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Breaking the cerebral circulation, stroke also damages and brain cells, disrupting the adequacy of human and sometimes even leading to his death. Contrary to popular belief, that the stroke attacks mainly men, scientists also were seen frequent cases of stroke among women, which kills far more people than cancer of a dairy gland.
As discovered by Japanese scientists from Osaka University, the daily use of a soda can also cause a stroke. The observations were carried out for 19 years and have been studied women who were daily drink at least a glass of soda. Their observations showed that 83% of them suffered from coronary heart disease compared to those that did not use soda. Were selected 40 thousand participants with age from 40 to 59 years. Doctors daily fixed indicators of their health. During the whole experiment in 2000 participants had a stroke.
Exploring the men, it was noted that they are more resistant to malicious shipuchka. According to the scientists, men were not observed this relationship with hemorrhagic stroke, or cardiovascular system. But this does not mean that they can eat soda in unlimited quantity. According to women-experts, representatives of the male half strictly prohibited any kind of carbonated drinks.
For reference:
The reason of the ischemic stroke is blockage of the vessel by a blood clot and embolism. In 85% of cases of destruction of stroke is due to the fact that the clot gets in the brain and blocks blood flow. As scientists have identified and women and men have risk factors single, it can be transmitted hereditary (genetic history), diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the high content of red blood cells in the bloodstream, as well as Smoking and alcohol abuse. But there are a few specific "women's" risk factors, women taking oral contraceptives with migraines and pregnant women, who have a risk of increased blood pressure.