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Алистер Кроули"Not yet reached adolescence, I knew that I am the Beast whose number is 666. I did not understand to the end, where it is leading: it was passionate, ecstatic feeling of self personality... In the third year of study in Cambridge I consciously devoted himself to the Great work, you are Doing yourself a Spiritual Being, free from contradictions, accidents and illusions of the material life," wrote about himself Aleister Crowley.

From early childhood he often heard about the Great Beast of the Apocalypse from their parents, fanatical followers of the sect "Plymouth brethren". First Beast was for the boy something like "Buki", whom it frightened parents; then mother was called the Beast Aleister if the misbehaving or did not obey. And there is no doubt that maternal nickname played a role in the formation of personality "the most depraved man in the world" (this title was awarded Crowley tabloid press).

Aleister Crowley was born in the year of death of Eliphas Levi, the famous French mystic, which can rightly be called the father of the occult. In his works "Dogma and ritual in high magic", "History of magic" and "Key to the mystery" levy for the first time introduced the concept of "occult"knowledge, systematized them and formulated theoretical and practical bases of modern magic. "To achieve sanctum regnum, in other words, magical knowledge and power, - he wrote,- requires four conditions: the mind, enlightened by the study, unrestrained courage, strong will and maturity, is not subject to depravity and drunkenness. To KNOW, to DARE, to desire, to remain SILENT are the four commandments of the magician".

Crowley claimed that in a previous life he was a Eliphas Levi; in addition, he believed Levi embodiment of Cagliostro and Pope Alexander IV Borgia. In his youth he translated into English two works Levi and facilitates the dissemination of his ideas in England.

Father Aleister Crowley was a rich brewer-manufacturer and gave his son a good education: first, in Malvern, then in Tonbridge and, finally, in Cambridge Trinity College. Here he learned perfectly to play chess, have acquired some experience of homosexual love and marked the beginning of his exceptionally gloomy reputation. It is in Cambridge Crowley began to consciously deal with practical occultism.

These studies led him into the occult Lodge Golden Dawn" (or "Golden Dawn"). Crowley entered in 1898, taking secret name, "brother Perdurabo" (Latin for "I will survive"). By the time his parents had passed away, leaving behind him a legacy of significant state. Crowley spent the money with incredible speed and fantasy. In his London apartment, he took to practice magic, two rooms, which were called "black and white churches." In the "black Church" was a witch's altar, resting on a wooden statue of the black man and the skeleton, covered with the blood of the victims, which brought Crowley. "White Church" was covered with mirrors and devoted more "innocent" aspects of practical occultism. But the psychological atmosphere reigning in this temple, apparently, was quite dark.

One evening Crawley with his friend Jones interrupted their studies in "white Church" and went to have dinner, preliminary having locked the temple of the castle. Returning, they found that the lock is open, the altar is upside-down, and magic symbols scattered around the room.

They restored in the "white Church" former order and then of course, with the help of clairvoyance, is found half materialized demons who committed circular procession around the room.

In the same 1899 Crowley and John decided to call the visible image of" the demon by the name of Buer - being described in the magical text of the XVI century, in which it was named teacher of philosophy, the healer of all diseases and ruler over fifty infernal legions. The operation was a success only partly; outside protective magic circle, in which stood Crowley and Jones, appeared vague figure of a warrior, who had clearly lost part of his leg and a helmet.

With such intense study of practical occultism Crowley two years passed all degrees of initiation, which existed in the "Golden Dawn". In addition to the works of Eliphas Levi, his books were the instructions supplied by the master of the Lodge Mak-Gregor Mothers. In addition, Crowley had personal practical mentor, a young engineer by the name of Alan Bennett.

Alan Bennett, brought up in the Catholic tradition, broke with his religion at the age of sixteen. He later visited the Himalayas and returned from a Buddhist monk. Bennett argued that in the Himalayas, he was initiated into the secrets of Tantra. Those who doubted his magic power, he was bewitched by a glass candlestick, which he always carried with him. According to Crowley, mental and physical activity bewitched man was fully restored only after fourteen hours!

Following in the footsteps Bennett, Crowley also visited the Himalayas and even went up on two of the five highest peaks of this mountain ranges: the jacket and Kanchenjunga. This happened in 1903 and 1905, at the time of maximum creativity Crowley. In those years he traveled extensively, appeared in the light, has published several collections of very talented mystical poems in the spirit of Swinburne and occult Thriller "moon child".

In 1903 Crowley married rose Kelly, sister of the artist Gerald Kelly, at that time held the post of the President of the Royal Academy. Rose had a gift of the medium; through it the spirit by the name of Aivas allegedly dictated Crowley his first important work magic, "the book of the Law" (Cairo, 1904). Subsequently rose became an alcoholic, and Crowley took advantage of this occasion to divorce her.

In the beginning of XX century Crowley tried to oust the Mothers of the "Golden Dawn" and stand at the head of the Lodge. J.. Simonds, the author of a biography Crowley, writes that worried mothers gave his opponent a vampire, but Crowley slew him with his own stream of evil". However, the Mothers were able to destroy the whole bunch lehovich dogs belonging Crowley, and send madness on his servant, who made an unsuccessful attempt on the life of his master. In response Crowley called the demon Beelzebub and his 49 assistants and sent them to punish the Mothers,who were in Paris. However, members of the "Golden Dawn" rallied around of Mothers and excluded Crowley from their ranks. When in 1918 mothers finally died, many were convinced that it was the work of Crowley.

After exclusion of the Golden Dawn, Crowley founded his own occult society, "AA" ("Argentum Astrum" - "Silver Star"), but it has never been so numerous as "Golden Dawn". At the time of its maximum popularity (1914) the number of its members was nearly three dozen. However, the magazine "Equinox" ("Equinox"), published this society and for the most part, consisted of the works of Crawley, soon attracted the attention of the occultists of the world.

Occultism (from the Latin "occultus" - "hidden") was always surrounded by his teachings and rituals atmosphere of mystery. Occult secrets were passed on from teacher to student, depending on the degree of devotion; and so many of the leaders of the occult lodges were simply shocked "revelations"that fills the page "Equinox". Secret doctrines and confidential knowledge to which we were allowed only dedicated to the highest degrees, now made available to all readers! Angered mothers used all its influence to achieve a court decision prohibiting Crowley to uncover the mystery of the Golden Dawn"; however, Crowley filed an appeal and eventually won the case. To persuade judges to his side, he took advantage of a fairly simple mascot of the "Sacred magic of Abramelin", books of Eliphas Levi, which translated and popularized mothers.

The members of the German occult society "Ordo Temph Orienti" (the order of the Oriental Temple") has received much smarter than mothers. Finding that Crowley reveals their secrets, they were sent to London for their representatives who became closer to him and saw that he discovered these secrets by its own research. Consequently, Crowley was offered to become the head of the British branch of the GTR; he held this post under the title of the Supreme and of the King of Ireland, Ions and all the Brits that are in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis.

Since then and until the end of his life Crowley had a special sympathy for Germany and the German occult groups. During the First world war he lived in America and was engaged in the Pro-German propaganda; and immediately before the establishment of the Nazi regime was often in Germany and has actually brought up a generation of occultists, which later had a "magical support of the" Third Reich. The relationship of the occult and of the Nazi ideology is undeniable, and Crowley played here it is far not last role.

Dark side of the unknown has always attracted the attention Crowley, giving a special touch to all the rituals that he invented and practiced. In 1916, he devoted himself to the Magi, he dubbed the toad Jesus Christ and then crucified. All his occult work was imbued restless spirit sexual lust; he invented a special Perfume of Immortality, which was intended to attract women and horses. Incense consisted of one part ambergris, one part of musk and three parts of Tibet. Crowley used it constantly and almost always achieved the desired effect.

The teachings of Freud's libido and unconscious had a deep impact on all theoretical constructions Crowley. He believed the unconscious is the home of the mighty demons, from which the magician gets his power. According to Crowley, any ritual, making that call spirits, should certainly include elements that allow you to block consciousness and release unconscious.

The most detailed description of one of these rituals is given in the translated and hard propagandirovat by Aleister Crowley "Book Sameh ("Liber Samekh"). Authentic text of this book has Greco-Egyptian origin, but Crowley made some additions and changes ensuing from its own magical practices. He titled the Hebrew letter "Sameh"appropriate to the sign of Moderation in the Older Arcana of the Tarot. According to Crowley, Moderation symbolizes the orgasm and the transition of the soul from the lowest plan. In addition, the book contains subtitles Theurgia Goethia Summa ("Higher supernatural black magic") and "studies congressus cum Daemone" ("Fellowship with demons"). Crowley wrote about it as "the Ritual used by the Beast 666 to achieve the Knowledge and Conversation with his Supreme guardian Angel". This angel is one aspect of the unconscious "I magician and at the same time, the demon mentioned in the subtitle of the book. "People say that the word Hell (hell) comes from the Anglo-Saxon helan, to seek advice. This means that the Council, where all things find their true essence, is unconscious." To know the angel and communicate with the daemon, which are spirits, the representatives of Abramelin the Mage, so call and release all forces, prisoners in the unconscious.

During this ritual, the magician is drawing protective magic circle, and rose up in his heart, vasculum "incense of Abramelin" - a mixture of myrrh, cinnamon, olive oil and galingale (special aromatic root), which gives a pleasant smell. Then he begins to recite a long list barbaric and fantastic names of force". His voice must be monotonic and low resembling a wolf howl; and the most important part of the ritual should be followed by Masturbation. Sexual power men claimed Crowd is human analogue of the creative power of the Lord. In fact brought to its highest point and directed by the will of men generative power identical to the divine power of creation. The release of this force unleashes the Power that rules all things in the universe. When the magician says the text of the ritual, he creates a "vibration" - in this case, the sound waves that transmit energy, which proceed from it and act on everything that comes in contact. Vibrating these names in all directions from the center of your magic circle, he thinks that radiates to the entire cosmos secret power.

First of all Crowley was a poet and actor; the literal meaning of his works are often able to be discouraging, but they breathe a true inspiration and the prophetic spirit. Crowley wanted to shock the reader with its many paradoxical statement s, clearly intended for the external effect. "For the highest spiritual work, - he wrote, - is necessary to choose the victim, and with the highest and purest force. Male child, completely innocent, is the most satisfactory and suitable sacrifice." He argued that from 1912 to 1928 made such sacrifices on average 150 times a year; and very many readers took it at face value!

Apparently, Crawley not so much explored the theoretical and practical magic, how many were playing a sorcerer; and we must admit that some of his "performances" still produce a great impression. As an example here would be a story told a friend and disciple of Crowley Century Neiburga. In 1909, he and his master had been in the desert South of Algeria. Here they called "the mighty demon by the name of Choronzon. Crowley and Neuburg drew in the sand magic circle and Triangle Solomon, then wrote in the triangle the name of Choronzon and, having cut the throat of the three pigeons, he sprinkled the sand with their blood.

Crowley wore a black robe and hood with holes for the eyes, completely closing your head. He was included in the triangle and stooped to the demon was able to master it. Neiburg, remaining in a circle, called archangels and read spells out "of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius".

Crowley took Topaz, and looking at him, saw the demon that appeared from the depths of stone with the words, opening the Gates of Hell: "Zazas, Sissa, Nyatanga, Zazas!" Demon raged and raged, screaming voice Crowley: I made every living thing missing his mistress, and no one should touch them, but I'm the only one... From me come leprosy, and smallpox, and the plague, and cancer, and cholera, and epilepsy disease."

Then Neiburga thought in the centre of the triangle he sees not Crowley, and beautiful woman. He gently spoke to her and looked at her with a passion, but he guessed that this is actually a demon tempt him to leave the circle. Suddenly there was a wild, loud laughter, and Choronzon appeared in the triangle in visible form. He showered of Neiburga flattery and asked permission to come and lay his head to the feet of Neiburga to honor and serve him. Neuburg realized that this is a new trick, and denied him. Then Choronzon took the form of a naked Crowley and began to ask for water. Neuburg again refused and ordered him to leave this place, threatening the Name of the Lord and the Pentagram. However, Choronzon did not comply with such order, and Neiburg, struck with fear, tried to intimidate his sufferings and torments of hell. But Choronzon very cleverly responded to these threats: "thinkest thou fool, that there is still anger and suffering except me, and that there is a hell except my spirit?"

Demon monster of a stream of violent and horrible blasphemies. Neuburg tried to record all his words, and when he thus distracted, Choronzon sketched sand from the triangle on the circumference of the circle, tore it and broke into the circle. The unfortunate Neuburg collapsed to the ground, and the frantic demon tried to gnaw through his throat with his teeth. Neuburg in despair called out the Name of God and hit the Choronzon magic knife. The demon was defeated and fled from the circle and collapsed in the triangle. Soon he disappeared without a trace, and in its place appeared Crowe-whether in his robe and hood. Choronzon was in the shape of a woman, sage, writhing snakes and the Crawley. He did not have a permanent character, because he himself was the Creator of guises. He was the horror of darkness, and night blindness, and deafness vipers, and tastelessness rotten and stagnant water, and the black fire of hatred, and udder frights; not one thing, but many things".

"Demonic" antics Crowley often fall on the pages of the tabloids, and his notoriety grew from year to year. In 1920 he settled in Cefalu (Sicily) and, imitating the giant Gargantua, founded their Sacred Teletskoe Abbey (from the Greek word "thelema" - "will"). "Do whatever you want!" - that was the motto of this Abbey, and was headed by him, "the Prelate" Leah's Chirag, Crimson Wife and Sister Venus (i.e. Aphrodite). Crowley has identified it with the great whore of Revelation of John, and, according to the teaching of Tibetan Tantra, she was the female half of his inner self.

By the time Crowley almost squandered parental inheritance, and the Foundation of the Abbey was his last large-scale action. He hoped that in the future the Abbey will exist on donations neophytes; however, they arrived very little, and Crowley gradually began to fall into poverty. Rumors about ugly rituals and orgies, prosocialist from the Abbey, soon spread throughout Italy, and in 1923 the government Mussolini sent Crowley from the country. Later he was expelled from France and wandered in England, Germany and Portugal, nowhere to find shelter. Best of all, they took it in Germany, where he became a Great master and a long time advised the organization of the "Knights of the Inner Circle", close to the leadership of the national socialist party. But in the end he fell out with Germans and returned home.

Numerous works Crowley on magic was published in obscure journals or issued in limited editions for his own account. In 1929, was published his treatise "Magic in theory and in practice". R. Cavendish, a prominent researcher of magic and occultism, calls her "the best also made very little efforts paper written on the subject".

Crowley died in Hastings at the age of sixty-two years, introducing yourself (intentionally or accidentally) lethal dose of heroin. But even after his death, he remained true to himself: extremely strange and gloomy ceremony of his funeral service produced, according to his will, in the chapel of Brighton crematorium, provoked the wrath and indignation of the local authorities. During this ceremony has sounded one of the most famous poems Crowley - "Hymn to pan", the last line which is the best characterize the author:

... I am your wife, I am your husband,

The goat out of thy flock, I - Zlato, I am God,

I am the flesh from your bones, the flower of your branches.

Steel hoofs I'm flying above the rocks

Through stubborn solstice to solstice...
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