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Полтергейст: вопросы и ответыPoltergeist study researchers psychic phenomena and parapsychologists, staring him in the truest sense of the word debriefing. Collected volume of observations about throwing stones or mud, about the flight of various objects, illumination and unusual visions, tapping, about some loud cry and even attempted rape by a poltergeist. Separately recorded small pranks like twisting light bulb from the socket and simultaneous set on the phone several rooms.

Evidence has accumulated so much already that a group of ufologists finally decided to subject the phenomenon of scientific systematization. His version was offered Zhytomyr researcher Sergey Deyneko. According to his version, barabashka barabashka strife. Depending on the behavior they are divided into three categories: classic , children and evil.

The main feature of classical poltergeist is that it acts in the absence of people who, upon returning home, see overturned furniture and burnt linen. On classics account for almost 80% of the recorded events. Of course, in this case it is difficult to say, what force made this pogrom. For example, burnt clothes can be explained childish pranks, and broken Windows revenge neighbors. Poltergeist, as a rule, starts and stops suddenly. It can last from several months to several years, but usually lasts at least a month.

And there are poltergeist bound to the people?

Yes, this baby poltergeist, which is bound to the person as a child to his mother. Barabashka, which did in their time a lot of noise in the apartment Kyiv Andrievsky, stayed on Saperno-Slobodskaya street, harassed the family even after escaping from him, she moved to another city. Such cases where a poltergeist moved from place to place, following his sacrifice, we know quite a lot.

Researchers often notice a stable relationship phenomenon with someone from the family members, often the child or young person. This is confirmed by the fact that when such a vehicle is absent or asleep, barabashka does not show itself. When the media is in another house, there is also starting to happen poltergeist: the fire, the fall and the movement of objects. Described a case where cost the boy ( the media) to appear at the neighbors, as here, it was turned over to the table. Such selectivity suggests that the phenomenon are some of reasonable force. However, they are not always configured childish friendly.

You mean evil poltergeist?

Yes, unpleasant name and phenomenon. They represent a serious danger to humans, often associated with self-ignition of items. Sometimes burn completely non-combustible materials, even asbestos insulators! It happens and automotive poltergeist . It is known to many drivers phenomenon, when at full health motor in the car something constantly and systematically knocks. The driver, as a rule, not paying any attention to extraneous tapping and vain. This systematic knock lulls, and sitting behind the wheel may go into a hypnotic state, similar to the strong fatigue. The accident in this state are not uncommon. Probably, in all three cases, we are dealing with three different powers, but what are they, exactly say now will undertake one. And the pity we don't know how to deal with them. In addition Holy water and prayers, humanity over many years of living with poltergeist nothing came up.

Poltergeist - chaotic movement of items, accompanied by strange sounds and the devastating consequences in the habitation, known since ancient times. In Russian this phenomenon is translated as "noisy Ghost". Folklore attributes the appearance of poltergeist spirits, house and evil sorcerers. However, in our time to the problem of poltergeist find a scientific approach. 1995 and still in Moscow service is running "ambulance" when poltergeysta, organized by the parapsychology Foundation named L. L. Vasiliev. It was created with the purpose of scientific study of unusual phenomenon, and to help victims get rid of the disastrous consequences of this abnormal phenomenon. I managed to talk with the head of the parapsychology Foundation and head of the "emergency poltergeist-help" doctor of medical Sciences Andrey LEE.

- How often the capital worried about the poltergeist?

- For the period from September 1995 to 2001 brigade went on calls about a hundred times. Main "poltergeysta activity" passed in the period from 1995 to 1997. At this time of the 86 calls brigade 22 cases were simply draws, in 30 cases, the service was faced with the manifestation of different kinds of mental disorders among citizens. In 23 cases were identified natural causes concern to people phenomena. During this time happened 8 fire, and 3 motor poltergeist, accompanied powerful destructive consequences, causes them to understand immediately failed. So was deployed round-the-clock observation: set the video, and hardware, fixing strange sounds and temperature fluctuations.

- How do you manage to see through instsenirovka poltergeist?

- Usually we set up a hidden camera and pretend that you are removing. Here "play" and reveal themselves. For example, once the cause of the poltergeist was a little boy who fell out with his grandmother. He threw at home pans, smeared across the carpet mother's cosmetics, almost launched into an expensive video equipment with a hammer. One camera all the antics of the child fixed. Reason for suspicion was there right when it turned out that the dog behaved calmly. When this poltergeist much concerned Pets, and cockroaches, and even disappear. The false call the family had to pay the service of observation 800 rubles per day. And if we find out that the real poltergeist, all work is carried out free of charge. Moreover, we employ additional specialists: physicians, electrophysiology and others.

- What happens during this poltergeist?

- Poltergeist usually begin with a strange sounds and movements of objects, and gradually over a few days or weeks of violence in the home increases. The sound becomes louder and sharper, the apartment can start to fly utensils, flake light bulbs, to sway chandeliers, from the pockets as if by an invisible hand get a real waste of money. Figurines from the shelves fall on people...

In the absence of people in the room or during their sleep anomalous phenomena, usually terminated; evening when everyone is home, poltergeist increases. Moreover, the presence of strangers in the house as a guest and issledovatelei, did not prevent the riot "noisy Ghost" to continue. If people are trying to escape from the abnormal phenomena, go into the next apartment or temporarily move to relatives, anomalous phenomena are often beset the family or its individual members, and at the new place of residence. When returning victims anomalies home poltergeist resumes.

- Whether or not the riot "noisy Ghost" it can be deadly for people, and from the house may not be left one stone upon another?

- Devastating consequences of poltergeist rumor too prone to exaggerate. Usually in winter not broken glass Windows. Flying with great speed subjects or don't get into people, or turn right, not when it reaches, or stop touching of the body. Furniture not falling. And things light up only when someone in the house was awake and able to extinguish the fire started. In 1997 in Moscow apartment on Planetary the street suddenly flashed and Gus sofa in the living room. Then suddenly light up the window sill, the walls in the kitchen and hallway decayed to black. The apartment has everything was turned upside down. Mother, grandmother and 10-year-old son panicked: to live in this devastation became unbearable.

- And how did you manage to identify and eliminate the reason for the strange phenomenon?

- The cause of spontaneous fires was the son of the calling our customer service women. During monitoring it was recorded that all poltergaste processes occurred in the immediate vicinity: in two-three metres behind the child or in the face of the boy. As soon as something flashed, teen typically ran away screaming for his mother or grandmother simmer for kindling the fire. Our psychologist Tatiana Vorobieva taught the boy to the special exercises, which came first to translate dangerous fire poltergeist (light up when things) motor (when the subject is simply moving across the room), and then completely negate destructive phenomenon. It turned out in the family was a conflict situation. The child is very responsive to quarrel parents, but could not influence on them. And so unconsciously started to burn the apartment without the aid of matches. Before the advent of poltergeist the boy did not differ special tricks: for show spoons not bent, the future did not foresee. When the cause of the poltergeist had recovered, the teenager's just lost his dangerous abilities.

And could someone deliberately to cause a poltergeist?

- Poltergeist is precisely characterized by the fact that it is a spontaneous telekinesis. However, the people, causing poltergeist, able to learn to control his abilities, and even be used to treat other. However, very few of "instigators" poltergeist takes possession of his inner "I", and we try such people to teach: for example, the ability to translate macroelements (the ability to move large objects) in microelement (the possibility of an effort to influence the motion of microparticles in the human body, thus normalizing, for example, currency propheticthe EU ETS or healing viruses).

- A couple of centuries ago the expulsion of poltergeist that meant the violence of the devil or of a house, was engaged in the sorcerers or the priests. Today they are to you competitors?

- Unfortunately, we have no rivals at all, because I doubt that poltergeist can cast out sorcerers or the priests. Usually the case is in the human mind, not in the rampant evil forces. The cause of poltergeists are unconscious collective unconscious processes. Usually manages one subject - the cause of poltergeist. Often they are teenagers from 10 to 15 years, but can be and adults. Poltergeist is born as an unconscious protest against the pain, the humiliation, the reaction of quarrels and conflicts. This phenomenon can occur in large concentrations aggressive people (in the army, prisons). Therefore, our task is not only to fix but also to prevent the appearance of spontaneous telekinesis.

We distributed leaflets with the rules of conduct for poltergeist in power structures, because, first of all, officials, policemen, workers of the local authorities should know that the anomalous phenomena exist. You should not drag people in whose house the poltergeist in a psychiatric hospital, considered a fraud or willful hooligans. First of all it is necessary to describe all suspicious and strange phenomenon: the sounds, the facts of the movement or fire items, unusual feeling of victims of poltergeist. And then call scientists.

Comment psychic:

The expert of Association "Anomaly" psychic Vladimir BOBROV believes that poltergeist is caused not only by people. There are several kinds of this anomalous phenomena: spontaneous, induced, natural and provocative poltergeist. Spontaneous poltergeist really is initiated by people unconsciously, when they fall into a special state of near-hypnosis. It is believed that it can cause very young people, suffering from various neurological or emotional disorders.

Sources induced poltergeist: the sorcerers who are in the room but remain invisible to others (see kids and animals); seance and other carelessly carried out actions interfering in the spiritual sphere; unclear living entity and may the souls of dead people. According to legends, the poltergeist can cause and raging, dissatisfied with something-house. Natural poltergeist is one of the types of anomalies. Provocative poltergeist - tricks, cheating, swindling people wanting to make fun or maybe get some benefit.
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