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Конец света придумали в ЦРУThe issue of the possible end of the world, which according to the Mayan calendar should occur on December 21 this year, replaced with the world agenda of almost all the other news. Serious Newspapers and TV programs, scholars and fortune-tellers, even politicians are seriously discussing the news.

And, o God, the chief health officer G. Onishchenko said that rumors hurt the health and their distributors must be judged. DM. Medvedev said confidently that the end will not, but he is many.

Antonov also failed to bypass hot theme party and addressed to the most professional researcher of the Maya civilization, a pupil of the great Yuri Knorozov, Director of the Mesoamerican center RSUH, Director of the Russian-Mexican cultural centre for science and culture Professor Galina ERSHOVA.

The end of the world in a scientific way

Galina Gavrilovna, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reassured the international community: the end of the world, they say, will not, and will the New year. But people are still worried. So predicted insidious Maya on December 21, 2012?

- Guarantee that the world will not end. The new year we will be happy to meet - it is sacred.

- Went where these rumors?

- I clearly the impression that it is a political project. What was done last years? Violation of the territorial boundaries of all agreements and conventions after the Second world war and the global redistribution of power in favor of the United States. The events in Yugoslavia, Iran, Afghanistan, the middle East. America has started to implement the "Monroe doctrine" (Declaration of principles of U.S. foreign policy "America for Americans". - Approx. "EN") outside their continent. And quite clearly traced that to distract public attention in the media putting plots to stir up mass hysteria. And society, in response to the Millennium or the end of the world, prefers not to notice that the division of the world.

The cynicism of politicians of the New and the Old world is so monstrous that recalls the words of Goebbels: "The far more monstrous than the lie, the more readily believe it."

- Distraction from the main...

- Yes. All world events are held under the smokescreen of hysteria. Interestingly, the rumor that the Mayans predicted the end of the world, it is from the USA. The panel with the calendar text (part of it stole the Americans) in the town of Tortuguero was discovered in 1958. By the 1970 years texts were read, and all leading researchers were aware that this calendar table. And notice, any excitement was not. And suddenly some American in 2000, when finished with hysteria around the Millennium, who called himself an expert on the letter of the Maya, said that coming day of judgment. In fact, this "expert" was an alcoholic and a professional artist in the expedition. Then it was given a spirit Maya", she stopped drinking and started interpretation of letters of the Maya. Brad classic. First to her words nobody listened, but then it took a smokescreen. And brad began to quote the entire world's media.

After 21 December hysterics quietly disappear and gradually there will be new ideas, again to untie their hands, give new "peace prize". Weep want from these "Mironescu".

Diapers for hysterics

Americans believe their media. As Pushkin said, "I am glad to be deceived". But why do we, Russians, are cheated so many times, do you?

- All believe. In the early twentieth century in Russia was a scientific school, which was founded by the outstanding Russian scientist-psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev, was his article in which he wrote about mass hysteria. For a century in man, nothing has changed. Therefore, such history (or hysteria) and run to the masses. They immediately picked up, because in every society there are people with unstable mentality, which begin to see things which are not, or commonplace to lay in the framework of the next hearing. And hysteria, as you know, is contagious. Moreover, anyone who, by aiming his psychosis waiting for the aliens, will never see the spirits of the underworld. And Vice versa.

Everything goes according to one scheme, but on a new level. With the development of the media, and then and the Internet hysteria is covered by more and more people. Some psychopaths will go myself to dig caves, other diapers store, and without candle is no end of the world to imagine just can't.

Stone manuscripts do not burn

- What is the Mayan calendar?

- Any calendar is an account of time. But as it writes the man is on paper or on tables of stone is not important. Maya similarly left account, noted some event and in what number it happened. Or will happen. So it would be better to say that this is not the calendar, and a calendar entry. Astronomers are priests of Maya wanted to show his superiority over the crowds. To calculate where there will be a planet in a thousand years, it's cool. And the inscription on the monument 6 of Tortuguero, because of which started all the hysterics, says that the large end of the 13th cycle will happen on December 21, 2012. And begins a new (first) cycle. Calculations can be carried out endlessly. This is pure mathematics.

- What is the difference with our usual calendar?

- We have traditionally goes to count years. And within a year or months and days. And Maya were an absolute counting the days from August 13, 3114 B.C. Familiar to us of years they had been. And inside was introduced some clarifying the indicators for the phase of the moon for example. Or interesting positions of the various planets in the sky. This stroke simply specify a specific date. Therefore, the date of the end of the round cycle - December 21, 2012 shows that the planet Mars begins on this day its reverse the movement in the sidereal period of revolution. This day more nothing special will happen.

"So why this date was tied tantrum?

- There is such a thing as a "cycle of precession vibrations of the Earth." Our planet is spinning like a very slow spinning top, and the earth's axis describes circles, like the tip of the top, one revolution about 26 thousand years. During this time, the point of sunrise on days of equinoxes and solstices bypasses all zodiacal constellation, number 13. Going through each of them in about 2 thousand years. All known prophecies on the transition of the Sun in the constellation the constellation was appointed the coming of Christ, the end of the world, a flood. Net astronomy, nothing personal. Maya watched the same thing. And realized that the Sun will begin at this time to go to a different constellation.

But to calculate the date, you need certain scientific knowledge.

For science said the priests, who knew a lot more than the average graduate of the modern school, where astronomy now generally not taught. The priests gradually divided by the doctors, the ideologues, the clergy and scientists. We now call them "the priests-astronomers". Of course, they did not observe the sky through a telescope. But the Maya were such amazing things as underground caves with a vertical stem. And the reflection of the Sun on the floor of the cave was to mark the point - in what position it is in. Consequently, it is possible to observe and to do calculations.

"How many records classic Maya?

- Preserved a great number of texts in different media: walls, sculptures, objects of small plastic. In addition, three manuscripts Maya on paper from the bark of the aspidistra in European libraries: in Dresden, Paris and Madrid. In Europe already knew how to keep the ancient manuscripts. And in the tropics all rotted away or eaten by insects. The Maya every year there was a feast, during which they either restored manuscripts, patched, or after correspondence destroyed.

Communion Tolstoy

- In many Hollywood films Maya appear bloody tyrants that at the slightest pretext and without it bring human sacrifice...

- It was quite a rare thing. The sacrifice they were treated as "sending a messenger". Many Nations on earth and still believe that the soul is either in the blood or in the flesh of a man. When the body dies, the soul is released and goes out into other spaces. And then revived in the descendant of the deceased. The sacrifice was an act of liberation of the soul, so she went to the divine ancestors and would carry to them the news of what is happening.

Partly the same idea - the liberation of the soul, which with a message has ascended to God the father, embodied the crucifixion of Christ. But the Eucharist is the same absolutely clear ritual cannibalism. But believers do not see, and not perceive, and do not want to accept. For them it is a sacrilege. Although this was mentioned by Leo Tolstoy.

Is excommunicated from the Church...

- Naturally. As for man, the destruction of its dogmas, its model of the world is very dangerous. If it is broken, the man is one against all. And you can understand ideologues of all States who wish to stay for a population model of the world - the most important for the state. Therefore, the ideology of fighting all the rulers. Those are my "favorite" Americans are taught that only they bear democracy inferior peoples. And all should gratefully clap - thank you!

- "Democrats" the British, too, was carrying his only right opinion Indians in a New Light.

- Call the number of killed Indians "for democracy - 11 million. Although not very clear how such a precise figure. But indeed, in the US were destroyed almost all the Indians. Few were able to escape to Canada. "Democratically" killed everyone, including women, old people, children. Those who survived, gotdachas in the form of reservations, a reduction of taxes.

- Why conquistadors were able to destroy the Mayan civilization?

- For several reasons. Maya, although he knew the wheel, but did not use animal traction. Even wars between them were in the nature of short-term raids because of the impossibility of ensuring the normal stuff. No firearms. Processing of metals knew, but not used, except for jewellery and religious articles.

- A system of government?

- This problem Maya appeared in the X century. Then invaded hungry neighbors - Toltec. They began to kill the ruling elite. And the rigid control system is not allowed to organize active resistance. Their resting on our laurels stopped power in mobility, development, ability to respond to new threats. And the inability to change for the state is a sign of dying. Maya very clearly showed.

- Very important for our country today...

"But in the TWELFTH century, after the assimilation of the Toltec, begins a new revival of the Mayan civilization. Fresh blood, experience, loss of old ideals and formation of new helped to build a more mobile state with a more flexible management system. But did not. Unable to seriously oppose the Spaniards. Victims of the warring sides were enormous. And not only from weapons. Conquistadors brought new diseases to which the Indians had no immunity. The Spaniards also mowed dengue fever, malaria and other delights. Cheap great geographical discoveries never been given.

"Arguments of the Week", Alexander CHUIKOV
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