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Archaeologists have found in Guatemala, in excavations in the area of La Corona carved on a piece of stone stairs letters confirming the last fatal date of the Mayan calendar - December 21, 2012.
This is only the second such a record that confirms the date, has already received the honorary title "end of the world". Apocalyptic predictions suggest that will end the cycle of 5125 years since the beginning of the Great Mayan Calendar.
Various religious and mystical sects all over the world are already preparing for the final judgment, some even sell the house and move to a small town in France where, according to different esoteric computing will be a rapture of the saints. Signs of the Mayan calendar became the subject of many conspiracy theories, according to which the world will be either absorbed by the black hole, whether crushed the planet Nibiru, a giant asteroid or even pogran something worse.
Most of the inscriptions found in looted and abandoned thieves grave dedicated to political events 1300 years ago, and is one of the most significant of hieroglyphic writing finds in decades. Among the descriptions of various events, the researchers found the passage devoted to the end times and the return of some of the great king.
"It was a period of great political change in the world of Maya, and the king is mentioned as the key moment of a time cycle, which should end in 2012", - said David Stewart of the University of Austin in Texas, a participant of dig.
Marcello Canuto, head of excavations in La Corona, is also sure that "text simply interprets according to the beliefs of the last political events, and does not predict the future." Canuto and his colleague Thomas Barrientos from the Universidad del Valle, Guatemala conduct excavations in La Corona since 2008. In the old dug only plunderers of tombs and ancient temples in search of artifacts. Robbers and threw stones with inscriptions, because of their not very good condition, and hence a low value on the black market artifacts.
"In times of crisis, Maya referred to the calendar, as a symbol of stability, anything constant in the world, it is not apocalyptic predictions, but rather the wish to reign forever and ever", cosmogonic sense," said Canuto. The mention of a king in 2012 meant for Maya that their problems will be solved, and aspirations will be fulfilled in the future.