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Рецепт приготовления человекаIn XV-XVI centuries among the alchemists was very popular the idea of creating a homunculus - artificial man - through the alchemical process. Tried to grow my homunculus and Paracelsus. And although he claimed to have made in this case of success, there is no evidence confirming this fact.

Don't look too convincing and evidence of one of his followers, count von Kufstein, who allegedly a dozen homunculi. However, is it really to find fault? Finally, there are recognized authorities, who did not consider it shameful to take their word for it. After three centuries after Paracelsus Johann Goethe wrote the drama "Faust", the hero of which creates live a little man - homunculus. And if so, why would we though would not be interested, how it is done?

Recipe person

In his treatise "De Natura Rerum" Paracelsus wrote: "a Human being can be born without natural parents". He was sure that these creatures" can grow and develop, being created without the participation of male and female. Great "zaznajka" claimed that humans can be created artificially, which is enough only the intervention of an experienced practitioner.

So, for "preparation of a man" - homunculus - need an airtight bottle, sperm and... horse manure. (Semen is the main ingredient in the recipe. To obtain the result of the egg is not needed. Put the sperm in the bottle, to be buried in the muck and... go for help to the familiar alchemist - without it nothing is impossible, because only he can make the substance to come to life and start moving.

After forty days of the organic content of the bottle will get the form and features of man, the truth, to contemplate this wonderful transformation will again only the alchemist, for all the other - the uninitiated - "prefabricated" homunculus will be invisible. However, upset sooner. Please be patient and over the next forty weeks keep the darkness at a temperature womb filly and generously feed it "the human life-force", I mean the blood.

As a result, you will appear in all its glory homunculus - perfect human child that if what will be different from born of a woman, only for its tiny size. What with it to do further? According to Paracelsus, "it is possible to grow and nurture, as any child, until it becomes older and not acquire the mind and intellect and will not be able to care for themselves".

You smile? More stupid you to listen never happened? That may be so, but still not in a hurry to Boo doctor Hohenheim. In the end of this "crazy" idea has grown more important method of fertilization "in vitro" ("test-tube"), due to which many people finally gained the long-awaited child.

"Prophesying spirits"

Anyway, the experience of Paracelsus, albeit unsuccessful, has excited many minds, so followers he had enough. In 1873 in Vienna has published a book by a certain Dr. Emile Bazarny "Sphinx", in which curious readers at desire can find some interesting descriptions "spirits",is produced by count Johann Ferdinand von Kufstein in Tyrol in 1775. The source of these descriptions were diary realise Kammerer, who served as the count in the honorary position of the Butler and assistant. It is through his revelation to us now it is known that in the service von Kufstein was ten homunculi, or, as he called them, "prophesying spirits"who lived in bottles filled with water. These "spirits" were created within five weeks of the joint efforts of the count von Kufstein and Italian mystic Abbot of Gelani. Each of the homunculi got its name, one was called"the king", the second - "the Queen", the third - "knight", the fourth "monk", the fifth"you", the sixth - ' architect", seventh - "the miner", eighth "Seraphim". The ninth and tenth "spirits" were known as blue and red.

The handsome face of the spirit of blue

The bottle, which contained the homunculi were closed with a bullish bubbles and some of the magic printing. I must say that "spirits" were very small - only 23 centimeters, which is very frustrating their Creator von Kufstein.

Wishing that they have grown quickly, count put them in an even larger bottles. Then buried them in a pile of horse manure and almost self every day'd throw her some fluid. After all these procedures manure began to wander and emitting steam, as if lit by the fire. The count decided that it's time to take out the bottle to the light of God, he was eager to see how grown up it ' wee". Well, it was discovered that the homunculus really cool increased in growth is reached as much as 35 centimeters, and in addition, individuals male grew beards and nails.

The Abbot of Gelani provided all "spirits" suitable clothing - according to their rank and dignity. Only blue and red "spirit" because of an incorporeal state apparel have not got. They were generally not visible to the human eye. When the Abbot was hit print on the neck, the water in the bottle was painted in blue (or, respectively, Fanny) color, and "the spirits" showed person. Face blue "spirit" it was beautiful, and the face of red "spirit", by contrast, made a horrible impression.

Conditions of detention

Count fed their wards time in four days some of the pink stuff. Once a week bottles filled with pure rain water. The change of water produced very quickly because when "spirits" appeared on air, they lost consciousness. The diet of red "spirit" included weekly mouthful of chicken blood, and blood was lost in the water immediately, not even having time to paint it. By the way, the water he changed regularly - once every two or three days, and each time, when the bottle was opened, the water in it was getting dark, muddy and spread the smell of rotten eggs. Blue "spirit" could only dream about such treatment is his bottle was always sealed, but because he had not eaten anything and all his life he lived in the same "aquatic environment".

Sad fate

Why the count took the homunculus? Everything is very simple. Bottles "prophesying spirits" brought into the room, where he met the members of the Masonic Lodge, the Chairman of which was the background of Kufstein. During meetings "spirits" predicted future events, and almost always their prophecies came true. They had known the unseen, but each of them was familiar only with the fact that belonged to his rank: for example, "the king" could talk about politics, "the monk" - about religion, "miner" - on minerals. Only blue and red "spirits" knew everything.

By ill chance vessel, which contained "monk", fell to the floor and shattered. Poor homunculus died after several painful breaths, despite all the efforts of count to save him. Any attempt to do the same undertaken by count alone without the help of the Abbot (which shortly before I left), led to the failure. The count was able to create just the little creature, slightly reminiscent of the leech, which soon died.

And "the king" and does launched: escaped from his bottle, which was not as it should be sealed. When he found the Butler, "the king" he sat on the top of the bottle, which contained "Queen", and tried to release her. The call came running count, after a brief chase, caught fugitive, who, due to a long stay in the air already was going to pass out, and put it back into the bottle.

Apparently, in the following years Graf von Kufstein began to worry about the salvation of his soul awakened conscience urgently demanded him to get rid of the homunculi, that he, after a moment's hesitation did.

And the impossible is possible

True or not - now is not to find out. However, the important thing is that the very idea of the creation of man napolovi by ceased to be blasphemous. Anyway, in the XIX century German chemist Justus Liebig assumed that ever chemistry will create organic matter by artificial means. And Jacob Malesat - known German psychologist and philosopher, who lived in the same nineteenth century, went even further: he assured that create the conditions in which can be produced organic forms.

...In Rome, in one of the squares, today you can find a large stone, which caused some strange signs. They say that these letters are not that other, as encrypted method of creating artificial human - homunculus.

Author: Eathanasiou
Source: "Interesting newspaper. Magic and mystic" №17, 2012
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