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In encyclopedia article about the car, they say, in particular, the following: "Sometimes in the sky suddenly appears rushing fireball. Behind him there is the fire tail, scattered sparks, and then remains weakly glowing foggy trace. This fireball is called the Greek word "car", which in Russian means "throwing weapon".
The car is flying for a few seconds, and the trace left after his disappearance, it is visible for a long time, sometimes more than an hour. During the flight car at night the area for hundreds of miles around illuminated by a bright light. But especially large and bright fireballs are clearly visible during the day, even in bright sunlight. Usually after a few minutes after the disappearance of bright bolide dealt blows, like explosions, and then heard the roar and gradually subsiding buzz".
Since the most ancient times people are collecting information about the "shooting stars" and the material proof of their "visit". The earliest record in the Russian Chronicles tells about the fall of the meteorite in 1091, and since then has accumulated a wealth of interesting evidence. On the rare phenomenon of nature is telling, for example, the letter of the priest of the village of New led (about Great Ustyug), sent them to the Archimandrite of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery in connection with the incident in the village incredible event.
on November 29, 1662 "on Saturday at the going down of the sun in our village on the New Erge and in the villages, many people had seen in the heavens the sign of scary," so begins his message to the father. He then paints a surprising picture unfolded in heaven phenomena, earlier nobody in the New Erge unprecedented. Where the sun went down, soon appeared a "star of the great", and from it differed across the sky lightning and "ineffable light like fire, and in that light the villagers saw the form of a great", the head, arms and legs of fire, moreover, adds the priest, the air was clean, and was freezing. Suddenly the "cloud was cloudy on that place where the form was, and the fire on the earth fell by many courts."
Further told that from falling fire "people were running around, and he's riding with them, and no one burns". Immediately after the fall of fire happened powerful storm and "the earth shook". The reason was that "kaminia fell with a great erostew". The stones that fell from the sky, 're white, exploded in the air and when they hit the earth set fire to the house. "Do not dare to be honest, that's God's chudesa", - concludes his letter to the priest, and to prove with it sends Belozersky Archimandrite divine gifts in kaminia heaven."
The events that unfolded in the New Erge, unique, and, in order to understand what happened there, you want to collect a lot of other similar evidence. In 30th years of XX century it took the young astronomer I.S. Astapovich, especially after August 20, 1925 he was faced with a rather strange phenomenon.
It was a warm August evening. Igor Astapovich and Gregory Blokhin slowly walking down the streets of Nikolaev. Suddenly he heard a strange noise, like a rustle of leaves or whistling jets spewing gas. And all around the area, despite a bright twilight, suddenly lit up. Turning, they saw the sky from North to South is rushing bright bolide is a large meteor. Igor instinctively looked at his watch - it was 20 hours 32 minutes. "Did you hear something?" he asked comrade. "Yes, of course," he replied.
For several years, Igor Stanislavovich Astapovich collected data associated with this car, which has been observed in other cities of Ukraine. In them he has set the trajectory of falling car, described his view, brightness, remaining after the flight of the ion trail. However, we have heard sounds? Because the car flew at an altitude of about 100 kilometers, and the sound wave was to reach Earth only after 5 minutes after they saw it. However, the speed of sound is much less than the speed of light. Therefore, to hear and to see a flying car or Astapovich, nor his companion could not, for all they know, thunder always delayed after a lightning discharge.
In 1982 Victor Grebennikov, full member of the all-Union astronomical and geodetic society of the USSR, has told about what happened to him many years ago in the small town of Isilkul, lost among the snow-covered plains priirtyshskaya forest, between Omsk and Kazakhstan Petropavlovsk. "It was frosty, calm and quiet, " he recalls. - When the above, somewhere overhead, there came a sound, dry and sharp, like the crackling sound of tearing fabric, as if someone had ripped it seam to end. It is a bright bolide, scattering yellowish-white sparks, rushed to the starry sky. When he pyhov last sparks went out somewhere high up in the atmosphere, then disappeared and the sound of tearing fabric. And again over the town hung soft snow silence. Meteor also left behind a long glowing trail, which stretches along the stars, through the Zenith. Mark this quickly melted and finally faded five seconds".
Astronomer Grebennikova as well as the Astapovich, greatly embarrassed that he first heard the sound, and only then, looking up, saw bolide: "Can it happen? Most of the meteors flying at breakneck speed in the atmosphere and almost instantly rescales from the friction of the air evaporate at altitudes 60-130 kilometers, in rare cases reaching 20-40. Sound flies in the atmosphere at the speed of 330 meters per second, so the sound waves can reach me at least a minute, and only likely not earlier than within three or four minutes. But the bright crackling messenger of the Universe I heard in those moments when he flew across the sky; it was not above a few meters? But this could not be! So, the sound of some incomprehensible way, contrary to all laws of physics, ran to me with the speed of light is three hundred thousand kilometers per second?"
However, it turned out that, despite the impossibility of simultaneous vision and hearing of the car, have accumulated a lot of these observations. In the 30-ies of XX century Omsk scientist, Professor P. L. Drawers proposed to call such cars elektronnymi, i.e. "sounding singing. According to him, the sounds created by the electric charges induced next car on the surrounding objects and then flowing from them. The first catalogue electrophonic cars, in which they discussed 167 observed objects, amounted Igor Astapovich.
7 April 1978 over densely populated areas of the East coast of Australia in the early morning passed the brightest car. It was watched by hundreds of people. Dozens of them heard the sounds, play simultaneously with the flight of the body. Many witnesses stated that first heard the sound, and only then - flying car. For some, the car was silent. Thus it turned out that often the signals electrophonic cars even precede them.
Although now scientists have already acknowledged the phenomenon electrophonic, or "singing", fireballs objective, reliable fact, their mystery never been solved to this day. Some experts believe that "the fault" all - electromagnetic wave emitted by a car during the flight. These waves are flying at the speed of light, and the ears of some people in some obscure way we transform electromagnetic oscillations in the sounds different in different persons, for many it is unattainable. There are other hypotheses: electrostatic oscillations of the electric discharge between the car and the earth, ultrashortwave, plasma and other.
To establish the truth is difficult, primarily because the flying car is rare unpredictable. In 90th years of the last century, the us military has published data collected over two decades, since 1975, a network of detectors, located on the Ground and in space. They were able to register, about 200 large enough cars appearing in the form of meteorites on the Earth.