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Загадки Медведицкой грядыRabies ball and giant usual lightning, UFO, vegetation and soil, clearly affected by some malicious radiation, a unexplored, only the planned network of underground tunnels is Medveditsky ridge, which is located in the Volgograd oblation, broken, like matches, trees more than thirty centimeters in diameter, which was opened by the blackness of space burns up to five square metres, - that we saw the place "coven" electric elements, once on the Medveditsky ridge. Later, during several expeditions, I and my companions know literally every meter of soil in this mysterious place. Finally on the map of Russia appeared one of the most powerful and unpredictable in his behavior anomalous zones. We learned much about it, but, frankly, there will be enough for all enthusiasts of adventure and study the unknown.

"Three-star UFO".

It turns out that UFO statistics may be useful. Several years ago the researchers of the scientific search of the Association "Kosmopoisk" held statistical processing of many dozens of messages about monitoring over the territory of the former Soviet Union flights so-called "three-star UFO", which later became known as the Belgian triangles (all of them differing in size, colour, size, have similar shape - three bright fire, indicating the points of the triangle ). Incidentally, 2004 as 1982, 1983, 2001, 2002, was held at the Medveditsky ridge again under the symbol "three-star UFO". For the fifth time (third time in twenty-first century) this strange object held a "week" regular flights over the Medveditsky ridge. Twice this was the reason for the immediate start of the expedition "Kosmopoisk", this happened twice during carrying out of here expeditions, this time - in the end of this expedition, literally in the days when the members of the " Kosmopoisk was going home: to study and to work. Most devices to the moment, alas, has already been taken. The fact that the imposition of the trajectories of a UFO that class at the map and interviewing witnesses showed the intersection of the most routes of these objects in the area Medveditsky ridge. Naturally, the idea arose to explore the area in more detail. And now for the past few years researchers come out here, discovering new and new mysterious places and objects in the area of the ridge. For example, in 1993 found in a large field trail landing triangular UFO. Mark is right-angled triangle with sides HH meters. Now this trail is overgrown with bushes and tall grass that dramatically sets them apart field with sunflower.

With an interval of 200 meters behind this triangle are two more similar triangle. Most likely, it traces back to an earlier landings (or freezes) huge triangular objects on this territory. A natural question: why local people for ten years raspahali under field these tracks are clearly interfered with the tractor? The answer is simple: wanted to, but failed.

The thing is that when approaching this triangular parts of tractors amicably go deaf motors. So I decided that it is cheaper to go around the triangular marks on the perimeter than every time messing around with a dead engine. Only in 2003 active impact of this triangle on the engines stopped. At our request into it drove the UAZ local film crews and turned off the engine. After 10 minutes the engine again quietly wound up! Anyway, unidentified flying objects here is no surprise.

Local people often see a strange glowing orbs and objects of other forms. So, in the summer of 2001, local mechanic repaired in the field, his tractor when a hundred places from it landed on the field spherical UFO grey more than a meter in diameter. According to the tractor operator, close proximity strange Orb effect on the engine. When the repair of a tractor was finished, UFO flew away, leaving the landing site is trampled down the grass. The members of the expeditions "Kosmopoisk" encounter strange objects which are different in character flight from satellites and aircraft, almost every night, and several times over. Not so long ago, literally a kilometer away from the camp of "Kosmopoisk", in the desert, was discovered boarding trace from a UFO in the form of a circle. The grass in the place of the alleged landing of UFOs acquired a strange light shades from light-yellow to brown. In the center of the spot, at a depth of about 20 cm, were found the remains of worms in the form of hollow tubes. They worms apparently disappeared.

Riot Perun.

However, not only frequent flights unusual objects is characterized Medveditsky ridge. The second mystery is connected with the fact that for many years, according to local residents, this place attracts a huge number of lightning

as if he was chosen Zeus the Thunderer, or the Slavic God of lightning and thunder Perun. It was decided to thoroughly examine and measure all of burned trees. Izlazu along and across the ridge, the researchers counted more than three hundred fifty burned completely or partially trunks.

In some cases from the heavy wood remained only the charred stump height to the knee. It was so strange, that forced to seriously think what is happening here. And here's why.

First there was the assumption that the trees burn ordinary linear lightning. The specialists decided to check this hypothesis, the benefit of a storm front was enough. High school students (trained in a special, free school "Stalker"), who took part in the expedition, sometimes not sleep nights, writing in notebooks directions outbreaks of atmospheric electricity. In these fronts, they counted more than 2,200 such outbursts. Sometimes the sky was lit by electric discharges more than two hundred times in an hour. When these records have created a map, gasped: it appears that the point of contact of the linear lightning does not correspond to the area of forest burnt trees. What burns the trees? Thought that maybe so "fun" ball lightning.

However, it is believed that ball lightning formed in place of the contact of ordinary, linear lightning with the surface of the earth. The survey made it clear picture: fireballs there is also almost no one saw. Turned out that the trees were burnt it is not clear what and how. It was only the first stage of work. Daily brigades, armed with compasses, notebooks, roulettes, went into the woods and measured the size, shape, location, and direction of burns on the trees. Many trees burns were several. And again in the evening the members of the expedition stayed over obtained tables, charts, racking his brains over another mystery. The fact that the analysis of burns on the trunks of trees showed that 95 percent of them are located at a height of not more than a meter. A substantial part of the trees were purposefully burnt roots, and after that Energoizdat burned from within the tree lined barrel through bottom-up.

It seemed that lightning or something unknown struck a tree, not from the air and from the ground! Immediately believed it was difficult. It is known that when the thunderstorm atmosphere is calm and is characterized by gusts of wind. When the wind branches and tops of trees inevitably swing. Therefore, the probability that the linear or fireball will be delivered on the part of the atmosphere in the centre thin swaying branches or tree top is very small. It is clear that to expect through burn-through the trunk of the tree from top to bottom. He could only suppose that the energy charge of a plasmoid (and ball lightning is often compared to a plasma state of matter) comes from below, from the soil, the tree root (rhizomes), and then covered up the hole. Only in this case the low location of burns above the ground is quite understandable.

Underground base UFO?

Outstanding question remains: why do these plasmoids (or energotrade) was chosen Medveditsky ridge? According to legends and stories of eyewitnesses, who managed to gather the members of the " Kosmopoisk", it turned out that at a depth of 8 to 30 meters in this territory are not known who and when built gigantic tunnels diameter 7-20 m, stretching, perhaps for many kilometers. Think about it, their diameter is greater than the tunnels in the subway!

Before the war, some daredevils passed on him for many kilometers. In the beginning of the war the entrances to the tunnels were detonated by sappers. The approximate their scheme, based on the data of the biolocation of shooting, showed that out of a giant maze detonated by sappers, also lie on the Medveditsky ridge. If this is really so, then burnt trees can be exploded just above the tunnels.

Naturally, we wanted to verify this assumption. However, in order to prove the hypothesis emerged, it was necessary to determine the coordinates of all detected previously burnt trees and put them on the map. If the hypothesis is confirmed, it will mean that some energotrade that look like ball lightning, are almost reasonable and do not depend on the occurrence of a line of lightning.

The collection of these data is gone for almost a month, and this had a most thorough way to rake in the conditions of the 30-degree heat almost 130 thousand square meters of forest in the steppe thorns, sharp sticks and hard grass. However, in any expedition collecting data is only half the story. For the development of software and computer processing of the coordinates of burned trees come from a member of the " Kosmopoisk" Dmitry Kurkov. The processing of these data have been identified, where is most of burned trees.

It turned out that within the studied area, on average, for every ten square metres surface energozatratam was struck from 2 to 5 trees. Such density "fire" would have envied even the famous rocket launchers "Katyusha"! When the screen of the monitor is symptomatic of the different colors of the damaged trunks of trees, managed, at the appropriate scale, to reveal the whole chain of burns in almost direct and intersecting lines. The definition of the compass directions of these lines gave unexpected results. In all three forest areas, where cards have been established, is the main mass of burned trees. But is not chaotically, but in certain directions: 314-324, 244-254, 270-276 degrees in azimuth.

The importance of this technical indicator is the following: the burnt trees as if pointing to the direction of the tunnel, because they almost coincided with those directions! So today it is clear that deeply 8 to 30 meters) below the surface of the earth are mysterious straight voids that are underground batteries, sources or storage energozatratam. In this case, the trees growing in the forests on these tunnels can have their root system to touch the outer walls of voids. At some point occurs energopromis tunnel walls and Energoizdat goes up to the surface, by the root system of a tree, which due to its high humidity is a natural conductor.

It was noted above that, based on archival materials and interviews of the population, age tunnels can reach many hundreds of years. About them there is a rich local folklore, where the tunnels are declared and UFO bases and the underground city of the Volga robbers hiding the stolen treasures, and conserved storage antediluvian race of man-the serpent, which was allegedly seen ingrained in the tunnels local enthusiasts. It is clear that interesting research, observation of various anomalies and UFO on Medveditsky ridge is not enough for one year. I will say that when you "Kosmopoisk", in Yerevan children's aerospace club "Soyuz" is a Studio, which invites young researchers, including senior pupils, preparation for work in abnormal areas. And the opening will not force to wait
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