know?! - sincerely he asked the investigator. - Each year, these dolmens, and the death of many - hollow water, tree roots, mudslides. No-one answers! But instead of every year, perhaps as much as dolmens find again. This seemingly prosperous accounting balance - how many disappeared, the same was found for science and culture does not need anyone to calm down. Such a zero balance for our history can lead to absolute zero.

That's just one example: 40 years ago in the Tuapse district was discovered podsolenny dolmen with underground passage, however, already looted. It was a sensation for dolmanova all over the world - this type of megalithic monuments find ever. This outstanding archaeological discovery has received the name "Pshenko-1". His study could shed light on the formation of the early beginnings of religious consciousness. The findings helped to restore the stages of its long history. First it was the burial cult of the hero - leader or warrior.

Over time it has become a place of worship, then the grave was built a temple built a mound. Over time, forms of worship was complicated, the Church received additional functions, and in later history, have become more and ancient Observatory. But this spectacular archaeological story is still not clarified, not completely studied and enriched our knowledge about the past. For the past quarter century he is on preservation, and simply put, covered with gravel to protect him from tribes of modern barbarians, the homeless or wild tourists. In the valley of the river Janet on the territory of 100 hectares is located two dozen dolmens and about a thousand hills. Today it is one of the most popular excursion objects of the coast, which is visited by a season of more than 40 thousand tourists. And here in 1997 started the Western Caucasus archeological expedition of the Institute of history of material culture of the Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).

Under the leadership of commander Victor Trifonov scientists already 15 years conduct field research temple complex, but work on its restoration and preservation. They prepared the project on creation of natural and archaeological reserve ' Valley of Janet" and Russia's first archaeological Park. This will allow not only to preserve the unique monument of ancient Russian history, but also to create in the valley Janet tourist center of international class. Candidate of historical Sciences Victor Trifonov not just smiled archaeological luck, and he was the first after the builders dolmen took out the stone the cork from the hole in his chariot.

Every time he found in dolmen what archaeologists already knew and that was supposed, - the remains of the buried person, decorations, tableware and objects funerary cult. But, according to archaeologists, the uniqueness of the dolmens Janet that it is a single burial and temple complex, a kind of sacred place for the tribes that lived in this part of the coast. There they offered sacrifices to the gods, and offered up to the sky prayers, created a funeral and the court.

This is evidenced by the sacrificial altar, was found near the dolmen, a collection dolmen bushings, exhibited in the exposition of the historical Museum of Gelendzhik. And the subject of the painting of the artist, Taube from the collection of the Museum plays the smallest details of funeral rite. ...History is not a boring textbook of school book, and the book of problems on higher mathematics of the previous life of mankind. Book of problems, which has no answers at the end. This is particularly well understood, left eye to eye with the dolmens.

Alexander Recede
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