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The reason of accident in the Kuban - the flood. The scale of the tragedy is a consequence of the human factor. The victims could be much less if the population notification was properly conducted. And this story would not be at all, if the responsible person in advance concerned technical condition of hydraulic structures.
Experts for several years already sounding the alarm - wear-Soviet legacy (not important, are you talking about airplanes, ships, mines or dams) has reached the limit and man-made disasters will increase. The authorities, in General, and not argue. But things are there. And this, perhaps, our main tragedy.
Can we blame the disaster that occurred in Krymsk? According to the coordinator of the program "Climate and energy" world wildlife Fund Alexey Kokorin, natural disaster always comes unexpectedly, suddenly, it does not predicted and is not presumed. And in this case a storm warning was, a few hours before the flood. But in Russia in General has a serious system error - ignoring storm warnings of Roshydromet. That is one side. On the other, a certain weakness of the Roshydromet, which does not dare to insist. According to Kokorin, the element of blame at 80%, the remaining 20% gave the dam (legal and illegal), clogged storm drains and the like.
The climate is now generally became nervous. And it's not that precipitation is more or less; on the average they are the same, but the fall they became otherwise unevenly: instead of a dozen small dozhdikov - two heavy rain. Every Russian city is waiting in the shower", experts warn. And no matter what it is -, heat waves, "freezing rain" or hurricane. Need to adapt to climate change, to develop standards for the construction of roads, houses and complex technical constructions in accordance with the new realities. But the trouble is that while in Russia even on the maintenance of old regulations money is not. Although in the same Krymsk modernization of dams probably would cost less than forthcoming recovery in the region.
Poor situation with financing of objects in the electricity sector are increased by the privatization, believes the Chairman of the state Duma Committee on energy, Ivan Grachev. We are talking about trillions of rubles. To collect the money from the population is impossible. Private investor such amounts also to invest will not, because in the modern Russian business is not planned at 40 - 50 years. And this is the term necessary for the development of projects in this sphere. So reconstruction of dams and similar structures is a matter of state, and in the budget at the Federal level is necessary to secure appropriate funding. And further privatization guarantees such catastrophes, I am sure Grachev.