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Алхимия сегодня: железо "назначили" платинойRecently, American scientists were able to make iron... platinum! And for a very low price. It, certainly, does not go about the methods of medieval alchemists who wanted to turn one metal to another. Developed in the USA technology enables iron compounds to buy some properties of platinum in those cases when we are talking about catalysis reactions.

Medieval alchemy had no relation to modern science, however, left a legacy of scientists lot. Many methods of producing substances that researchers are still were first tested seekers "philosophical stone". In addition, until now, researchers is the idea to transform base metals into "noble", for example, iron into gold.

In truth, now the demand for gold is much lower than, for example, on its "sister" platinum. And she does not need to make ornaments, and as a catalyst of many chemical reactions. Also, for anybody not a secret, that in the near future platinum is very popular in the automotive industry. This metal is a key component of the so-called fuel cells - devices, such galvanic element, but differs from it so that substances for the electrochemical reaction served there from the outside. Such fuel cells are expected to be used in electric motors vehicles of the new generation.

However, everything is hindered by the fact that platinum is a rare metal. Its price on the world market is about 22 thousand dollars per pound. If we imagine that the fuel cell will go on General sale, then the rarity of platinum may become a critical factor for a whole sector of the world economy. It is obvious that in this case, the demand will exceed supply (even without any malicious intent sellers), and the price jumps to astronomical heights.

I wonder, is there a way to create a so-called "artificial platinum", that is, to make some common metal in certain conditions had its properties? Fellow at Princeton University (USA) Paul Cherek and his colleagues believe that, Yes. And to prove the truth of his words, they have developed a way to turn an ordinary iron in an effective catalyst capable in some reactions to replace platinum.

Before to tell about their successful experiences, I want to remind you why platinum and other noble metals still have a reputation for being the most effective catalysts. The fact that their "ignoble" relatives like iron unreliable due to its chemical instability. Indeed, a variety of oxidation reactions proceeding including by direct contact with the atmosphere, lead to irreversible degradation. But platinum is this not affected by oxidation, which is valued as a catalyst for much more.

Now, wanting "to ennoble" normal iron, CERIC and colleagues conducted the following experiment. First normal dibromide iron was turned into a complex with double aminopiridines ligand, after which the scientists conducted a reaction of two-electron recovery with two equivalents of sodium amalgam in nitrogen atmosphere. In the result, the output was obtained stable piratically smeshannaya the iron complex (coordination sphere of the iron saturated two molecules of nitrogen), are able to effectively catalyze many organic transformations, including the oxidation reaction in the fuel cell. That is completely replace expensive and rare platinum!

What's the best "refined" hardware, in this case, improved their quality of catalyst, but not the price. If to recollect, that now in the world markets, this metal is sold for 50 cents a pound, and also to draw attention to the fact that all the above-mentioned reactions do not require expensive reagents and any special conditions, it turns out that the opening of the group Cherica will allow producing fuel cells for the price of about the same size as a modern car batteries.

However, scientists do not claim that they have received the connection iron will be able to replace platinum in all catalyzed her reactions. But a start - so in principle it is possible to prepare and other complexes with iron for those cases where their "child" will not work. Floor CERIC, commenting on this technology, which emphasizes that the driving forces of modern lchemy" will not precious metals and complex compounds on the basis of the conventional metals. Although, of course, what did the scientists from the USA, is a classical alchemy - transmutation of one metal in the other was not, simply managed "add" one item property of another.

It should be noted that the use of such technology in the future may impact on the economy of our country. Because Russia (as well as in South Africa is a major exporter of platinum, and it brings great income. If modern lchemy" will become a serial technology, our platinum will be useless, and the budget is formed serious hole. So this discovery is yet another warning of the danger of building an economy on the sale of resources, developing science-intensive technologies.
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