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Viewings: 4830
Ожидание Апокалипсиса – что говорят учёныеAccording to scientists, the mankind was gripped by fear associated with the pending Apocalypse in December 2012 that can become a cause of irrational fear, phobias, end of the world.
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Viewings: 4146
Земля отдаляется от Солнца, но прохладнее не становитсяIn the hottest for the Northern hemisphere, the days of the planet, it turns out, reaches its maximum distance from the Sun, which is available to its orbitele approaching the peak, the heat grows stronger, and it may seem strange, but now our planet is as far from the Sun.
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Viewings: 3864
Эль-Ниньо уничтожил коралловые рифы в Тихом океане 4-1,5 тыс лет назадIncreased activity of El Nino was the cause of the extinction of coral reefs in the Pacific ocean approximately 4 - 1,5 thousand years ago - the scenario can be repeated in the near future due to climate change, reinforcing this climatic phenomenon, oceanographers say in the article, published in the journal Science.
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Viewings: 4143
Учёные готовят путешествие к земной мантииWith the help of the Japanese vessel for deepwater drilling "Tiko" the researchers plan to reach the fault that caused the devastating earthquake Tohoku last year.
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Viewings: 3691
Повышение содержания CO2 в атмосфере превратит африканскую саванну в лесWhere the grass grows in Africa, possibly through decades will be standing forest. Growing in the atmosphere concentration of CO2 creates an advantage for trees in the Savannah.
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Viewings: 6503
Аномальная жара с рекордными температурами обрушилась на ИталиюHeat waves with record temperatures around 40 degrees was recorded on Sunday throughout Italy.
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Viewings: 4767
Глобальное потепление: Прорицатели и отрицателиClimate change is the litmus test by which easily checked honesty scholars
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Viewings: 4766
Миллионы лет назад Антарктиду населяли верблюды и обезьяныNeedless to fear that the Antarctic ice completely melts? All this has already happened in the history of the Earth. A team of scientists led by Sarah Picins has completed a study which showed that millions of years ago the climate of Antarctica was much warmer than previously thought. The study was based on the study of various biological materials, frozen into the ice of the Ross ice shelf.
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Viewings: 5008
АТМОСФЕРАSome ancient philosophers believed that the air is the primary element or primary substance. They believed that he is not divided into simpler components. So, the ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles taught that the universe is composed of four elements - water, earth, fire and air.
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Viewings: 9323
Земля — большой магнитMagnetized bar has two magnetic poles, North and South. The magnetic field of such a block is a dipole, i.e. a field with two poles ("d" means two) . The form can be seen with iron filings. The lines of force of this field are as focused sawdust. Each opielka is a compass needle. It is oriented along the magnetic field, tangent lines of force of the magnetic field.
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Viewings: 5011
ЗЕМЛЯ - НАШ ДОМ В КОСМОСЕEarth was formed out of that substance, which was thrown away from the Sun? So it makes sense to start the history of the Earth from the very beginning - from the moment of formation of the Sun. The sun in its current form was formed 6-7 billion years ago. The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Star - the Sun - from the very beginning was not as it is now. Each star is born, lives and dies. Our modern Sun is a stage in the development of the life of stars.
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Viewings: 3895
Планета подошла к "точке невозврата"?Two weeks ago, UNEP, the United Nations Programme on environment, has published a very pessimistic report. It says that in the last five years of progress in the implementation of the greater part of the 90 most important environmental projects is practically not observed. Do mankind came close to "the point of no return " " followed by...
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Viewings: 4887
Чукотское озеро позволило заглянуть на 2,8 млн лет в прошлоеIf you have been hard to pronounce the name of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajoekull, get ready for a new trial. On Chukotka there is a lake Elgygytgyn, and many scientists call it simply "e".
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Viewings: 5993
21 июня - день летнего солнцестояния. Самый длинный день. Солнцеворотon June 21, according to the lunar calendar is marked as the Day of the summer solstice. More old name of this holiday is as follows: a celebration of the summer solstice.
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Viewings: 6350
Сейсмическая активность ЗемлиPeople who do not have scientific degrees in the field of the exact Sciences, it is very difficult to understand why in the 21st century from a destructive natural disasters: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are killed many people, and science still does not know how to predict. But not even to specialists it is clear that the causes of these disasters are associated, and that most of them occur in areas where the ratio of land and sea is constantly changing, and there is a process of continuous transformations of the Earth's crust.
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