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Local residents say: they were offered money for the recognition of the fact that the notification of emergencies worked
The authorities of Krymsk promised the inhabitants of money - 10 thousand roubles - if they would sign a paper saying that they had been warned about the coming flood. This is stated in the report of TV company "Vesti-Kuban".
"Offered 10 million per person, if we sign (paper) that allegedly informed on about the disaster, - says a resident of Krymsk. No there was no notification". Her words confirm several of the victims. All they have to sign a paper refused.
Earlier that financial compensation is paid only in exchange for a receipt that they had been notified about the beginning of the disaster, said the correspondent "Kommersant" Oleg Kashin.
Meanwhile, the townsfolk was born on another version about the reasons of the tragedy. New rumor: abnormal rains were caused by the fact that in Sochi artificially dispersed the clouds, so that in time to finish the construction of the Olympic objects, " on schedule", says "Novaya Gazeta".
The officials also introduced a new version of events. According to Rosprirodnadzor, one of the reasons of tragedy in the Kuban region was the development of flooding. About the same today said the head of civil DEFENSE and emergencies of the Crimean region Dennis Pronin, in his words, many people live in "danger zones, where for 50 years, prohibited the construction of houses".
"But when we do and who we stopped prohibitions? Unauthorized build, and then put before the fact. But over the last year and a half while I'm in this position, was not signed a single application. So how many complaints I was punched!" he resented.
Flooding in the Kuban happened in the night of July 7. Still no data on the exact number of victims. The local authorities announced a figure of 172 people, according to the UK - 162, of which 148 - in Krymsk. Krymsk residents are sure that victims are hundreds of times more.
The cause of the tragedy has not been determined. However, it is safe to say that the victims would be in times less, whether people are warned about the impending tragedy. Although, in the opinion of the Governor of Krasnodar territory Alexander Tkachev, rabotaya warning system would not have saved the situation.
"Why in 11 nights turned off the light and has not informed the population?, he asked his people. "What do you think, my dear, that you had to each be reached? And you like that, stood up, and go, so to speak, out of the house?", "said the Governor.
Yesterday in Moscow hosted a press conference dedicated to the events in the Kuban. According to the Director of the research Institute for engineering survey in construction of Mikhail Bogdanov, the call system and speakers would cost the Krymsk only 200 thousand roubles, that is the price of one life is only a thousand.
Maria Zholobova