Viewings: 7929

Part one. The Sky Astana
I moved from Almaty to Astana. For several years had not once to move and I noticed some matches after some miracles in heaven my planned relocation necessarily implemented. And without these heavenly signs, nothing comes out with change of place of residence or work.
For the first time, near the shop "Meeting", sitting in his apartment on the 5th floor, accidentally looked at the sky, as it was approaching storm. The sky was gloomy appeared dark fog. It rained. Now and then around my sector surveillance burst of lightning. As always, when this state of nature, the atmosphere becomes ominous, it is felt even through the glass window. Just a little longer, a moment - and I would have hid myself, would go from the kitchen into the hall, wrapped up would be a bed on the couch... But something stopped: right on me, wherever I looked, over the rooftops saw horizontal lightning, which drew a square on a dark, leaden sky erupted this rectangle with sides equal - behind this cut I saw blithely blue sky and then, through this box has left the plane. Dumbfounded, I looked at this square that after the exit of the plane immediately disappeared. The sky suddenly began to grow light, and it was somewhere in the spring, at 17 o'clock in the evening.
Then the events in my life changed dramatically, a series of household events completely captured my family and had no time to look at the heavens.
I moved in Lesnaya Polyana", on the outskirts of Astana, by the way, near the airport. Not by accident in the sky showed the plane? And in a new place very much liked everything: steppe, lesochki. In one of the beautiful summer storm began. Lightning here and there. It was scary and exciting. There was a feeling of freshness, but the storm was desperately strong and, because no one was going out, even Shuttle bus from the city drove all the inhabitants of microdistrict directly to the entrance of the multi-storey house.
After work, and even in such rain fall, I decided to go to sleep early, and all the everyday things left in the early morning. But 2-3 hours a night had to Wake up from the bright stars in the sky. Was and night, and at the same time rumbled lightning, from time to time all lighting around. And very far away, in the village of Malinovka river, where today is a Museum-monument to the victims of the Stalin era - ALGERIA (the GULAG, but only for wives party workers of the USSR), I saw something out of the ordinary: in a few minutes one and the same point shot lightning with a very regular frequency - via 2-20 seconds they were repeated and repeated. I'm even tired to watch. Unable to bear such a literal lightning attack, I went to bed. But this vision was engraved in my memory forever. The sight I saw for the first time in my life, and it wouldn't let me leave, worried, something vague within, in the soul tormented. Then it occurred to me that perhaps nature itself so cleared. GULAG is so many tears for several decades, despair tens of thousands of people and nature disodium countryside. It is possible that the concentration camps of the Nazis, now museums, nature, night, so cleaning out - with fire and sword, that is, lightning, adding ozone?..
In the same place as many lightning! Perhaps this is some rational being sent? Versions can be many, but it is obvious that only the mind can clean a contaminated site in the energy plan, provided that... owned by the method of management of lightning. Maybe it UFOs, alien alien ship? I have no answer, but we are sure that it comes from some great goals, perhaps, with the help of g-d or the joint information center of the Universe, which abhorrent dark scheme human...
Has been a succession of transfers, in one of which I saw the hours of 5 large, spanning half the sky a huge cross made of glittering stars, right over my house when I gave my daughter for the morning duty. I too was excited, asked about this heavenly phenomenon of all co-workers and one Russian colleague said, "Well, what if the cross. If it was necessary to see many, I would be in the afternoon, on the market, and here you one. So, as you want." One said that I lead, the cross is a good update. Then , at work, one of the artists was brought to me on your show a lot of pictures with crosses and although he is Kazakh, ethnic Muslim, said that the Turks, the cross in ancient times was considered sacred because it is March 22, Nauryz, the vernal equinox was established balance of the day and seasons of the year, all the four elements, at this point, balanced, came in harmony with each other.
And here I am again with a suitcase mood. Still does not work with the move - winter cold. Live in the area of the Timber processing plant, Industrial district of Astana. Work, running on business. But I go to the shop, which is next to a bus stop, the girl starts talking about UFOs. It turns out that her husband for several years communicates with the dishes. He leaves 2-3 hours of the night to smoke on the balcony 2nd floor of the mansion, and the aliens are here, permanently floating in the sky shoals 5-7 flying triangles. They grow in size decrease. Instantly deployed, disappear, in General, do that, in the opinion of men, modern technology is not yet able to do. Surprisingly, neither wife nor children this observer until January of this new 2013 told, only recently they were invited to watch the spectacle. One of the sons, medclassic in this family loves astronomy, and breast babe, of which 2-3 afraid to sleep without the light. It tells the clerk Jeanne, UFO was most interested in the area Zhas Ulan, this former military school for Teens. The respectively in autumn moved to the opposite side of Astana. The building became the residence for families of firemen, military and Chesnokov. Surprisingly, none of them actually not seen flying objects, because the work is hard and slept, according to them no mind to the sky.
A few days later I went to the place, where the family lives salesgirls and saw that they live next to Akmola IEN, TPP-1, a bit further Railways and wasteland, the remnants of the former Soviet factories working for off-piste skiing, all-Union barns. My first thought was, of course, that UFOs are recharged from power plants, the second: follow the activities of the CHP might want something to warn?
Then went to the district police station, the blessing, that he is in my house, which is on the 1st floor and my apartment. The police do not even have to listen, because he flatly denied the vision of a UFO. And only one veteran said that his nephew month and a half saw heavenly aliens, sorry, that wasn't then he's camera. And that's all. The next morning I was to interview the students neighbors. Two boys, brothers Magaeva, said that they are still in summer together with her sister, in the waste land, by the side of our house, right in front of the police station Industrial zone, they saw a large plate that of the red dot has released a three-cornered light. As it is not seen police, remains a mystery. Remember that half a year ago, last winter, my brother right there broke its leg, but then I changed my profession. And interestingly, students Magaeva living from me through the wall, said last night they saw a UFO, again this plate right in front of our house, over a sports stadium. It should be noted that at 12.30 am, I talked with a channel Bakhyt, asked him to come to us, that he tested the countryside on a matter inapicalis. And, it turns out, they then hung around! Remember that when you call, I cried, because it seemed that some black eyes looking at me inside, through the tube, from Bakhyt at the other end of the city. I remember that after the phone prompts long feared, could not even to the blind to come. But these days I read the news of UFOlogy", materials about kidnapping UFO, watched a video with an interview with John Mack, corresponded to Sergey Shpakovski from Toronto and Igor Cataluca from Rivne. It's kind of the triple contacts!
Eventually, I met with clairvoyant, psychic Bakhyt. He said that he does not have to travel to the area YEC, CHP, enough of him and Zhas Ulan. Test the sky in our part of the man noticed the UFO in the city he always sees and not even pay attention to them, because they have their own, we have mine. There are Natane from other galaxies, which left us forward on 1-2 thousand years and because of them we do not really represent great interest. In our case, according to Bakhyt, the area of the Timber processing plant was visited by two types of ships, from completely different galaxies, January 13. Some came to gawk at us as tourists who see Jurassic Park, others for research purposes, to inspect TPP, to study the structure of the Earth. Bakhyt also noticed that one or another civilization of mantras, which is visible in space dedicated to gaining code of the Earth or any other planet, the Sun and everything around us inhabited! When we are afraid, or scream with delight at the sight of UFOs, they disappear for us, because clean code or switch with a key mantra, but actually remain in place. Sometimes they flaunt before us sharp sigsam to show that they know how, and we are still there. Even Bakhyt said that, Yes, there are the aliens who are experimenting on us, to give myself to catch up with some goals, but on the whole planet Earth is open for her on the part of the alien threat not. If someone wanted to destroy the planet, it would have not been in place. Just people that are still under the animal state of knowledge and in all see a threat and spend huge sums of money allegedly for security. In my opinion, could the money be used for social purposes, construction of Earthmen, that there was poor, and then when overproduction, to go to other galaxies, moreover, that in a few thousand years or a million years us nothing threatens neither of the moon, or the Sun and other near-and far objects.
The second part. The story teacher
So I wrote some notes in the local newspaper and wait prints or not. Talk about it in the educational center of Camilla Kenesovna, the head of this centre, where I go to teach Russian language, journalism and chemistry.
Word for word and suddenly Camilla kenesovna says she never once met a UFO, but this was different. In Arkalyk, where she lived many years ago, she became pregnant with triplets. And in summer, sitting in the courtyard, he saw in the sky the first disc of the moon, then the full moon and the full moon rapidly flew to her. The woman began to scream, ran up to her people, the moon ran away and disappeared also, as he appeared. After some time in the stomach pains and the children she gave birth, doctors performed the operation, the children did not survive.
It is noteworthy that with this teacher I met by chance. She came to me in the art gallery in the shopping center just as a spectator to the exhibition and introduced himself an artist. Then she was invited as a jury member at the University, which had both astronaut Toktar Aubakirov. Some time later he brought himself Tokhtar on exhibitions and on what picture he drew attention, after a short time were sold. There was something supernatural in his words.
And Camilla, kenesovna even told me that her husband saw a UFO on the 15th floor of his house in Astana, which is not far from another CHP and right in the city centre, over the monument "Baiterek", which attracts guests from all over the globe as tourists and guests.
Gulnur Orazymbetova, Astana, 2013