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One of the first cases of studying the phenomenon of the so-called "electric people ' refers to 1846. 15 January young French Angelica Katan, which just turned fourteen, had a strange condition, which lasted ten days. Cost her to approach any subject, they immediately began to bounce. The lightest touch of her hands or dress was enough for even the heaviest furniture began to spin and jump around the room.
French Academy of Sciences created a special research group, which included the famous physicist Francois Arago. "The official journal de debat" in the February issue of 1846 published his report on the investigation. According to Arago, the power that had a girl like electromagnetism. So, in her presence compass needle "went crazy" and started spinning in all directions. "The electromagnetic force" acted on her with such force that she often went into convulsions and heart rate thus reached 120 beats per minute. Angelica was so scared occurred to her that often ran away from home.
Such "HV" syndrome was first recorded in 1786. Subsequently repeatedly observed cases when people in literally started "more", to attract or repulse the subject. In the 1890-ies of the medics studied American Jenny Gan, which had a "high electric potential". From it in all directions flew electrical sparks. The neighbors were afraid to meet with her, but he who due to forgetfulness or not knowing about the phenomenon touched it, or shook hands, sometimes fainted from shock.
Often increased electromagnetism causes of the phenomenon "man-magnet". For example, American F. Mack-Minstry studied the doctors in 1889, he said, someday "sensed a certain charge". As a result, he could only move very fast pace without stopping - otherwise his legs "sticky" to the floor or the ground and he had to ask passers-by to help him "flag" "to release from his charge". D 1890 in view of doctors from the College of Maryland hit "man-magnet" Luis Hamburger: it "stuck" all metal objects. The tips of his fingers he could raise a glass jar filled with metal filings weighing about two pounds.
This and other cases are described in many scientific works. This phenomenon, when in the presence of "electric people" start spinning arrows compasses, the lights go on or, on the contrary, off or spoil appliances, there is interference on telephone lines.
There is a lot of evidence and that people suddenly begin to glow. In may 1934, there was a sensational event, which was called the "glowing woman from Pirano". The message about it has moved from the pages of medical publications in Newspapers around the world. Italian Anna Monaro had suffered from asthma, and for several weeks during sleep from her chest proceeded blue light. Many doctors have observed this phenomenon, which every time continued intermittently for a few seconds. One psychiatrist suggested that this phenomenon is called "electric and magnetic organisms that have gained quite a strong development in the body of this woman and therefore emit a glow". Another doctor suggested theory "electromagnetic radiation", associated it with certain chemical components that are in the bones of the patient. Essentially, it was an attempt to explain the phenomenon of the more common bioluminescence.
In the medical literature cases glow of the human body is usually associated with pathology. For example, the famous case of the illumination of women suffering from breast cancer. This coming from alnogo plot breast light was sufficient to be considered a clock at a distance of about one meter.
The only case of light radiation healthy person described" 1869 in the journal "English mechanic": "One American, going to bed, found the illumination of the upper part of the fourth finger of her right leg. When she Ter leg, the glow increased and some unknown force was expanded fingers on it. From leg came stench, and as of radiation, and the smell was not stopped when his leg was submerged in a basin of water. Even soap could not extinguish or reduce glow. Lasted this phenomenon three quarters of an hour, and had watched him the husband of this woman".
The science knows the phenomenon of luminescence - "cold" glow. It is usually caused by either biochemical reactions in tissues and organs, as well as living organisms - bacteria, bugs-fireflies and so on, In principle superweak glow peculiar, apparently, all living organisms - people, animals and plants. However, not always the glow of living organisms can be explained by well known reasons.
As for the electromagnetism, it is also inherent in any living organism and is associated with the presence of many charged particles with weak magnetic. However, the resulting magnetic fields have a very low tension and completely unable to cause mechanical movement even the smallest metal objects. What causes sudden increase in the electromagnetic field of human rights in hundreds and thousands of times, turning it into a walking magnet or walking a light bulb? The question is, alas, remains unanswered.