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In the Bulgarian town of Sozopol, near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, was discovered in a mass grave related to XIII-XIV century. There lie the remains of 70 people, two skeletons pierced by an iron stake. According to the Director of the national historical Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov, in the Middle ages, so there were those who thought vampires.
From ancient times there are legends about the dead at night rising from their graves and sucking blood from living people. Different peoples they are vampires, ghouls, ghouls, Traditional... the vampire myth says, that the people who due to some reasons after the death transformed into beings of a completely different sort. To maintain normal activity, they need the blood of man or animal. In their mouth grow fangs and bite them itself will become a vampire... the Day vampires sleep in their graves, and at night go hunting.
They are knocking at home, but come in may with the permission of the host, and those who discover them, will become their victim...different peoples have their own traditional ways of protection from the dead-bloodsuckers. So, the expert on ancient Kabbalah Maimonides wrote that the Hindus, invoking spirits, dig a pit, pour there fresh blood of slaughtered animals, and over the hole set the table. The sacrificial blood draws the dead, they come and speak to live.
In Venice during the excavations of the medieval cemetery where they buried the victims of the plague, discovered the remains of a woman holding in his mouth a stone. Matteo Borini from the University of Florence, said that in the dim and distant past, people believed that the plague spread vampires who drink at nights human blood. Perhaps such a belief arose from the fact that the victims of the epidemic mouth sometimes was bleeding. Therefore, when the person suspected of vampirism, was dying, he stuffed his mouth with stone was believed that then the dead will not disturb the living...
The custom to drive in the heart of the suspect in vampirism dead aspen stake arose also not accidental. In fact, speaking the language of modern parapsychology, in addition to physical, humans have and invisible astral body, which is called the soul. After the death for a long time it is somewhere near the corpse, and sometimes even able to go back. It happens that the astral body out of a man is only half, although outwardly he seems to be already dead. If astral double is then returned to his physical shell, then the person or finally dies from suffocation or becomes a vampire.
The vampire two bodies, which may for some time to exist separately from each other: the physical and ether. To support the existence of this "dvukhtochechnoi" of the body, the required liquid organic substance, so the vampires feed on blood, which "delivers" their etheric form.
Aspen stake, piercing the heart through and through, finally terminates the life of a vampire. But this tradition has something from superstition: ASP Judas hanged himself...
In addition, often in the house, where lived a vampire was observing the phenomenon of poltergeist: belonging to the deceased things were moving by themselves. If the same happened to open the grave after that night, when the vampire was a living, then the feet of the dead man was frequently covered in dirt, as if he really came out. Many of these buried vampires actually saw beyond the gates of the cemetery.
In the last century in the media have repeatedly appeared stories about how the dead came back from the dead and sucked the blood of your relatives or friends who survived. In some cases victims died from exhaustion, and then in the bodies of vampires drove aspen stake... While witnesses have always noted that lay a few years in the cemetery of dead men looked as living: eyes open, face color pink, members flexible. In the mouth and nose were full of blood. If they had their heads cut off, the blood flowed in streams.
It's hard to say what prompted contemporaries to recognize vampires those two, buried in Sozopol. When they found nothing, pointing to the identity or status of the deceased. Apparently, the tradition ordered not to dispose with the deceased any items."Any other things not because Christianity is based on the principle that a person comes into this world naked and naked leaves from here", says historian Bozhidar Dimitrov.
He also added that in the area of the excavations until didn't find any burial inscriptions. However, the scientist believes that "the vampire" belonged to the nobility. Most likely, in life, they considered the villains, he assumes, hence "antimonarhicheskih" measures... by the Way, just in Bulgaria was found about a hundred skeletons of people, whose bodies were pierced wooden or iron stakes.