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Supermen from the White house. In every Hollywood film-catastrophe main role is played by the US President, who wisely and quickly solves all problems. With on-screen leaders of the state, everything is clear: they finger in your mouth better not to put - bite, but how to be with the presidents of these? As, for example, Ronald Reagan, the great, by the way, the fan of aliens, had dealt with the attack UFO, say, Mars? Probably about such thoughts were guided by the producers of the TV channel National Geographic Channel, when you decided to have an unusual survey. 1114 Americans were asked the same question: who of the two candidates to better cope with the alien invasion? Barack Obama trust seems to be more. Two out of three (64%) of respondents gave preference to him rather than MITT Romney.
So, November 6, Americans should vote for Obama, even in order to save them from bloodthirsty alien.
The attitude of Mr. Obama to aliens unknown. The minimum information on this issue, more, though, like a joke, can be obtained from the may interview will Smith Radio 1. He said that his son, Jayden, who starred in the movie "the Day the Earth stood still (2008), asked the President about aliens during tours of the White house.
"I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of aliens - gave Smith words of Barack Obama, but can tell you that if the White house was held a meeting on aliens, it would have taken place in this room."
A survey of National Geographic also found that more than 80 million Americans believe in the existence of UFOs. 11% of respondents assure that saw a UFO, and another 20% know people who saw them. Almost 8 out of 10 think that the authorities hold information about a space ship in secret from the people, and more than half are convinced that in the depths of the government, there is the organization, similar to the one shown in the film "Men in black".
Some experts predict that the alien invasion would require a very strong and tough actions. At the same time, U.S. residents explicitly configured complacent and do not mind the "soft" invasion, considering aliens kind and lovely little creatures type speleloskog hero "Alien".
For four years the attitude of ufologists of Obama has changed for the better. In 2008, the political action Committee on extraterrestrial phenomena supported the election of a candidate for presidency from the Democratic party Hillary Clinton. At the same about the time Mrs. Clinton accused Obama is that he is not ready to the so-called "call in three hours of the night", that is to emergency situations such as invasion of aliens.
The white house and the aliens
Support ufologists Hillary Clinton is quite understandable, because they think that then-Senator from the state of new York, and now Secretary of state to some extent, "their". It is known that during the first election campaign husband she had secretly met with the medium Jean Houston, and during a seance in the Solarium White house in 1995 plunged into this trance, and for some time became the channel for spirits Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.
But of course, the biggest fan of supernatural phenomena, including visitors from outer space was the predecessor bill Clinton, the 40th President Ronald Reagan. Only after his departure from the White house it became known that the strongest man on Earth and his wife were literally obsessed with astrology and constantly consulted with fortune tellers. And not only on minor issues, but also on very important business.
Faith Reagan in horoscopes explained by the fact that Soviet-American agreement on the destruction of nuclear missiles with a medium range, was signed on December 8, 1987, not in the morning or in the evening, and exactly at 13.30. Even his inauguration as Governor of California on January 2, 1967 it on the advice of an astrologer was postponed for 10 minutes and started at 12.10.
Learning that bought them with his wife friends house in Bel-Ayr has the number "666", Reagan immediately ordered to remake all architectural plans and maps and fix it on "668".
Advisers Ronald Reagan sometimes made Herculean efforts to hide from the Americans strange to the leader of the strongest powers of the world of Hobbies. Special staff out for climbed to protect chef from communicating with children and students, because Reagan was always very Frank conversations with the younger generation and was able to blurt out too much.
This also had to do and former U.S. Secretary of state Colin Powell, who worked in the Reagan national security adviser. He had to ensure that the President is not touched upon in the speeches of his favorite theme is "green people" and threatening the Earth the invasion of aliens.
If Ronald Reagan just loved to talk about green men, and of their attack, Dwight Eisenhower, argue quite serious (at least by appearance) people, who met with them. And not once, but three times!
The meeting of the 34th President of the USA with the aliens occurred at the military air base Edwards in California in February 1954, says the writer Timothy good, at one time worked as a consultant in Congress and the Pentagon.
Eisenhower then rested in palm springs. He FBI agents met through telepathic messages. President Eisenhower, like Reagan, was sure that on other planets there is a life, and, probably, therefore took a very energetic participation in the development of space program of the USA.
The first meeting was with the aliens, in appearance similar to northerners. However, the agreement, the attempt to organize the exchange of technologies, Dwight Eisenhower signed with representatives of another alien race - "grey aliens".