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The desire of many people to finally open to mankind the truth about UFOs and possible contacts earthlings with aliens, most of us ordinary people initially provide some ulterior motive. And this is not our fault. For more than half a century we were told that we alone in the universe, and the appearance of any UFO brought to anomalous atmospheric phenomena, comets or meteorological probes.
The subject of UFO's and aliens was considered not only absurd, it was banned by governments. And those who insisted that actually saw extraterrestrial flying objects, or aliens, often went behind the lattice of psychiatric hospitals or were missing.
However, in recent years people who were somehow connected with the most secret projects, revealing the secrecy becomes more and more. Those of them, who are over 70 - one common theme: they don't want to carry with him to the grave knowledge and facts that belong to all earthlings. But among them not less people, often carrying or wearing high rank or holding a high state position, motives are more specific and, most importantly, the sense of urgency. They try to warn humanity about the impending Earth danger.
What is the danger? Of course, one would think that they do so on somebody's instruction. We can assume that somewhere behind them, at the highest level is not clear to us, cunning political game or is preparing a new mass psychological treatment in order to intimidate the population of the planet. But it could also be that the information coming from these persons, truthful, and the motive is quite sincere. Facts and evidence last more than doubt.
In 1993 a UFO, public and political figure, scientist Dr. Steven Greer has collected the first meeting of the organization, later called "Disclosure Project" ("the Disclosure Project"). The meeting was attended by the officers of the Pentagon and US intelligence, NASA officials and scientists. These people bravely agreed to testify on questions of UFOs and contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. In 2001, the organization had over 400-tons of people. Its first meeting at the X conference created the National Press Club, legally opened on April 10, was covered by us media.
The conference sent a formal letter to George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress to demand to give publicity to information about UFO, secret projects weapons in space and negotiations with aliens public. Together with letters were sent a 500-page memorandums with the documents and material evidence, and also a 4-hour video. The organization of opening and activities of the Press Club crossed the U.S. border and has an international character. In addition to its permanent members, today it has a population of several thousand people.
In April, 2008 took place the regular conference of the National Press Club in Washington. It was attended by over 400 witnesses and former members of the secret projects connected with UFOs and aliens. From the high podium in the presence of the media spoke high military officers, former officers of the special services of different countries, including Russia, and also scientists and engineers from NASA, doctors. Shockingly interesting presentations was made by the former Minister of Defence of Canada Sex Hellier. The subject of his speech was the promulgation of facts of the contacts earthlings with aliens. This is not the first statement of the Floor on this subject, however, to prepare the public, he began his speech with a joke:
- If you had my mother was alive, he believed would my every word (as I believe, the mother of his young children when they are making their first tales - author) My father is a realist would say, "don't know what you're talking about." Nice joke, but tonight was not the night of humor. We are moving towards the complete destruction of our planet and don't do anything to stop this process. A few decades ago, aliens from other planets warned us that in our development we are moving in the wrong direction and offered help. But we, or rather some of us took their visits and advice, as a threat and decided to shoot first and ask questions later. In the inevitable result, many of our planes were destroyed during the attack, many in the attack of the alien. Scary to think about the number of fighters we have lost on their own stupidity.
Robert Smith, the first canadian, which entered into negotiations with aliens, asked them why they destroyed our aircraft. In response, he said, he heard the following: "We did not expect that your pilots will show such a colossal stupidity in a vain attempt to break through comprehensive, protective field our ship." They explained to Robert that when hit in complex magnetic field metals lose their molecular property and falling apart. Since then the aliens are struggling to stay away from our aircraft in order to avoid unnecessary casualties.
However, some of our (earth - auth.) military leaders felt that much more important to save us nuclear superiority, despite the fact that because of it, all of us can erase from the face of the earth than to take seriously the hint of superior beings. Our military has shown himself to be full of paranoid. At first they asked the newcomers to share some of their technologies, and then tried to use these same technologies to combat the aliens, instead invite them in a friendly partnership for the further development of our civilization.
The problem is that according to the official American policy, UFOs do not exist. Such a policy must be stopped. The curtain of secrecy should be lifted before it is too late. Funny that the USA are ready to start costly wars against countries which, ostensibly, have found weapons of mass destruction at the time, both on your own back yard long ago hiding weapons of mass destruction unprecedented force. Funny that the USA are asking taxpayers billions on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan at that time, as has already spent trillions of dollars to the processing, introduction of extraterrestrial technologies, including the production of weapons for these technologies. It is billions of billions of dollars, about which know neither the Congress nor the Supreme Commander of the country.
Informative not prepared listener of such performance would seem that Mr. Heller either mad, or in his old age he decided to entertain the audience. Indeed, it is difficult to say what is the purpose to tell mankind that even Heller called brad and inventiveness of people with over-developed imagination. Lee says former Defense Minister of Canada the truth? If Yes, then why? Is it because we actually crossed the critical line irreversibility of natural processes on Earth and is unable to help themselves, without the intervention of the Supreme extraterrestrial civilizations?
Before trying to find the answers, will return to Earth. According to the information provided by Dr. Stephen Greer, the founder of the project "Opening" and Press Club, one day, White House correspondent Sarah Mclindon asked President bill Clinton's why he doesn't take steps to warn mankind the truth about UFOs. Clinton said literally the following:
- Sarah, inside the U.S. government there is one government and I don't control.
"Sorry, " asked Mac Lyndon, except the Supreme Commander, who, in fact, keeps his finger on the nuclear button, has no right to know what his subordinates?
- It is better not to know.
The President's answer was categorical, giving to understand that the topic is not subject to further discussion.
It is for certain known fact that Clinton was not the first President who knew about the secret government in the United States government and does not want to take. Or couldn't. Therefore, the destiny of all mankind is totally dependent on a relatively small group of people. What if the desire of these people to subdue the world has passed in a stage strongest paranoia that, in addition to the introduction of a single world government, they have simultaneously decided to compete with the universe?!
Is it possible that a warning of the representatives of some more advanced civilization is in fact a threat to the whole mankind? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. For tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of years aliens watched our planet, however, did not interfere in the processes of development of modern civilization. The number of attempted attacks on flying objects Soviet, American planes and missiles in most ended in defeat humans, although there have been several cases where Russians and Americans managed to shoot down a UFO. All the evidence suggests that the alien technologies is many times stronger than the earth, and physical, mental and psychological development is ahead on earth several thousand years.
There are facts based on evidence of officers of the military intelligence services of the USA and the former USSR, and other special services, which many minded readers are considered, as appropriate: prevent the aliens were not always verbal. Several times their warning was purely practical. The war on the basis of the Cuban conflict between the USSR and the USA not started not because both sides have shown the maximum prudence and common sense. It is not started, so to speak, for technical reasons: some Russian and American nuclear warheads to the moment of readiness № 1 turned out to be nuclear-free, and electronics in the starting devices missiles abouteih parties whose codes have already been recruited to start off.
The point is that nuclear charges within the warheads were neutralized. Duty Geiger counters installed on the ready to launch rocket bases of the USSR and the USA showed a momentary drop of radiation to almost zero. That was the warning of the aliens, which would be worried zealous military commanders. However, the parties rather thought on each other than the intervention of a third party. Perhaps this is why in 1961, the USA and the USSR stopped nuclear testing, declaring a moratorium of three years.
One more indirect evidence of the incident is that since 1964 the Soviet Union started scientific research neutralize nuclear charge. It is also known from the original that none of the countries did not achieve success in this field. Approximately in 1985 scientific research in Russia was stopped.