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The phenomenon of laskowska (biolocation effect) know more than four thousand years.
Askedto widely used in Europe and in Asia for searching water, minerals. The most intensive use of biolocation method began in the early XX century In 1911 hosted the first Congress of dowsers in Hanover, was subsequently organized by the international Union of dowsers. Currently, there are few national unions of radically and videocamera in USA, UK, France, Germany, New Zealand and other countries. At the session of the Commission on this issue in the USSR in 1979, adopted the term "dowsing", and the effect of rotation of the metal frame was called the "location".
High sensitivity, a powerful bio-energy, and the ability of psychic self-regulation allow a person to apply this method for 2-3 weeks.
Frame indicator is of two kinds. It is made of metal wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm of the frame is clamped in his hand (hand) operator. During a search of minerals spare part (shoulder frame) - rotates to the left-to the right. Depending on the angle of rotation is determined by the type of mineral. If the frame in the zero position, means any mineral resources no.
The method of training
1. Before searching the exercise is to generate energy.
This exercise is particularly useful for those who deal with bioenergetical, massage, acupuncture, and people with a weak nervous system, which are prone to stress. As a rule, in times of stress is the release of energy from the body, resulting in a broken and energy balance. People who are able to store energy, in a moment of stress is the energy from the energy of the battery and the balance is not disturbed (Fig).
The exercise is performed while standing in a pose of a priest or sit on the Kucher face to the North with his eyes closed.
Exercise is performed at the expense of seven".
Inhaling: send a strong flow of energy on the fingertips.
On the exhale: at the expense of "one, two, three" send energy through the hands at the base of the cone Manipura chakra (the lower part of the abdomen), screwing it clockwise up to the top of the cone (fifth lumbar vertebra).
On the breath: an even greater amount of energy supplied to the fingertips.
On the exhale, that is already account our", energy send on the base of the cone Manipura chakra and down, passing through the centre of the base of the cone of Svadhisthana - chakrei then send it to the base of the cone Muladhara chakra, spinning counterclockwise to the top of the cone (coccyx).
Inhaling: trying to enter the flow of energy and send to your fingertips.
On the exhale: account ive" - energy send in Manipura - a chakra through the chakras Svadhisthana, Muladhara(on the previous diagram) and lift up the spine to the top of the cone Anahata chakra. Clockwise spin it to the center of the base of the cone.
On the inhale again take the energy and send it to your fingertips.
On the exhale: account "six" - energy send in Manipura - a chakra, down through charismatischer and Muladhara , further under the scheme to the Anahata chakra and raise up the spine through the top of cones of Vishuddha chakra, adzhna to Sahasrara chakra. At this point, people, well mastered this exercise, appears on the right side at a short distance from head about a 45-degree angle thin Crescent of energy.
At inhalation: take the energy flow and send to your fingertips.
On the exhale: account seven" - energy, his way across the scheme goes through the base of the cone of all the chakras again to the base of the cone Manipura chakra - the battery internal and external psienergie.
2. Holding his hand frame, tune into search, such as water and mentally to give the installation: "I frame is a single unit. I feel the water. My Feelings are transmitted to the frame, and it's at the right moment, will give a signal".
In advance to prepare three tanks, covered with oilcloth. One water, the other with metal scrap, in the third - any crystalline rock. The distance between 15-20 tanks, see
Slowly, slowly, when the frame is in the zero position, hold a hand with frame on the first capacity 3-4 times, returning arm to its original position. Remember the deflection angle. Then the same operation to perform on the second and third vessels, and remember the angles of deflection.
To perform these operations, asking someone to change seats capacity. In the corners of the deviation to determine where that is. Having mastered to perfection these operations, you can do a search of minerals, water, etc.
With frames, you can diagnose diseases of the person at a distance of 5-7 cm from the surface of the body. When detected" pathology frame makes rotary motion. The fact that a healthy person etheric sheath is at the same distance from the surface of the body. If the function of any organ broken, this place feels "failure shell"that fixes the frame. When the Overdrive of the Central nervous system may be the release of energy and in this case there is growth, essential shell.
There are more sophisticated methods for professionals who can work with the chakras. Offer one of them for mineral exploration.
Warm Muladhara - a chakra involving the anus - 3 with delay, 3 with lower - within 2-3 min (not to overtax). Mental ray to send to the top of the cone of the Muladhara chakra. An effort to open it, plunging the energy clockwise to the base of the cone. Then in a similar way to include all the chakras.
Translate mental ray to the Ajna-chakra (with the vision of her glowing blue cone). To put information on the mind level: "I can easily capture information Land, easily processed".
Translate mental beam on the base of the cone Muladhara chakra and send energy through both feet into the ground (GND). There appear a feeling of light wave, pulse. When you feel intuitively that has reached the goal, with the Muladhara chakra (base of the cone) send the energy up to the chakras Svadhisthana, Manipur and Central chakra, and then a 45-degree angle on the hands, which are the frame. Mentally to do self-hypnosis: "I inextricably linked with the Earth". Start to produce the work for exploration of natural resources. Angle of deviation of the frame is determined by the type of mineral resources.
When medical diagnosis, as a rule, are used chakra ajna, Manipur and Anahata.
Biolocation method is based on the ability of human body to catch the emission of various substances. The powerful radiation of a substance, the growing power of the lower chakras the person, the greater is rejected frame.