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Archaeologists discovered the tomb of the legendary Queen Maya Cable, wife of the ruler of the city-state of Calakmul. According to historians, this woman played a much more significant role in the management of their people and the Kingdom than her husband the king Kinic Balam II. She was an outstanding military leader, its glory was more men survived the Queen.
In the North-West of Guatemala on the territory of the Department of Peten (Pet?n) discovered the tomb containing the remains of the Queen of the Mayan people. Archeologists assume, that it lived in the seventh century A.D. the Queen by the name of Cable (K'abel). The Queen Maya was the honorary title Kalomt'e or Kaloomte - translated as "the Supreme warrior", so in the hierarchy of the Queen stood above her Royal spouse Kinic Balam (K'inich Bahlam). Distinguished for his excellent health Calotte Cable rules about 20 years and lived to a ripe old age.
Near the burial found a small vessel from alabaster head of an elderly woman. Dismantling the text - four marked on the vessel character - managed to learn the name of the ruler of the Empire of Vake. Head of the excavation, American anthropologist David Freidel (David Freidel from Washington University, said that this is the first tomb of the ruler of the Maya, whose name was able truly to install. Was previously found a portrait of the Queen depicted on the stele 34, which dates back to 692 year - classic period Maya.
The tomb is sacred to the Mayans place on 11-meter depth in the main Church of the ancient city of El Peru Waka (El Peru-Waka - but found her in June 2012, almost by accident. Excavations here have been conducted since 2003. Archaeologists paid attention to ground subsidence near leading to the temple stairs and knew that under the ground can be emptiness - as it turned out. The burial was found painted ceramic vessels, ornaments made of jade, knives and residues from other carvings.
According to experts, the burial of tsarina testify that the ruler was popular even after the change of the ruling dynasty. In the words of Frades, "the very location of the burial confirm the assumptions of scientists about the important role played by Calotte Cable in the history of the Maya". The name El Peru Mayan city received when it is opened in the last century. According found here inscriptions, in ancient times the city was called Waka.
Historians suggest that the Queen Cable rule the city-state Calakmul (Calakmul). The inhabitants of this region are often had to engage in clashes with powerful sovereigns El Sots (El Zotz) and Empire Tikal. It is likely that in VII century the Cable commanded the army that waged a bitter struggle against strong opponents.
Scientists still aren't sure exactly what role played by women in the Mayan culture. At first, they assumed that in Maya society ruled only by men, since most of the illustrations of that time depicted representatives of the stronger sex. However, some burial refute this point of view and prove the fact that ladies here, sometimes occupied a very important position. According found here epitaphs, Kalmte Cable played a much more important role than her husband the king Kinic Balam II. Both ruled from 672 in 692 years. However, the glory of tsarina was more men and survived her. The existing image of the ruler made after her death.
What do we know about who is Cynic-Kan-balls II (this is his Royal name)? It's eldest son, Kinich-Kanab-pakalya I. ish-Zakbu-Ahab can balls ascended the throne in nearly 50 years of age. Despite the short reign, he was one of the greatest rulers of the Kingdom Bacale ("the Place of bones"). Can balls II ordered to build the famous temple "Group cross" Temples of the cross, Deciduous cross and the Sun. It was also completed the sarcophagus of his father and his majestic tomb - Temple of the Inscriptions.
The Board Kan-Balam II dated most mythological and dynastic texts from Palenque (the most important city of Bacale Lakomka - "Big Water", better known archaeological name Palenque), which is the most valuable source of knowledge about the religious-mythological and ideological views of the ancient Maya.
In 690 year in honor of the rare astronomical event connections in the sky Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and the moon can balls held a ritual and sanctified Cynic-cook-Nah - "House Scorching Quetzal". Two years later, Kang-balls conducted a ceremony of consecration of three temples in the "Group cross": VAK-Chan-Ahab the King of the Sixth Heaven, known to archaeologists as the Temple of the cross), canal-Nah ("Tortilla House" - the Temple of Deciduous cross) and Cynic-Passes (Searing Sunrise" - temple of the Sun). Between 692 and 695 years Bacale suffered a major defeat in the war with Popo, six vassal Kan-Balam II kings were captured.