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Studies of the transmutation processes involved in the Simferopol Centre of Knowledge about the Fiery Transmutation and Transformation. Of course, you feel the wind of the Great Changes that burst into our life? The economic crisis, political, spiritual-moral - it's all signals one disease, signs of the passing century.
Our Iron Age is replaced by a Golden Age, or the Age of Light. "But where this Era of Light, can ask bewildered reader - when life gets worse and worse? The answer is simple. Darkness before dawn especially black. But because our eyes revealed all seizures of darkness, reluctantly leaving the planet. Everything ended her time. It is high time to shed Light on our planet and all its inhabitants. This is a cosmic pattern, called a changing World Cycles, or Evolution. Evolution is a movement of all living things from simple to more complex, perfect.
This movement takes place in a spiral. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron Age - one turn of the spiral. Then again: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron Age - another turn of the spiral of evolution, but on a higher level. And so ad infinitum development of all living things, including man. We have more than once come to this planet, in order to improve his soul, to develop their spiritual qualities.
When the Land was settled - it was very, very long ago, our ancestors came to the appearance of the first people, or the First of the human Race. It was beings ethereal forms, devoid of the usual for us density. About the same, and was next, the Second Race. Then came the Lemurians - Third of the human Race. And, finally, the Fourth - Atlanta. We belong already to the Fifth Race, and the entire life cycle of mankind is divided into seven Races, which consistently follow each other. Since the Third, memorijski Race. People already possessed by a dense bodies. Improvement of qualitative change dense body was gradual, from Race to Race. All this has been happening for millions of years. And according to the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation, we lived in the bodies of representatives of various human races, in different centuries and continents.
Unfortunately, human development and change of civilizations is not without global cataclysms. Advanced level of development, but violates the main Cosmic Laws civilization inevitably comes to decay, and then dies. It happened with Race Lemurians and its main mainland - Lemuria. It happened with the subsequent Race of Atlantis and its continent of Atlantis. The knowledge and skills possessed by the Third and Fourth Race, were not aimed at the common Good, not Evolution, but in the opposite order of Evolution. Their knowledge to serve not to the Light, and darkness, not what is Good and evil. A similar situation is observed now in our Fifth Race. We, like our predecessors, on the threshold of death. If the mankind will not change in the near future, global disasters cannot be avoided.
The complexity and uniqueness of our time is that the most perfect people Fifth Race, must make the transition to the Sixth already divine-human Race, more perfect, much more capable than previous. What this mercy? - there may be a legitimate question. It seems from the Lemurians and Atlanteans not far from their mistakes and misconceptions, creating everywhere destruction, bringing chaos into one Harmony of the World. But it is not for the favor bestowed from heaven. It is an evolutionary necessity, space regularity. And the right to enter into the Golden Age, becoming the representative of the Sixth Race is not given to all, but only worthy of this law.
Sixth divine-human Race will be different from the modern one Fifth Race of his divine-human qualities. Will have many unusual for us now abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, rapid movement in space, flying in the air, walking on water, food clean energy Space, access to the accumulated all former incarnations riches of the spirit. But the main thing - an open loving Heart, is able to do only good deeds for the benefit of Evolution, personal and universal. A representative of the New Race will truly worthy co-Creator of the Great Creator of our Universe. Enter these narrow is the gate that leads into the world of the Golden age, anyone can, if they so wish and believe in it. The belief gives rise only true knowledge. The knowledge is now just spread a generous handful, but only an open, expanded consciousness can perceive them and apply their lives.
To enter a New Age, you don't need anything fancy. You only need the observance of the Cosmic Laws of the whole universe, including the planet Earth. First of all, it is the Law of Karma or the Law of cause and Effect ("as you sow, so shall you reap", "As the call, so the echo"), the Law of Cosmic Love, the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Commensurability and many others. But this is now insufficient.
To become a member of the Race of divine humans, it is necessary to go through the Baptism of Fire or purification of the Fire of space. And for this we need to be as physically and spiritually cleansed. Then the Fire will be a blessing, not all-devouring monster.
If to be ready to receive him, he will carry with it the joy of being clean and light pack. So, what is the Baptism of Fire, which is necessary to pass before we will be able to step to the next evolutionary stage? Why the Baptism of fire it? This is something terrible? And whether it is about the fire, with whom we deal in daily life? Does the Baptism of Fire that the whole world will be covered by the universal fire, which only the chosen will survive?
We begin with the concept of fire. Fire as a subtle substance penetrated all living beings - from the stars in the sky to the stone on the ground. All nature has a fire base. Even the water is the fire that from ancient times was called"the sun in the dark". The fire is contained in the heavenly bodies, he is in animals, plants, and, of course, in men. In another he is also called the psychic energy. The fire - the phenomenon is much deeper and more complex than commonly believed. There are many different types and levels of fire. Because our planet Earth - body space, and fire, existing on it, also can rightfully be called a space. So, space fire is not only those forms that are familiar to us. It is not only the fire on which we cook porridge and who can see with your own eyes. There is a fire, abiding in the atmosphere and above. And this is not a physical fire, and the fire of the World Subtle, invisible. From this invisible fire consist of stailey, natural perfume - steheli water, air, earth, fire.
At higher levels of the universe there is a fire even more thin and perfect quality, which is woven light, luminous body space creatures. On the following heights of the universe there is an even more sophisticated Fire - Light that pervades the highest essence of the Cosmos, superhuman intelligence. Fire can be a gift and a trouble. But mankind knew him and loved always. From ancient times it was worshipped this element: and was treated with fire, and celebrated with fire, and fought with fire... Knowledge about the Fire was given to mankind than once throughout history. Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ... they All talked about the Fire, warned about the Fire. Zoroaster - on fire immunity, about three varieties of the fire; the Fire talking, Fire consuming and consuming Fire. And Buddha, and Christ is about the Fiery Purification. The Coming Epoch - The Epoch Of Fire. And people should be ognestrel and plamenevsky to sing in unison, to become the ruler of this element and co-Creator of fire. This is the infinity of space art.
There comes a time of Fire Cycle, which has been approved by the Will of the Creator of the Universe. Fire periodicity - law, approaching the Earth Fire - regularity. The baptism of Fire, expected to change human Races, there is a burning our bodies and souls of these higher forms of Fire. The purer the man, blagochinie will be for him the Fire. And Vice versa. After
Fiery Baptism will be followed by the transformation in the body and the spirit of true, Fiery Transformation. That is, we will not die, but will change. Each of us bear itself and see at last that he represents. All the deeds of past incarnations, all the age-old spiritual accumulation - everything will be suspended in a single moment on the Cup of the evolutionary scale. And are the world or, in essence, already the God-man, or discusonline, weak, evil creature, which will have to be cleared in suffering.
This will be the Judgment of God, which is prophesied to mankind. This is not a fairy tale, the reader, and not a space fantasy. This is our reality. And Spatial Fire is already underway, although still in datasetrenaming mode. Yes, it is felt not all. But sensitive people already feel, receive and assimilate. As a result of his exposure is the transmutation, that is a qualitative transformation of the body and the subtle energy structures, which will make evolutionary leap into a New Race.
There are people living among us, who are undergoing rapid transmutation, that is, take Fire in the strengthened mode. They are few, they are allocated in special group. This is the firstborn, which afterblow all the others. The bulk of humanity is still feels nothing. Although certainly something vaguely aware and even something suspects. There are people who are moving or almost switched to the power of clean energy Space, - provedenie.
Body transformation in the transition
In the Central crystal Earth already invested the program of transition to the Fourth dimension, i.e. changed the matrix of the planet (space-time continuum). In the basis of the Fourth dimension lies another frequency characteristic in comparison with the wavelength of the third (our) measurements. Therefore, the transition to another dimension associated with reconfiguring the main processes (physical, chemical, biological, and so on) on a different wave length, which varies the distance between the nucleus and the electrons in each cell. The person continues to live on their own planet (we have nowhere to run, science has not yet found a place where you "fly"escaping). Therefore, quietly accept the processes that must inevitably occur. Yes, it can be a little unsettling.
But when you know, you know that there is an amazing new paradigm of life, then you should try to consider and adopt the process - "the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly". Many ailments are not a disease, colds, flu), although the symptoms are similar. Is restructuring, transmutation body and physiology. Now many are "cocoon".
Here are the symptoms of transforming the body You can chuvstvovat:
When the rapture of the body has grown just like a growing child who sleeps. The same thing happens in the process of ascension. Mankind thinks that it is enough for 6 or 8 hours of sleep, and if there is a need for 9 or 12 hours, there's something wrong. Night sleep up to 12 hours, as required by the bodies in connection with biological growth and restructuring. Therefore, making the rapture is recommended to give your body what it needs, including sleep longer than before the accession to the path of ascension. At the weekend may see the need to spend all day in a state of dormancy. The more you sleep, the more quickly and unobtrusively to health will be the restructuring processes.
In our modern civilization there is a medical diagnosis "chronic fatigue syndrome", which is actually a symptom of the ascension. When the body increases the vibration, it needs more "Chi" (energy) to preserve consciousness in this day, week, month. If you have not learned to type Chi in the form, the result is a constant feeling of fatigue.
Another excellent way of dealing with chronic fatigue is the art of tai Chi or Yoga. These of art that were directly associated with the technicians of the ascension of the distant past, learn how to gather energy and direct it in the body with the help of certain stretch marks and/or movements. They are a great way to maintain your desire to ascend and to relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
Useful leisurely walk in the nature and rhythmic breathing, swimming in ponds, ground practice.
Running, sharp exercise and weight lifting to exhaustion gap cause muscle tissue, increasing ageing and destruction of the body. I recommend you not heavy load, and easy walk or swimming, giving the opportunity to restore your contact with nature and its elements. Many of you live in the cities, but even in the most densely populated places there are parks and squares, in which you can make contact with Mother Earth. I recommend you to come in these places, or on the shore of the ocean, rivers, lakes, mountains, to communicate with the nature kingdoms. Communication of Mother Earth again will fill you with energy.
In the modern civilization your employees, friends and family members take, take and take. They take energy from committing ascension to recharge their creative efforts and developments, while ascending creature produces Chi for their own ascension. Express your intention: "I intend to stop giving her the Chi-energy and get rid of any of karma and contracts, forcing me to build relationships with other similarly". Since the ascension of removing karma is a layer behind a layer, daily expression of this intention will be removed from your field stereotypes of the current day. You should again and again, every day, week and month, expressing the intention to go up and get rid of all contracts and Mature karma. Every day brings a new layer new level, it is true planetary ascension.
Sharp and blunt the pain
When changing every part of the body forms dissolves old cell structure, giving place to the new, crystal. Those who are particularly sensitive, it can cause significant discomfort until then, unless there is a transmutation sufficient section of the form, allowing the new vibration to gain a foothold in the General structure of changing the body. Bodily pain will be directly related to those areas of the etheric body, in which there are blocks or stagnation. Walking and movement Kundalini help to move the blocks and ease the pain.
When the form sufficiently rises to a new vibration, constant pain of the past. Until then you are recommended to use any herbs, homeopathic remedies, to use aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud, mineral and salt bath, or a massage that is necessary for the treatment of pain. Know that this is temporary, and the body just preparing to hold "light" higher vibration and thought forms.
Viruses and Ascension
When transmutation of cells in the course of the ascension, viruses that throughout your life could remain latent, may appear to be removed. Sometimes these viruses can also cause short-term slight manifestation of the disease. I ask you not to panic when it happens, and to understand that all will pass as soon as will be fully overcome the current phase of the ascension, which caused a concrete manifestation of the disease.
Currently, I encourage you to support your immune system, using colloidal silver and gold, killing in the body viruses and bacteria. Colloidal silver can be instilled into eyes, ears and nose or inhalations, to cope with infections that can appear as a result of the ascension. There are many herbs that have anti-virus and antibacterial properties, the use of which is useful among them Echinacea and Golden seal.
Sometimes, when the virus enters the nervous system, it can cause swelling of the respective nerve, which is manifested as a symptom of disadvantaged nerve. Repeat that this is a sign of the ascension, which over time will pass. Further, the nervous system spontaneously ignites that on grounds similar to involuntary muscle contractions. To relieve these symptoms now may find useful certain herbs, including Valerian Root, Oregano, Hops.
Night Sweating and hot flashes
Often during sleep, your consciousness does not restrict the movement of the Kundalini, bringing you at night sweat. Sometimes Kundalini breaks throughout the day, causing the sensation of hot flushes. Both are the result of burning of karma required at the particular moment. Know that this is a sign of the ascension, don't be afraid and don't worry.
The altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere is easier to adapt the vegetable world, the basis of life which are the processes of photosynthesis. Plants under the influence of photon energy will be bigger and will expand the range of nutrients, necessary for the person, and that person can your expanded consciousness of the program to fit your needs. Generally, meals (in the usual sense of the word) will eventually lose its value, because in the new conditions the exchange of energies will be easier and people will learn just in the places of power, balancing your energy, vitality level with the surrounding nature.
Nutrition and diet
One of osobennostei ascension - excretion from the body of toxic substances.
I recommend you to use any "live" food containing Chi and vitality. Alive are the only freshly cooked food, not canned, frozen, or products that are Packed for long-term storage. The fresher the food, the more Chi for ascension will receive from it your form.
Cravings for fatty foods
When the form is rebuilt in the crystal cell structure, each cell receives a new lipid or fat shell, which is the basis cholesterol. This fat shell holds a higher vibration or frequency than the previous protein cell wall. Craving for food rich in fats, is a natural manifestation of the ascension, and we advise you not to indulge in it. However, I advise to eat raw food, and if possible, do not exposed to processing.
Swelling and craving for salty
Crystal cell contains more salt or sodium chloride than the old cell structure. As a result, at certain stages of ascension you strongly drawn to Sol. Because this salt is used, it will not cause high blood pressure or heart disease when the rapture. Potassium chloride is allocated on the same level at which absorbed the salt. This often creates a situation in which you swell, which is directly related to chlorine/potassium imbalance. I advise you not to use at this time, diuretics, and to drink plenty of water to wash out the system of potassium as well as nightly to take the 45-minute bath with bitter salt, to take excess potassium through the skin.
Craving protein
Crystal structure of causes also a change of amino acid chains. For some chains requires the use of definite's proteins that are not contained in vegetables. At such times, I suggest you several times a week to eat some fresh fish, chicken or meat. Some digestive tract difficult to digest is more dense types of meat, and in this case it is recommended fish. We advise you to use freshly prepared meat, but not canned, frozen, or dried. Fresh meat is full of energy and nutrients required for the implementation of a certain phase in the initial initiations. The use of proteins in a small number will make it easier to keep grounding of the soul in the form, and thus will serve to maintain your energy level.
Detoxificaton body (form)
When the rapture of the body is continuously cleaned and out of it that you no longer need, and also the formation of the new structure, paving the bridge to the United consciousness. Most of the output of toxins excreted through sweat glands and the pores of the skin or through the kidneys, liver and digestive tract.
If you have a weak kidney, liver or digestive tract, these stereotypes are processed in the earlier stages of the process of initiation, to enable these bodies to strengthen and facilitate the process of detoxification. To help the body may need washing system that will allow those bodies to intensify its purifying function. For washing of the kidneys and liver there are many tools and herbs that can be used to support these bodies, and making the rapture, we recommend to use them, when this indicates their internal management.
One of the easiest methods of simultaneous cleaning of these 3 bodies is that within 6 weeks each week to eat the watermelon. If Arbuzov no, you can replace it with an equal amount of grapes. And grapes, and watermelon dissolve fats that have accumulated in the ducts of the liver and kidney, and in a mild form cleanse the digestive tract, in many cases acting as a laxative. Some will take several months of such treatment, and I recommend doing the ascension to resort to muscle testing or biolocation to determine the specific needs of their implementation.
In addition, digestive enzymes, contributing to the decomposition of the old, dense cellular structures found in some fruits such as papaya and pineapple. I recommend you to eat fresh fruit and drink fresh juices instead of canned or bottled. These conditions are of a temporary nature, you just have to pay attention to what is needed for the body.
To cleanse the body, mandatory colon cleansing and deliverance from the area, which heavily pollute the etheric body.
When a specific area of the body is far behind that of vibration and surrounded by cells of higher frequencies that have already converted Risovany in the crystal, the difference in vibration increases the rate of decay of non-crystalline structure (!). Over time, and if you don't pay any attention to the presence of this kind of dissonance, decaying structure will become cancerous.
If the problem is big enough, it can destructively affect the entire form. Therefore, the rapture is a sophisticated task, and, leading the way, ascending devoted should contribute simultaneously climbing all fields of the form. No part may not be left with a low vibration too long without creating even more of an issue which is known as a disease. Perhaps because of this dedicated more inquire about their problem areas and will periodically contact with such conscious concentration of and intention during meditation, to ensure that each part of the form revives be sufficient to support a continuous ascent whole (all forms).
Some Lightworkers who want to offer up a form from the inside, still using devices or drugs. Beloved, the full intent of the ascension is that dedicated learned internally (IsNot-ri) to create all necessary. Sometimes in a short time a rising man requires external ingredients or plants. However, the body must learn to create whatever is needed, and this ability carries regenerative and self-supported form. If You are a -- a God and a Goddess in the form, you can change the form as you need it, and it does not require a co-commit anything outside itself.