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In our century the phenomenon ghostly lights excited inhabitants of the countryside of South-West Queensland in Australia quite regularly hosts Heath area of eleven square miles under the name of "Station Alexandria". Amazing, like perform a few steps spots of light, although known as Min-Min (in honor of brothels in the near town Bouley), but did not receive a convincing explanation, with its intriguing behavior induced colliding with them Australians on the idea that they are being persecuted. Some believed that it sports the souls of the dead, not wanting to leave the earth. Others thought the lights is a tiny living beings with UFOs. Science, which was supposed to provide us with a decent explanation, reached an impasse.
One of the widely known, though not the very first, the story of an encounter with this phenomenon was described in March 1940. The main character in it was the shepherd, who was driving between Baulieu and on?a?rental basis, when they saw a suspicious glow over the cemetery. He stopped the car and saw the light gradually developed into a ball the size of a watermelon and swam right at him. Fearing for his life, the shepherd hastily turned and ran towards Bouley, nearest civilization; he later told that the ball was moving him up to the town.
Beginning with this report, 1940, luminous sphere plagued many travelers stranded on a deserted road in the midst "Station Alexandria", and there is no doubt that something strange manifests itself there. But the lights Min-Min is not unique: materiology found a few places where the balls of light (called different-o-the-wisps, ghostly, otherworldly) appear regularly. These low night lights are not always in the form of a round, often in the form Pleshkov, like candles, and twinkling moved from place to place, though Manya somewhere. Probably the most famous of them - the American representatives: lights Saragosa and Martha in Texas, lights Brown mountains and IACS in North Carolina and ghostly lights hornet in Missouri. Such a concentration around densely populated areas allows to doubt that this ball lightning. Even the descriptions imply that these light globule not filled with high voltage electricity, which is typical of lightning. However, they are in fact - is unclear.
In Britain, the emergence of low night lights documented since Shakespeare, and they managed to get many colorful names like Jack O'Fonarey (O'Lantem), Light Bodily or personal Candle. And while the people's speculations announce these lights are the souls of dead villains, standard scientific explanation being that it is only methane, spontaneously emitted marsh land and of itself ablaze. Attempts rationalists to simulate the characteristics of floodlights through the creation of artificial wetlands and igniting emitted methane failed. Having decided yet don't give up, some observers suggested fosforitsirujushchie fungi or bacteria on the feathers of the wings of owls! Another, more modern hypothesis, ascribes such luminescence of radioactive mineral precipitation, as part of an unfortunate confusion with the road by the lights of distant machine. Of course, such a simple explanation may be appropriate for some cases, but when you consider that a good part of it was far from wetlands, places, favorite owls, and the highway, that these theories are not explicitly claim to be global. And also they did not step brings us closer to the solution of those cases in which a ghostly lights explicitly pursued some reasonable goal.
The sixteenth of July 1952, two patrol police officers late at night on a deserted road in Maryland, was greatly startled to see the yellow spot of light is moving right over towards him. They stopped, so did the light hanging in front of them at the height of twenty feet. When they slowly moved the car forward, fire moved away and began to speed up. As soon as police managed to catch up with fire, that, as if giving up, cast off, somewhere on the rural expanse that the lights were noted at a meeting with them motorists stranded on the stretch of road near Neosho, in Missouri, known as the Road Ghostly Light. And the most famous scatter light of North Carolina is most likely to occur on the coast or at the railroad tracks, in the very place where some times saw the Ghost of a man, beheaded by train in 1868. In Arkansas light of Girona also has a concomitant ghostly story: this time we are talking about the desktop-the foreman, the overused to death in gauge railway, where just and there is light. And Skrivena in Georgia fire usually hanging over the rails where during a train derailment killed signalman, a semaphore.
But the lights rarely represent a source of danger, and their attraction to the places where previously occurred tragedy, apparently, says that life can exist in a different form, quite unknown to the earth science. It all depends on your relationship: are you going to take this idea as bold or false. Certainly in Britain, where wandering lights still appear in different parts of the country, folklore assures that all their activity is trying to lure people into a swamp or otherwise unsafe place. Such behavior is clearly inhumane, but in Europe there are other facts: in November 1977 a married couple climbing on mount Snezka, the highest peak of Czechoslovakia, went astray and were in a very difficult position when it started snowing. The situation becomes threatening, when the travelers saw the blue ball, who was seen a few feet from the ground, whirling gently and malovato. Even scared climbers some instinct understood that this phenomenon nerazdelni and may even help them to descend from the mountain. So it has happened - the ball all the time was before them light on the way to the lower slopes. And just when it seemed the first houses of the city, saving light has said goodbye to them.