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The myths of the ancient Indians of America tell of the "white gods"who came from over the sea and taught the people the culture. Who were they? Where, on what continent to seek their tracks? Archaeological works are carried out in different parts of the world. Only one part of the world overlooked by scholars. This Is Antarctica. Perhaps her ice hide the secret of an ancient culture that emerged long before the Egyptian and Sumerian cultures and destroyed climate catastrophe? Hypotheses some scientists say that the origins of all civilizations lurk beneath the ice of Antarctica. Escaping from glaciation, its indigenous inhabitants fled to other parts of the world, enlightening living there savages, teaching them the ability to build a pyramid, instructing in astronomy and navigation. Do Antarctica was the mother of all cities of the earth" and its fate was reflected in the legend about Atlantis?
Admiral Flight makes a discovery
Dimensional throughout history quietly for people has been violated in 1929 It was then discovered that the "river of life" could be a different channel, left her a thousand years ago. His tracks have noticed archivists, who worked in old Istanbul the library in the Palace of Topcare.
Scientists came there not to undermine the history, disrupt the running of time. They were doing an inventory of manuscripts and incunabula. In their catalog was mentioned and marine card, carefully plotted several centuries ago.
Hardly the point was put in line, polchasa map, the minute the ripples subsided. Again, nothing could ruin measuring the progress of the times. Map described, but did not deign attention, although the line in the yellowed sheet was slightly strange phenomenon.
The ice of Antarctica may keep the secrets of ancient civilizations
It took another thirty years. Oddity, marking map sheets finally hit his eye attentive reader. He was Professor of history from Kean College in new Hampshire, Charles Hapgood, who made a sensational discovery. And helped him with that same old map. Once she enjoyed Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. For 1513 the map was drawn in a miraculous way. It was visible all the Atlantic coast of South America, passed very precisely. And yet... the Bottom part of the map outlined the southern continent - Antarctica, open Russian navigators M. F. Lazarev and Bellingshausen only in 1820,
Hapgood and his colleagues could not contain her surprise. The outline of Antarctica on the old card was exactly the same as the outlines of her true shoreline. You could even see the details, hidden under the ice: bed of ancient rivers and their estuaries. As if cartographer Piri Flight could know how it looked Antarctica to her last glaciation that occurred about six thousand years ago!
Only one reasonable explanation could give scientist amazing phenomenon. Like scriptorum medieval monasteries, donositi to posterity the words of Aristotle or Plato, cartographer Admiral was the master of calligraphy able to copy exactly got to his hands document. Admiral Flight lived in Istanbul, I mean in Constantinople, where in ancient times was stored, copied and transferred to the book - chronicle of many past lives and unravel mysteries.
Perhaps, in the secret archive of the Byzantine emperors had the best maps of the time hiding and from the Arabs, and the Latins. They were brought to the capital of the Empire of the most remote provinces. In turn, those cards could be kept secret for centuries somewhere in Phoenicia, Carthage or Egypt. The owner of one of them could become Admiral Flight, involuntary heir of the ancient naval commanders.
This conclusion is logical. But, completeness, who is six thousand years ago could know Antarctica? If we seem incredible swimming Phoenicians - best seafarers ancient times to the shores of America, who we will refer to explore the waters of the Antarctic 3,000 years before them? Who will inflict on map icons distant lands with total illiteracy that prevailed in the Neolithic? Who will calculate the latitude and mark longitude? Who will understand in the sailing directions of the sky? In other words, finding was akin to shake the earth, which threatened to overturn the usual historical building. Shadows of forgotten ancestors on the horizon of the past flashed a Ghost unknown lost civilization.
Perhaps too early, before the time, it has developed and prospered, fenced with ocean from the barbarian tribes, as China - its wall, while climate change is not deprived of its birth-the roots. Escaping from ice, the people who created it, sailed to the North, to disappear in the waves. Only a few have reached the land. Now, remembering the Holocaust, heirs destroyed by a natural cataclysm culture settled in most tropical countries, among the deserts and steppes - in Egypt, Mesopotamia, America, where to meet them will never go ice.
But was there these fugitives, really? From what links woven past of mankind? Don't gape there emptiness, just turned-to-measure "white gods"?
Historians and fabulists
A reasonable man inhabits the planet many tens of thousands of years. Last 10 000 years of history have been particularly significant.
14 000 years ago, when the ice age ended, people have learned to hollow out the trunks of trees and tinkering Canoeing, which would go fishing.
It took about 4000 years. People began to plow the land, cultivated plants, to domesticate animals, to make pottery. However, their life was as slow. There is no hint that the numerous tribes, settled at the edges of forests or rivers, soon there will be developed the state system, legislation, bureaucracy, vast army, writing, science, and fine arts. Such tribes in Asia or South America lived in the stone age to our days.
Everything changes around 3000 BC in several areas of the world, lying on the sea coast, period first civilization in Sumer, Egypt, Mohenjo-Daro - like seeds of these cultures were brought here by sea.
"There are historians. They collect past bit by bit. Is the fabulists. Not having a penchant for hard, rough work, they are one impulse of thought think of entire Nations. Out of a handful of ice - not even from the dust of the dust - creating civilization. There are historians is the fabulists. Their paths would never meet. Mr. Hapgood, unfortunately, went the other way, unseemly colleagues", - such was the General opinion.
Whether it be the will of opponents, would have melted and the Piri Reis map is like a piece of ice brought from the station "Vostok". However, inappropriate discoveries were made and after Mr. Hapgood, straying from colleagues. The chain was opened too many flaws.
So, several years ago the Russian archaeologist Svetlana Balabanova, exploring Egyptian mummy (her age was about 4000 years), found in her hair traces... cocaine. Unthinkable!
Coca bushes grow only in South America in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. How cocaine could get into the country of pharaohs so long before the voyage of Columbus? Did ancient mariners - can be the same as the Phoenicians, it reached the shores of America? Or else someone's ships rushed in America, in Africa?
The phenomenon Tyutchev peoples
The history of human culture begins with creative flight. It embodied the monuments of Egypt. The pyramids and Sphinx - that's worthy passed the examination for the right to be called civilized people. However, these monuments long-raise questions that still have not found the answers. Not charged if their drawings with the old "Cribs", written by an unknown people? In non-scientific circles to the "stupid " Egyptians" send educators aliens or the Atlanteans. Such a "hypothesis" and "sensation" seem empty chatter. But when the mythmaker echo archeologists...
As is known, the largest pyramids of Egypt, like the Sphinx, were built in the period of Board of pharaohs of the Fourth dynasty - Cheops, Chephren, Mycerinos (about 2700-2300 BC).
However, in 1991, a group of American scientists - geologists, geophysicists, Egyptologists - sown doubts about the long-seems to be an established fact. Examining the cracks in the pedestal, on which is seated Sphinx - giant lion with a person of the Pharaoh Chephren, they said that the stone could be cracked so only in humid climates. However, in recent times the climate in Egypt was wet about 12,000 years ago. Did the Sphinx, or at least its pedestal was built thousands of years earlier than anticipated?
Who built them? "If we can prove that the first civilization on Earth much earlier, this discovery completely changes our view of history, as the theory of Einstein changed physics," says American Egyptologist John E. West.
Curiosity West has offered the American forensic Frank Domingo - by occupation he restores the appearance of a man upon the basis of his remains is to compare the image of the Sphinx with the appearance of the Pharaoh Chephren. His conclusion debunked legend: nothing in common between the ancient king and stone figure was not.
Meanwhile, doubt and in the age of the pyramids. So, radiocarbon analysis (although this method does not always give an accurate results showed that the pyramid's construction began around 2900 BC - two hundred years earlier than previously thought. In principle, this date is recorded in the official historiography, however, sometimes two hundred years is a very long time in history.
In the year 1802 Australia and South Africa were dull outskirts of civilization, where traveled for months. Now for a few hours can be transferred from Moscow or London to Sydney. So 2900 BC Egypt was not the country that 2700, Egypt has just joined after years of wars. Local residents have not been able to build high buildings and buried their kings in the small "mastabas".
Life of herders and farmers - General population of Egypt in that age - it is easy to imagine: the fields, herd, seeds, annual floods of the Nile - a continuous series of concerns. What a whim suddenly dawned on these people? Why are they began to build cyclopean buildings? Why the aborigines of Australia or Bushmen of Africa, like most other Nations, will never come to such an absurd idea, and not to erect stone buildings with a height of almost 150 m and weighing six million tons? Then why and how strange idea could arise in the inhabitants of desert country? It would be logical to assume its appearance among the highlanders living surrounded by stone.
"Where are the architects of the pharaohs knew, " is fighting the ghosts of the pyramids Belgian architect Robert Beauval, that the angle of the pyramid may not exceed 52°, otherwise its wall will fall?" For the Beauval there is no doubt that the architecture of the "Grand style" could not have come from literally nothing.
It cannot be that today they built shacks, and tomorrow skyscrapers". Knowledge increases gradually. Discoveries are made in a timely manner. Nomadic Bedouins have no need to invent the steam engine. Farmers are not concerned with the comprehension of the laws of architecture. "In szyrts will not meet the Helikon, on the ice Laurus will not blossom, Chukchi no Anacreon, to the Zyryani Tyutchev will not come," wrote A. FET, ironically over those who believe that civilization may arise out of nothing.
All known history shows otherwise. Cultural treasures - the letters of the alphabet, manuscripts and scrolls, the tablets of stone laws, secrets of crafts, the accumulated a certain cultural nation is distributed among its neighbors, digested alien invading nomads or invaders, are lost without accounts, but are passed: from the Greeks, Romans, from the Romans - barbarians (Germans in the North and Arabs in the South), from the first Rome - second, from the second Rome - third... And only the Egyptians as magicians, ready to get a bunch of rabbits out of a hat, - extract from scrap Nile earth all the mysteries of science, culture and public construction!
In the opinion of the Beauval, the plan of construction of the pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinos began about 10,000 years ago, as their arrangement mirrors the location of the three stars in the belt of Orion about 10 500 years ago. By the way, in Egyptian mythology, this constellation has played an important role. Here lived the God Osiris, according to the legends of the Egyptians, navedli order in their country back in ancient times.
Translate the spirit and the rest from unexpected discoveries, but for now let's move back to the other side of the Atlantic ocean to South America. However, the strangeness follow us here.
What hours they built negentropy?
In the Bolivian Andes, near lake Titicaca, at the altitude of 4000 m, lies modest village, inhabited by Indians. Local places dull and unattractive. The impression is completed by stone blocks and carefully polished columns. For the first time being here, conquistadors froze in horror. It seems that here lived the giants... In response to inquiries Indians silently shook his head. No, it was not built by the Incas.
Catholic priests in their own way explained what he saw: only the devil could move huge stones and pile them on each other. Half a century ago, the French cosmologist Sora suggested that lived here "negentropy" (giants) growth of four to five meters. Their high growth was due to mutations under the action of cosmic rays. However, cosmologists and Catholics were wrong. All of giant buildings made of ordinary people.
Once there stood one of the largest cities of ancient America - Tiahuanaco. Its name means "the City chosen by the gods". The most famous monument of the city - Sun gate. They turned East, and every time, on the day of the spring solstice, right in the midst of the gate shows the rising Sun. Gates can be called a huge sundial. When they "made"?
According to historians, this happened about 300-800 ad the city Itself originated probably around 200 BC by Sun gate bordered by two side walls. It is reasonable to assume that their conspicuous point, too, could have meant anything to the ancient solar calendar, for example, to celebrate the day of the summer or the winter solstice. However, our expectations were in vain. If the Sun gate was ancient Observatory, their architects failed to place the wall. How to explain their mistake?
Perhaps they were not able to realize our plans and right to make calculations? Strange to say something about the people who exemplary polished massive blocks and customized them so that buildings seem to be monolithic.
In 1995, the Scottish journalist and sociologist Graham Hancock released the cult of the book "signs of the gods" (it has sold over 10 million copies). In it he offered his explanation given fact. However, it contradicts the findings of historical science, but the more popular version of readers.
So: what if Church in Tiahuanaco was built much earlier than we think? Or it was constructed according to plans, inscribed in the prehistoric era? After all, 7500 years ago, according to the astronomers, the side walls of the Solar gate pinpoint the position of the Sun in the day of the summer and winter solstices.
In this case, the inevitable conclusion that somewhere on the planet almost ten thousand years ago there was a developed civilization. It reached a high technical level. But for some reason its representatives had to leave their homeland. Surviving the fugitives passed their knowledge on to the primitive inhabitants of Egypt and America. Single source fed both of these cultures, and that's why sometimes similar realities of life of the ancient Egyptians, and Indians.
In the myths of the last brezguet memories of the "time before time". So, to the question of the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes about who built the pyramids of teotihuac?n - town to the northeast of Mexico city, looted and burned about 750 A.D., local Indians said that is not their people built pyramids, and they were built long before them. Similarly, in some texts of Ancient Egypt speaks of "the old time, long before the beginning of time".
Traces of the past find in Central America and the Nile. Mysterious talent ancient engineers and sculptors confused. Their "student" work can be directly called "masterpieces". In later centuries, the Egyptians were not able to build anything like the first pyramids. Their creative power is clearly exhausted. Seemed to dry up the source, suck it!
Researchers plucked like a rosary links have long broken chain. Here's an ancient map depicting the world as we know it now, after the era of Great discoveries... Here are the myths and legends that were passed from generation to generation for thousands of years: their characters come from over the sea; they know how to build the city and the ships, they teach writing and art...
Lost links sbivautsa in the chain. Under the pressure of obscure facts river of History - in some strange hypotheses - is poured into a different channel. In the conventional theories of human civilization, as soon as it formed in the deserts of Egypt or the wilds of America, immediately blossomed magnificent color. Had not increased the plant, and was shining flower. Now, in new insights, it has long grown and Mature, far from known cultural centers. There were recorded only its seeds. What else do these strange hypothesis? What happened to "the tree of culture"? Where are its roots?
Theatre under the ice, the characters in Egypt
A few decades ago, Erich von d?niken said, what on Earth can you find traces of extraterrestrial civilizations. We used to call them "the monuments of ancient cultures", not realizing that they created envoys of distant planets.
Graham Hancock believes that the Earth is possible to find traces of other terrestrial civilization, yet unknown. "Monuments of the ancient cultures" is particles scattered by her knowledge. It kept them for thousands of years, living in isolation from the wild, primitive tribes. The ocean was a solid wall that protected the "cradle of culture" from barbarism. But the ocean was also the country of oblivion: after his death the first civilization on earth was completely forgotten.
So, if in 1491, Eurasia and North Africa were submerged in the ocean, the descendants of the Indians would be hard to believe that on the place of North-East ocean lay a special world, where they built temples and theatres, where the worshipped one God or ancestors, where knew letter writing, and measured the distance to the Sun.
Perhaps the first finder of a lost culture became Charles Hapgood. Until his death in 1982, he tried to understand where was the birthplace of the sailors, who inflicted on the map the precise contours of Antarctica. Finally he concluded. Their homeland was Icy continent, no man's land of mankind.
15,000 years ago this part of the world was still not covered with ice, and lay it is not where we used to see it on the map: it was located at 3200 km to the North, in the area of the forties and fifties latitudes. There were mild climate, lush vegetation. Here was his kind of Eden - the ancestral home of our culture.
There are about 12,500 years ago there was an accident. Suddenly the earth's crust has shifted. The shift was so powerful is that Antarctica like toy thrown on the pipeline, and has moved thousands of miles away. It rolls across the globe and is stuck in the vicinity of the South pole. All this was accompanied by earthquakes, floods, sharp cold snap. Towns and villages, the pyramids and stone sculpture was quickly covered with ice. Antarctic civilization perished. Its achievements are stored under a kilometer-thick ice in the eternal Museum of mankind.
Survivor antarcti" left their homeland and sailed to the North. In their footsteps we have already traveled, looking in Egypt, South and Central America. Settling in these countries, they were met by natives. Conversing with them, turned to the missionaries. Like the builders of the British Empire, for a couple of centuries who taught almost the whole of Asia and Africa to speak English and live in a European way, these obscure natives disappeared civilizations passed their knowledge on many tribes living in the coastal countries.
The missionaries taught them the faith themselves and joined them Pantheon, turning it into the "white gods", "cultural heroes". They opened their lot: taught to erect large stone buildings, including the pyramids and the Observatory, told the mysteries of mathematics and astronomy, told about other lands and lying on their paths of the seas...
The history of "antarktis" etched in the collective memory of many primitive peoples: myths and life penetrate the Almighty gods, like the people (later the same mark in the minds of the savages will leave "discovered" them Europeans); so add up the myths of the Flood destroying a whole world. So sad experience has become a storehouse of spiritual experience of mankind.
Graham Hancock was a staunch supporter of the theory Hapgood. In his travels through South and Central America, he has discovered new facts proving it.
In ancient Mexico worshipped the creature, named Quetzalcoatl. He taught people to cultivate the land and to count down the time by the stars. His appearance was sudden. He came from beyond the sea on the boat, which was by itself, without oars". At Teotihuacan, in the temple of Quetzalcoatl, is his image, carved from stone. View of God is surprising: he wears a beard... and the local Indians beard is not growing. To invent unthinkable easy, but to invent a plausible item is almost unthinkable.
Like gods of the characters were also in the mythology of the Mayans and the Incas. The Egyptians bringing order in the country" was engaged in another divine brother" - Osiris.
The battle with the Ghost of Antarctica
Most historians relate to the theory Hapgood as "something that is beyond science". The same attitude and to Hancock. Not without reason in specialist circles now there is the formula "hancocks", which characterizes all the attempts to present the life of antarktos-Atlantis".
Yes, the hypothesis Hapgood forced to take a new look at the myth of Atlantis, once told by Plato and still exciting romantic minds. Because Atlantis is not necessary to put into the Mediterranean sea or in the Bermuda or the Canary Islands. Atlantis, - only not flooded with water and ice", could be the entire Antarctic continent, if the shift of the earth's crust and really threw him from temperate latitudes to high fatal.
However, if you return from the realm of myths and legends, to part with Osiris and Quetzalcoatl, it should be recognized that no less shaky arguments "Antarctic civilization," no. The facts can be interpreted differently.
For example, the Sphinx. Whether one hundred twenty centuries looking at us had partially severed from his crack? American geologist James E. Harrell from Toledo University (Ohio) differently explained his erosion.
About 2300 B.C. in Egypt still fell a little rain. Seeping into the ground, rainwater washed away the salt from the top, soft layers of limestone. Every year during the flooding of the Nile groundwater again endured these salts to the surface of the earth. Perhaps, the water flooded the base of the Sphinx, and salt dissolved in it, settled on the stone and crystallized, and getting into the pores of limestone and solidification was full of them. Now, it has become wider, merged in the cracks. So there was traces of erosion, which date the monument different Millennium.
Or cocaine in mummies. This discovery, made in recent years, has caused many disputes. Does it not prove that the Egyptians were in America? No, indeed, in Africa there are thousands of species of plants, whose chemical composition is not studied. Perhaps some of them contain microscopic dose of cocaine. Why did the Egyptians could not apply them at modifitsirovanie dead?
And the architecture of the pyramids? Why the Egyptians knew that their walls can be built only with the angle of 52 degrees and not more? Isn't "anarchy" they said it? No, recent discoveries in Egypt, assure that the laws of structural mechanics Egyptians learned by trial and error.
But how to be with the card Piri Flight? So it is, authenticity cannot be denied? No, but you can challenge the interpretation. That's what the archaeologist said Nick Thorpe from College, king Alfred (hard Disk): "If we get mentally with the Antarctic continent all the ice, the outlines of the continent will not be the same as before the glaciation. Under the weight of the ice crust is much pressed. The outlines of coastline has changed." If the map Piri Flight a mainland indeed resembles a modern Antarctica, it does not mean that in the times of "antarktis-Atlantean" he, too, looked like this. In addition, Hapgood explained that Antarctica moved to 3000 km, but this idea does not support any cards.
Of course, the credibility of the map Piri Flight because on it with astonishing accuracy depicted Mediterranean sea; marked all of the Bay, shallow water, currents, islets. There has affected millennial tradition of the ancient and Byzantine cartographers. And that's the same map - ancient "encyclopedia of the seas and lands" - suddenly reports that in the area of the South pole lies another part of the world, for us similar to Antarctica. However, for contemporaries Piri Flight in the appearance on the map of the unknown southern Land was not surprising.
Long before the discovery of Antarctica medieval geographers were sure of the existence on its place of the continent. The very concept of equilibrium in nature, so important for the antique science, convinced that are not available while parts of the world must exist vast areas of land, otherwise the world is overturned. Therefore, not only a map of the Piri Reis, but many other maps depict this southern Ground in our understanding of "Antarctica". A detailed overview of these cards are given in the book American geographer P. Ramsey "Opening, which never happened."
Finally, serious scientists do not acknowledge the main argument Hapgood: rapid shift of the earth's crust, allegedly led to the displacement of Antarctica for 3000 km, this idea does not consistent with generally accepted theory of global plate tectonics. Yes, continents drift, but they are not rushing on the oceans as airboats.
The geologists are no facts proving that about 12,500 years ago, the Earth has experienced a major catastrophe. Hapgood was referred to the fact that "it was at this time in Siberia died out hundreds of mammoths". However, long been proven that the Siberian mammoth cemetery is much older. Legends about the Flood, popular in the middle East and other Mediterranean regions, is not an echo of ills affecting Antarctica. As expected, at the heart of many legends is an actual event, happening a few thousand years ago in Europe: then the waters of the Mediterranean sea flooded the Bosphorus isthmus and rushed towards the Black sea; extensive lowland area adjacent to it, disappeared under the water.
However, supporters of fashionable hypotheses are responsible scientists in return. According to them, all objections of critics are exactly the same hypotheses, clothed only in a strictly scientific formulations. "We are dealing with an almost pathological desire specialists to stop any attempts to discuss the mysterious historical phenomena," the end justifies the fiasco of the scientists battles Graham Hancock.
The end of the disputes is not seen - except that one of the parties will be able to cut through the ice shell of Antarctica and get out a couple of artifacts, such as the cuneiform tutorial on construction of the pyramids... Or not to find anything as inclined to think historians.
"By and large, " says British writer Colin Wilson, in his book Hancock, - not matter whether there was once an unknown civilization, which gave rise to the whole of our culture." Another thing is important.
Our history is a series of successive crops. The famous historian Arnold Toynbee to the end of his life consisted of, for example, 37 civilizations. Many of them have long bloomed and died, leaving the descendants of the individual text codes of law, sacred books, poems and myths or monuments: ruins of temples, columns, fragments of statues.
Civilization as people who left us forever. We remember their names - North, Andean, Aegean, Elamite, Urartian; we keep left them things; we are restoring their fate bit by bit - by the pieces of "family legends" Yes with the buttons, beads and pieces of pottery have casually got on eyes. But how much is irretrievably lost! We look back, looking for advice, but the river of time brings us only fragments of old thoughts - dim glare of others ' insights.
Is not this the reason of interest to the secrets of the past? "The temple fell; and the ruins of his descendant language is not discerned" (E. Baratynsky). We passionately want to understand every word, dropped ancestors. Thousands of worries devour us. We are trying to find a way out, but you seem to yourself dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants. Enchanted, looking at them - our unique support the rough waters of the history and struggling to understand: what wisdom they have found, knowing the same problems? What about us? What they had to say, and we could not hear? We look at them the Ghost, born of our half-knowledge and dreams. We are looking for the answer, and searched only beads, buttons, shards Yes scarce line have not lost texts. And we ever visited a dream that somewhere on the planet - not on the beaten paths of Greece, not trampled on the land of Palestine is still stored great mysteries of mankind. The treasure remains only to find.
This dream about knowledge that we have to find it nourishes theory Hapgood-Hancock. Captured in ice waiting in the wings all the wisdom of the earth is the source of great civilizations.
Near the station "Vostok" fit to drive a stick with a sign "to treasure forever" - if not the legacy of the ancient "antarktis", then at least dream about it!
Pyramid by trial and Oshflexible
In an oasis of Faiyum in Madame Pharaoh Sneferu (2570-2545 BC) decided to erect the pyramid height 92 m, whose walls were very steep (their elevation reached 52 degrees). His appearance this monument was supposed to resemble a pyramid of one of his predecessors, Djoser. Shortly before completion of the work, obviously, disaster struck. Outside, stone lining of the pyramid, so says one of the theories, slid down and took many blocks. At the foot of the pyramid frozen mountain of rubble and rocks. Miss ancient builders immortalized in the way monumental "chipping" height 70 m
Apparently, Sneferu immediately ordered to build a new pyramid - this time in Dahshur, a few kilometers South of Madama. Wall became even steeper: 54 degrees. The supposed height of 128 M. However, as the walls were growing, Pharaoh increasingly worried. The memory of the Shoah in Madame never left him. Finally, when the pyramid was built already half, doubts overpowered his proud soul. He ordered to change the angle of the walls, making them more gentle, down to earth. Now they rose at an angle 43 degrees. Thus appeared the so-called Broken pyramid in Dahshur.
It seemed that now he could calm down? No, Sneferu wanted - after life is to sit down in a normal, like everyone, pyramid, whose sacred forms are not distorted in a hurry. Then he ordered to build the Red pyramid in the same Dahshur, just North of the Polyline. This time, the slope angle of its walls from the very beginning was equal to 43 degrees.
Perhaps the events unfolded and not according to this scenario, but, be that as it may, the fact is obvious: the miscalculations in the construction of the pyramids will not hide. Thus, the ancient builders had made a mistake, and mistakes inherent in the person, not the ideal extraterrestrial intelligence or visiting experts in architecture from Antarctica. They'd built the pyramid on the first try.
At the time of Shakespeare on Antarctica knew any humanist
American historian Raymond Ramsay in the book "Open, which never had carefully studied one of the "unsolved mysteries geography: in many ancient maps (not only on the map Piri Flight) depicted, though most often wrong... Antarctica. How cartographers Renaissance could know about it? Necessarily believe in aliens, obletela with the inspection of the Earth, or emissaries of "Antarctic culture"that brought a card of their homeland in Egypt...
However, such faith is dissipated by the light of the facts. The ancient geographers were convinced that "the known world is no more than a quarter of the globe" (P. Ramsey). Applying to geography simple physical laws, the Greeks believed that Europe, Asia and Africa keeps in balance the vast southern Land (in our view - Antarctica).
On the world map, attributed to Ptolemy, Africa is just a huge Peninsula South of the Earth, and the Indian ocean - the same inland sea, and the Mediterranean: from the South, it restricts Terra Australis Incognita.
At the time of the Great geographical discoveries many expeditions sailed towards a "slave". Travel directly to the South inevitably would lead them to the southern Land. When Magellan discovered the Land of Fire, the University geographers considered it a Peninsula South of the Earth (and the opinion is kept whole century).
As "white spots" disappeared from the map of the planet, the outlines of the southern Lands became more and more determined. On one of the cards at the beginning of XVI century the South - Ground-strip near the South pole. In 1531 French mathematician Irons fin fills a void in the bottom of the map is pretty accurate in outline, albeit a very comprehensive picture of the southern Lands, decorating it peaks and convenient bays. On Gerard Mercator's map 1569 South Earth even bigger and almost borders on the island of Java.
Imaginary "Antarctica" is still on the map of the Earth down to the SEVENTEENTH century, Only then geographers began to map only the known lands. Inaccessible parts of the world began to SIAT maps "white spots".