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Черную дыру вызвали на прием к докторуAn international group of astrophysicists are determined to seriously study of some peculiarities of black holes. In particular, the planned monitoring of the processes taking place in the vicinity of the event horizon - region, which disappears all, swallowed hole. It is time to complement theoretical research and practical material.

Theory in fundamental Sciences astrophysics and cosmology almost always ahead of the Supervisory facts. Observations, confirming the validity and the validity of the theories are extremely important in scientific knowledge of the Universe.

Black holes - a classic example of this kind. Now scientists do not question the reality of their existence. Confirmed much of the guesswork theorists, showed signs of black holes as physical objects, formulated the basic principles of the theory of black holes. Black holes field, with monstrous gravitational attraction. Where is should be so massive education? Astrophysicists believe that they are in the centers of galaxies, star balgach. The difficulty is that often these objects are hidden behind dark dust nebulae, consisting of substances processed in stellar evolution...

They draw any matter which under the influence of gravity rushes to black holes, irrevocably "swallowing" all coming from the surrounding space flow of matter. Even photons become their prey - quanta of light radiation, falling for the so-called event horizon, disappear insatiable in the womb of black holes. Evidence of absorption of matter, rushing to this object is the accretion disk, which is formed in the border area politicality and just glowing in the hard x-ray and gamma - radiation.

Sometimes the interaction of this disc with a black hole generates a cosmic phenomenon called relativistic jets. Giant plasma jets erupt from the centers of galaxies with a speed, comparable with the speed of light! This phenomenon is observed in 10 percent of the active nuclei of galaxies, in whose heart there is a massive black holes. The first jet of matter moving at relativistic speeds, observed in 1918, and spread it on distance of 5 thousand light-years.

It is assumed that spawned it supermassive black hole with a mass of about 6.6 billion solar mass in the galaxy M 87. Since then this galaxy, located 50 million light-years from Earth, is haunted astronomers. It is a giant elliptical galaxy, the largest in the galactic cluster in the constellation Virgo. Its mass is equal to 2-3 thousands of billions of solar masses, and in addition, M 87 is a powerful source of radio and gamma-radiation.

In recent years, made some adjustments: in June 2009, the astronomers Karl Gebhardt (Karl Gebhardt) and Jens Thomas (Jens Thomas) stipulate in detail the results of their research of the mass of the black hole in the center of the M 87 on the American Astronomical conference in Pasadena (USA). According to the presented data, it is about 6.4 billion times the mass of the Sun. In 2010, it was found that this hole offset by 22 light-years relative to the geometrical center, determined by the Central part of the visible radiation intensity.

But the most important is the following: all that enters into the mouth of politicality, soon, brightening up in the accretion disk, disappears behind the horizon of events! To study the details of this process taking place so far away in space, made interesting coordinated the project on merging of several radio telescopes in one large-scale interferometer for direct observation of the nearest environment of the black hole. Project title - UNT (Event Horizon Telescope) is translated as the telescope event horizon, i.e. a set of telescopes will be merged into a single conglomerate for the detection of this notorious event horizon, which does not penetrate the eyes of the observer, and the matter falls into the black hole.

The project United the Massachusetts Institute of technology, Observatory of the University of Arizona, the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics, Observatory Berkeley, Caltech, Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the max Planck Institute and other. It is assumed study black hole in the center of the milky way! Thus, the angular resolution of the interferometer should be not less than the angular size of the event horizon. Completion of work is planned for 2022, but monitoring with part of interferometric telescopes network are now. Their object is a giant elliptical galaxy M 87.

An international team of scientists led by Shepard of Dolman (Sheperd Doeleman) from the Observatory of Haystack Massachusetts Institute of technology studied the core of the galaxy M, the light which came to us 50 million years. Supermassive black hole in the center of star clusters M 87 astronomers investigated with the help of these four radio telescopes in Arizona, California and Hawaii. The software has been created to combine in one interferometer above the telescope EHT. This is a complex device allowed to receive images in 2 thousand times more accurate than the pictures space telescope "Hubble". Using ETH scientists thoroughly examined glowing region on the boundary of the black hole. The results were published in the journal Science.

In coordinated experiment for the first time precisely measured the diameter of the accretion disk. It turned out that he just 5.5 times the radius of the event horizon. As expected, the disk and the hole is rotating in one direction. Calculations confirm, that if they rotate in the different parties, the disk would not have enough energy (with size less than nine radius of the event horizon). This discovery may clarify the nature of education relativistic jets, as well as to provide an unprecedented test of the General theory of relativity!

Two hypotheses put forward to explain the relativistic jets of plasma. The first interpretation is that they arise in the interaction of the accretion disk with the magnetic field of the hole. Second version is that the event horizon of the body can break up into two parts. Thus one part crosses the event horizon and disappears forever, and the other is accelerating towards the outside due to the energy of rotation of the black hole and ejected in the form of a jet. The answer to the mystery of the event horizon in the writings of albert Einstein scheduled quite clearly: the distance that the matter should be close to the black hole, then forever to sink into its abyss, determine the mass and velocity of rotation of the object.

"Einstein's theory was tested in low gravity of the Solar system, but no one has tested it in the only place in the Universe where this theory may fail - on the edge of a black hole" - says Shepard Doelman. Measurements of relativistic jets in the galaxy M 87, can help define speed in the center of the space politicality. For this purpose it is necessary to make many dimensions. It is too early to talk about results, but plans to expand opportunities EHT by connecting to it several radio telescopes operating in Chile, Europe, Mexico and Greenland.

So developing the study of black holes found by their characteristic features. Imagine that scientists suggest the existence of a white hole is such area, where you can not reach any matter or radiation. However, they have not discovered, and the signs are unknown.
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