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They say that the true quality of any mechanism is checked by the number of its modifications. The wisdom of the policy is also measured its stability through the years. This rule is applicable to convictions. The less life makes them change, the more they are far-sighted.
In southern Africa found tribe KANG-SAN, whose way of life and even genes remained unchanged since pre-biblical times. Their circle of beliefs allowed to survive dozens over the world, hundreds of civilizations and thousands of religions. What kind of faith nourishes these beliefs? Because the tribe does not put forward its faith in the commandments, look at its reflection in everyday life. The necessary knowledge it derives from observations of life of our smaller brethren, desiring to comprehend the reasons of their actions. In other words, the wisdom of Evolution inherent in the instincts of animals, for KANG-SAN valuable reasons dictated by reason.
They do not learn the world in pieces, tearing it into separate science and practice holistic immersion in the reality. The natural beauty surrounding things considered better than the man-made, therefore, artistic crafts and cult objects are presenting them with great admiration. Legends of ancient times is being developed young as melodic tunes and are very much appreciated: after all, in the life of the ancients, standing closer to the natural cradle, they see the best role model.
Ballads ancestors and observation of living beings find tribe unsurpassed glory Rangers carrying extreme deprivation and preserving knowledge millennia ago. KANG-SAN known without archives and genetic examinations that their pedigree is the oldest on the planet. They buried in the ground provisions for a rainy day and sinks with drinking water, coated with grease from chapping, to build immunity drink blood and juices from the stomach viewbio game.
Among them will not meet clumsy and fat figures. Women, the elderly and the children gather edible shoots, roots, fruits, nuts, insects, reptiles and birds ' eggs. The men, armed with spears, clubs, snares and bows with poisoned arrows, foraged game, and in his spare time willing to Tinker with children. Thanks to the active participation of men in the household, women are wholly concerned about the extension of a kind, children more successfully adopt experience of senior grow more diverse, more attentive, caring for elderly parents.
One man can take several wives, just as a woman is of a few men: it all depends on the individual characteristics and prevalence of persons of a certain sex. This KANG-SAN youth are always in demand in marriage are excluded alone widowhood or abandoned orphans, no families, broken infertility or treason.
Sexual equality is also apparent in leadership: the leader is the one (or that), whose quality and experience can bring the tribe of more use. Therefore, the desire to Excel compatriots in the benefit of others is considered to be honored, and the loss of the head compensated twice easier. Community in several dozen people doing everything to preserve habitats for posterity: every few weeks KANG-SAN changed the Parking lot (which it has) and returned to the old huts after a time, sufficient for the upgrade of the land.
Nomadism gives them other benefits: guaranteed psychophysical training of each congener, the exception oppressive monotony, and the irrelevance of one-sided thinking and selfish avarice. Iron is not recognized, and the property includes garments of skins, the simplest utensils, hunting tools Yes musical instruments. There is no inclination to fashizmu, then there is no ground for greed, envy, and strife, and no attendant evils.
Accustomed to difficulties, they are even in the slightest luck I can see a reason for joint joy, and therefore differ good temper. Persistent concerns about the preservation of life make it the most expensive treasure, that's why the tribe is not killing. Technogenic society caused by the tribe sinister strike: the exploration part of their people were herded into the reservation. There they were put on food, heating past, which dropped their resilience, there was a neurosis, and the needs in the body of biostimulators of Viesnicas craving for alcohol and tobacco.
But even in isolation people KANG-SAN reject modern goods, calling them flowers on the grave Nature. Arguments doctors and doctors are not replaced in their soul to the call of the wild, seeking harmony with Mother in its original form. If you translate the word "religion" as is "restore connection", then this is the key to understanding their original faith: to encourage people to the path, alienated mind - on the way to join the origins of the Almighty Element.