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Probe NASA "Mars-Odyssey" (Mars Odyssey)running on a near Mars orbit since October 2001, translated into safe mode due to the abnormal operation of one of the three gyroscopes, with which the device regulates and maintains its orientation, reports NASA.
"Cosmic apparatus is not in danger, the data that we have received indicate that the problem is limited to only one of the gyroscopes. Now we have to evaluate the condition and identify possible solutions of the problem", said project Manager Chris Potts (Chris Potts) from the jet propulsion Laboratory of NASA.
Because the symptoms "abnormal behavior" demonstrates only one gyro of the three, the device does not need a full reload of the onboard computer, as was the case earlier. In safe mode the device disables scientific instruments to reduce energy consumption, but remains in contact with the Ground. NASA in the next few days will prepare a programme of action to restore normal operation of the device.
Probe "Mars-Odyssey" was launched April 7, 2001, and on October 24 of the same year came to a near Mars orbit. At the moment this is the most long-lived of ever worked on a near Mars orbit.
On its Board there are three scientific instrument - infrared camera THEMIS, the device for the study of cosmic radiation MARIE and gamma-spectrometer GRS. In the latter part of the Russian neutron detector HEND developed in the space research Institute of RAS. With the help of this device was first used to map the Martian permafrost.
In addition to scientific problems, "Mars-Odyssey" provides communication with devices on the surface of Mars, relaying radio signals with them to Earth and back. NASA expects that "Odyssey" will be able to provide communication and Curiosity Rover, which in August to reach Mars.