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Now there are more and more books about secret societies, having allegedly some great doctrine of the mysterious power of the trees, the psychics and clairvoyants. These publications are very popular, for knowledge, which they report, in the opinion of many people, can protect them from harm and vicissitudes of life.
However few people know that these kinds of mysteries, with whom are people of the XXI century would like to build his life, has led many centuries ago to the death of a whole nation. Moreover, these mysteries that was left after the druids, sowed destruction for many centuries. But this story is almost unknown to the broad public, and so the Prince of darkness of this age again successfully uses the basic postulates of this ancient religion in the struggle for the minds.
Secret order
In the basis of the cult of the ancient Celts was the priestly system of the device - the druids. One of the earliest descriptions were made by Julius Caesar: "Druids take an active part in the Affairs of worship, observe the correctness public offerings, interpret all matters relating to religion; they also receive a lot of young people for studying Sciences, and generally they are from the Gauls great honor. They put the sentences in almost all mortal Affairs, public and private; whether committed a crime or murder, whether the litigation of inheritance or boundaries - are solving the same druids; they appoint a reward and punishment; and if anyone - whether it is a private person or an entire nation - not obey their definition, they separate the guilty from sacrifice. It is the heaviest penalty.
At the head of all of the druids is one that enjoys among them the greatest authority. By his death he inherits the most worthy, and if there are several, the druids do it by voting, and sometimes a dispute about the championship allowed even weapons. At certain times of the year the druids to meet consecrated place in the country Kornetov, which is considered the center of the whole of Gaul. Here from everywhere converge all tarusina and subject to their definitions and sentences. Druids usually do not participate in the war and do not pay taxes on an equal basis with others, they are generally free from military service and from all other duties. Most try druids to strengthen the belief in the immortality of the soul: the soul, according to their teaching, proceeds upon the death of one body to another; they think that this faith eliminates the fear of death and the excites courage. In addition, they tell their young students about the heavenly bodies and their movement, about the size of the world and the earth, nature and about the power and the power of the immortal gods."
Another description of the druids had left the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder: "For druids, for it is the so-called Galla of their priests, nothing is more sacred than the mistletoe and the tree on which it grows, in other words, oak. Respect them to the tree comes to the fact that the sanctuary they arrange their otherwise oak groves, and during the magical rituals tend to hold a branch of this tree. On behalf of oak form they and the names of their priests. They believe that everything that grow on this tree, sent down from heaven, and that this is a sign of good will to the oak of the highest deity. Similar findings are quite rare, but when it happens to notice something like that, they happily celebrate these plants and then solemnly cut the shoots. This happens usually on the sixth day of the moon, because I believe that the moon controls the months, and the movement of time indeed, having its special cycle lasting for thirty years. The sixth day they find the most favorable for religious ceremonies, as it is this day the moon has gained its force, but has not yet reached its path. On this sacred trees priests brought terrible sacrifices. The unfortunate hung on the tree, and then slowly burned. Other priests were drowned in special boilers or buried alive in the earth, planted at stake. But before that they were subjected to terrible torture victims. Even cruel and "iron"as they were called, the Romans were impressed by the cruelty of the druids.
But not the less was struck by the Romans and the enormous power of the priests, which we discussed above. She was supported by a clear organization and the abilities they possessed. The main ones were hypnosis, hilerstvo, occultism and clairvoyance. We were reached historical evidence illustrating these abilities, which had the highest circles shapeshift clan. Interestingly, however, that the circumstances preceding and accompanying saying predictions are amazing similarity with shamans, charismatic glossolalia and modern satanic cults. Scattered over expansive territories the priests were to know each other through the secret signs. They developed a large number of instructions regarding the summoning of spirits, healings, than when they were not recorded, but had learnt by heart hundreds of thousands of words.
So, to summarize our short essay. Druids was a spiritual order with strict discipline and a hierarchy that provide active influence not only in spiritual, but also in the political life of contemporary society, secretly regulating the issues of war and peace, supplying and overcoming rulers. But they carried it all in secret, using hidden springs, known only to them. As we see, their hierarchy remarkably similar to the organization of the Jesuits and the Freemasons and the knights of the orders of the Medieval knights Templar, Teutons, Livonians, the assassins. This is not surprising, for, creating these societies, invisible to humans, dark forces used the experience of the ancient druids. Contract murder, betrayal, unleashed war, disgusting Orgy and blood flows was accompanied by the creation of these organizations and orders.
All of this was for domination over the world, and, most important, over the minds of people. Indeed, all of these organizations at different stages of history has set itself the only task - the subordination of the world. At its base lay the subordination of the people's will to the will of the druids (the Jesuits, Freemasons, etc). As you can see, all the same idea, put forward by Satan at the dawn of human history, the - to know the mind and will of man, by which means will not imagine the difficulty to remove it from God. Members of these orders were like robots deprived of feelings, emotions, relatives, friends, earthly attachments. However, the ideas of druids have found their new birth in the XIX-XX century, with the appearance of religious-fanatical sects OUN-Saint Rica, the White Brotherhood, the moon, etc.
Such sects belonged and "Church people" led by Jim Jones centre in Guyana. In 1978, by the order of the spiritual leader of 900 people, taking potassium cyanide, killing named Jones on the lips (these religious sects see part "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets" of this book). Today, these organizations are lured people, and especially the unsuspecting youth. And so it is important to know the Bible, carefully read this Book of Books, not to make fatal mistakes. In our day continue to live with many aspects of the teachings Celtic priests of the immortality of the soul, about the worship of trees.
Today is a very popular literature, which mentions the trees-the patrons, who supposedly are in each person, about the energy that they in themselves pose able to restore the lost forces people. Speaking about the druids, of course, I should mention the built their impressive buildings, such as Stonehenge, Mberi. These buildings, built in the 3rd Millennium R. Chr., represent a large ring of giant hewn stones, covered by stone plates. Inside of such ring was another structure - the shape of a horseshoe, consisting of trilithons. Were there and amazing blue stones, never found in those places. About the purpose of these structures today there is no single point of view. Most likely, they were temples of the Sun and moon, combining and astrological centers.
Over the centuries, have sunk into oblivion ancient druids, destroyed their temples, but as we have seen, their religion, and philosophy are still alive the Jesuits, Freemasons, sects, which we mentioned in the books about the journey of the soul and mysterious energies. Many today condemned the inhumanity of the druids, confronting them with dark philosophy supposedly highly-humane and sublime philosophy of Ancient Greece