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In the autumn of 1928 sir Arthur Haslam was in transit in the small Scottish town of Penispill. On the local cemetery almost seventy years ago, was buried brother of his grandfather, sir Roger Haslem. Hasimov has become a tradition to visit his grave, and the last time sir Arthur was here not less than five years ago. However, in memory he kept the location of the graves Roger, he remembered and neighboring gravestone with a carved in granite angel. Going to the cemetery, he immediately turned to the right and walked down the envelope cemetery track. Grave Roger had to be at the very end, near the fence. But it was not there! The site, which was once the grave, was a smooth, overgrown place. Sir Arthur could swear that memory didn't let him down. That's gravestone with the angel, and here, two feet away, was the grave of Roger, and he perfectly remembered!
Watchman with grey nose absolutely nothing could think about the disappeared graves, and puzzled sir Arthur turned to the municipality. The only thing he could help is to find the old scheme of the location of the graves. The scheme has confirmed that sir Arthur was not mistaken, and sought where necessary. Someone remembered about the old cemetery watchman Peter Ferguson. The old man had found, and he remembered that a few times grave Roger caught his eye, and the last time it was four years ago. He went with sir Arthur in the cemetery, I went all the tombstones with the angel and discouraged spread his hands: tomb here, but where did it go, did uskoriteli graves destroyed it? But the old man still found the grave Roger! She was in an entirely different place, 200 meters from the place where sir Arthur visited her a half dozen years ago. Of course, it was the same grave: a small ground hill, vertical slab of dark granite in the form of a Maltese cross. But how could she get here? Sir Arthur never doubted that the coffin, buried two meters into the ground, remained at the old place, here, he only had slab poured to disguise the mound. But with what purpose? And anyway, who needed to do such a senseless and blasphemous?
Sir Arthur telegraphed to London his aunt, lady beryl, which, as he knew several times after he visited Glenville cemetery. A few days later came the lady herself and publicly stated that gravestone transferred. Sir Arthur was solid'm sure he only had tomb, and the tomb was left in the ground. To prove it, he hired a diggers and told them to dig in place of the missing grave. Was dug Glubochanka pit, but no trace of a coffin in it was not! Sir Arthur and lady beryl was completely puzzled. He could only suppose that the grave Roger on the Scottish cemetery was originally a fiction that Roger was never buried here, and his descendants and relatives laid flowers and ever actually empty space.
Intrigued by Sir Arthur decided to continue the experiment and ordered the diggers to excavate and new tomb, although he was convinced that the pit will also be empty. However, at a depth of five feet shovel mole rat suddenly hit the lid rotten coffin and broke it! Very carefully freed from the land of the remnants of the once oak coffin and found a skeleton with tufts of dry clothes! Present at the excavations lady beryl demanded to see the fingers of the hand. According to family legend, Roger, not removing, wore a ring from Indian silver with gold monograms “R“ and “H“. Sir Arthur, convinced that the discovered burial has no relation to the ancestor, personally came down into the pit. On the ring finger dangled the same ring, which so carefully described lady beryl! Doubts have disappeared - they dug a grave Roger Haslem. Besides the cemetery the diggers swore that cannot be and speeches about someone, without speaking about them, dug the grave of the old graves, and transferred it to the new one. Burial Roger, as confirmed by the experts, were always here(!), the wreckage of the coffin themselves and the bones of the skeleton so firmly “italici“ in the earth, that practically was not separated from the soil. Sir Arthur had to agree with this fact. The assumption that someone needed to move to a new place is not only a grave stone cross, but rather bulky piece of soil together with the coffin, and the remains of Roger, was completely ridiculous. In addition, such work could not be done, leaving virtually no trace.
The story of the grave Roger Haslem wrote a lot in my time all the Newspapers in the UK, this was done by the police, but no one of any plausible versions were not. However, Sir Arthur and his relatives were not the first people, who were perplexed and almost went crazy, faced with such phenomena: move the graves without human intervention:
Five centuries before the events, in the XV century in Linz, Austria, in the archival records of the Church of St. Thomas registered case when the disappeared grave burgher of Steinberga was discovered in another place of the cemetery, which caused a violent reaction superstitious inhabitants of the city. Decided that the late Burger in life were in witchcraft, and his ashes can't settle down in one place. Novoobrazovany grave was uncovered when a thousandth the crowd, it found the coffin with the remains of Steenberge, which were burned, and threw hole with stones, perched on top of a massive aspen cross.
In 1627 in Cuenca, Spain, the Tribunal of the Inquisition were investigating the case secret transfer of graves Pedro ASUNTOS. Disposal, as is the case with the Englishman Roger Hasimom was very old, and the move also occurred along with soil, which was rotten coffin.
In 1740-s in the vicinity of Ravensburg (Germany) shepherds, overtaking the herd, found the grave with epitaph on the banks of the river, where they were held many times, but nothing similar was observed. On the stone was carved inscription: “Here lies Christina Bauer, parishioner of the Church of Ravensburg“. The shepherds immediately sent for the priest, who appeared to the grave, was amused: he clearly remembered the grave Bauer, she was buried in a conspicuous place of the Church cemetery for a large cash Deposit in the Church Treasury. Come to the cemetery, where the grave Christina Bauer, found completely empty and flat piece of land! After some time, among many witnesses performed excavations in both places, and the dust Bauer, contrary to common sense, not found in the cemetery, and in a tomb under the epitaph on the river! The priest sprinkled the stunted tomb and remains of Holy water and ordered to leave on a new place, if the upper force decreed that they rested here. Grave Christina Bauer for a very long time caused quiet superstitious terror among the local people, until it was destroyed during the fighting of the First world war.
However, what drives into a dead end civilized people, it is not a secret for some African tribes and Polynesian natives. The priests in the Pacific Islands there is a tradition, immediately after the funeral to pour the grave from all sides arboreal juice or impose its shells. This is done, they said, to ensure that the grave was gone.“ Similarly, received in Haiti priests Negro voodoo. On the Islands Tongo there is a tribe in which in the same grave and bury the only two people. If the grave of one dead person can “get away“, with two not: if the soul of one of them will want to find another place, another soul will oppose.
But a recent case occurred in a farming village Foley Creek, Western Kansas, USA. It happened at the end of 1989. Early in the morning, coming out of the house to check the cattle farmer Joe Bernie right in the middle of the yard saw the grave mound with a crooked cracked stone tombstone! Zakrichu from fear, 60-year-old herdsman rushed into the house and called the police. The grave was examined. The inscription on the cracked and broken, and to read it could not. Bad joke was excluded because the next farm was at a distance of 5 kilometres and the fence around the farm carefully closed on internal locks. When the workers pulled out the stove, and began to pluck a grave mound, at a depth of about half stumbled upon rotting coffin with the remains of a human skeleton, anchored in the ground. Only with an excavator managed carefully remove the coffin with the bones and transport them for a few kilometers to the steppe, where we buried in a deep pit. Whose remains those were, how they got to the farm, located far from the city and its cemetery, to explain the scientists failed, although the photo-report about this mysterious incident has bypassed many mass media of America.