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Семь эфесских отроков: воскресшие через векаTime travel is usually the prerogative of fantastic novels and Hollywood action. But, it appears, in the tradition of the Orthodox Church there is a similar story. Who are the seven youths of Ephesus - seven noble young men, peranesthesia in the distant future? And he wanted to show the Lord, waking them through the ages that they have witnessed a miracle?

During the reign of the Emperor Decius, who ruled the Roman Empire at the beginning of the second half of III century of our era, Christians were erected mass persecution. Reached it, and a large and rich city of Ephesus located in Asia minor part of Greece. According to historians, "the blood of the martyred for their faith then flowed a river on city squares".

At this time in the local garrison served seven young officers, sons of noble citizens of Ephesus - Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Eksacustodianus and Antoninus. The first of them was the son became the city prefect. However, young men in any way cannot be counted among those who are now called majors. Taking faith in Christ, they were pious and God-fearing life, praying about doing good to the poor and by other acts of charity in addition to the performance of his military duties, not for fear, but for conscience.

Once in Ephesus himself arrived Decius, staging local citizens a Grand festival in honour of the pagan gods. To avoid such circumstances laid ex officio participation in the idolatry of young soldiers became impossible. And indicted on suspicion of ill-wishers in Christianity, they acknowledged themselves to be believers in Christ.

The Emperor was furious, expelling the heroes of our story of honorable military estate. But immediately return on flour did not, at the cost of their youth and beauty, and given the noble origin. Instead, it will offer the young men to reflect on their behavior - and yet to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, or to accept torture and death. Then went to another city.

In anticipation of the unfair trial of the young man decided to use their allocated time to prepare for the transition into eternal life. They generously gave money to the poor, constantly prayed. And then decided to leave the town to the Gentiles did not interfere with their pious pastime. For this they chose the cave in mount Okhlonos near Ephesus, where, and departed, taking with him some money to buy food. "Connected" for its purchase was Iamblichus - the youngest of them by age. Dressed as a beggar in rags, so as not to be recognized, and regularly visited in the city, he not only bought there provisions for friends, but scouting environment.

Finally, in Ephesus solemnly returned Decius and immediately remembered their "defendants suspended sentence". He was angry that the youths were lost, but quickly learned their place of shelter from pagan parents.

Meanwhile, by the young men, having learned that in the city returned to their tormentor, began to prepare for the final feat. But human nature is by nature loves life and happiness, not death and suffering. Don't be shy - even the Lord before his Crucifixion prays to his Father: "Yes this Cup pass from me!" - to bloody sweat.

And the young Christians were willing to give their lives for Christ, but this time, perhaps without even realizing it, was postponed. Ultimately decided by sending the next day in Ephesus Anglija, know the concrete situation to what tortures they were sentenced Emperor and morally to them prepare, to go to court. However, merciful God, seeing their sincere desire to give their life for Him, United with purely human weakness, judged differently. The boys are asleep - but to Wake up to them was a very long time...

Meanwhile, Decius know where disobeyed his will, decided not to waste time on their public torture (banality which he apparently at that time, several fed up) - and decided to betray apokalipsisa Christians more sophisticated penalty. And ordered to fill up stones at the entrance to the cave in order hiding it died a painful death from hunger and thirst. Present at the execution of the Royal sentence of two secret Christians from among the court secretly wrote on the tin sheaves names buried alive and the story of their suffering for Christ.

Centuries passed. After the adoption under the Emperor Constantine the Great of Christianity on the throne of the Roman Empire in the first half of the V century reigned in his descendant Theodosius the Younger. And lived in the time of Ephesus nobleman decided to build a new Palace, the stones of which were to take that same mount Okhlonos. In the end, servants, don't guessing, was dismantled and the entrance to the cave where he was hiding from the wrath of the Emperor-pagan seven youths-Christians.

At this moment the Lord and allowed them to Wake up. Actually, this date the Church celebrates today. Fell asleep Holy August 5 - one more day of their memory. However, to call it a revival from normal sleep would be an exaggeration. Yes, medicine knows many cases lethargic sleep - but during his patients need nursing care, as in intensive care, otherwise their death. Here lain two centuries on the cold stones of the young man found himself totally healthy - and even their clothing has not decayed from time to time.

Naturally, their first thought was conceived to fulfill the last exploration into the city to go to torment. Their friend Iamblichus, as usual, went to Ephesus, but was very surprised when I saw on the gate of his native city the sign of the cross. However, by the citizens, despite universal acceptance of Christianity, its not quite pious customs has changed little. Not surprisingly, having noticed, that the unknown young man wanted to pay on the market for the purchased food for friends ancient coin, local "huckster" and the mayor began to threaten the stranger from the past torture to confess, where he found the treasure.

Fortunately, during the interrogation caught the lad was attended by the local Bishop, having had gathered to go check words Kawliga his friends. Coming to the entrance to the cave, they found and tin plate with a description of the feat of seven young men under the Emperor Decius.

The story has made the world that then the bombshell. Which exploded, incidentally, a very time - by the middle of V century in the Church appeared heretics like Sadducees Evangelical times.

Some of them said that after death people can't count on retribution, because death is destroyed not only the body but the soul, others argued that soul shall have their reward, " but the body still decay, will perish forever.

- As we can, " said they, " to rise up these bodies after thousands of years, when I and most of the dust of them?

So thought the heretics, in their stubbornness and forgetting the words of Christ in the gospel: "the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live" (John 5:25), and is written in the prophet Daniel: "many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to everlasting shame and ... contemptment" (Dan.12:2), and the prophet Ezekiel, speaking on behalf of God: "behold, I will open the coffins of you and I bring you, My people, out of your graves" (Yes:12).

Not to mention the doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead, very clearly described in the Epistles of the Apostle. Paul to the Ephesians, as well as in the famous Apocalypse of the Apostle. John The Theologian.

And here against these heretical reasoning appears, living evidence that the bodies of the saints, for two centuries representing a dust, regained the spirit of life. It is not surprising that soon into the hilt immediately came the Emperor Theodosius, personally, found in the cave with aliens from a distant past. And those, a week after the spiritual guidance as to ventsenosny and others, eventually fell asleep again. This time - before the General Resurrection, which will occur after the Second Glorious Coming of Christ.

So the Lord in his Providence and all-powerful intervention decided several important tasks. Delivered from unbearable suffering for Himself sincerely love Him and believers, but still somewhat weak bodily young men, however, are not deprived of their cherished the crown of martyrdom, in the order which they, actually, and glorified. After all condemned the Decius them to a painful death in flooded the cave seriously - and not the fault of this monster that his plan misfired due to God's intervention.

And besides, the resurrected youths once again served to Christ, proving to the whole Christian world, that the bodily Resurrection of the dead is not outdated godly tale, but a real reality, that's why practiced in the penultimate sentence of article of Faith.

Well, besides this, of course, the Holy martyrs honored believers and even the best assistant in dealing with insomnia. And the truth - who else can help to find a healing sleep for a few hours, not those who slept for a wonderful sleep for two centuries?

So for insomnia, and in other cases it is always possible to appeal to this ancient martyrs, with a prayer: "the Holy youths of Ephesus - pray to God for us!".
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Удивительная и чудесная история !!!!!


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