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As is known, the time in different places of the planet arise graphics complex matrix topologies. Almost always they appear in the course of one night, in the fields with smooth grass. Objects that are encompassed by the term "circles" cause fierce disputes - from claims that all crop circles forgery, before the recognition of some of them, the message of extraterrestrial civilizations.
This page contains excerpts from the article by Linda Moulton Howe (Linda Moulton Howe), argue the second view and claim that
According to one of the employees Chilbolton Observatory (Chilbolton, built in 1965 year), located near the city Werfel in Hampshire, England, image "binary" (left) and "person" (right) were found in different days in a wheat field near the buildings of the Observatory. "Person" was found on Tuesday, 14 August 2001 "Binary" was discovered on Monday, August 20, 2001, the Approximate size "binary" and "person" are h feet and h feet. According to researcher Charles Mallet from, Roundway (Wiltshire) both drawings formed ears of wheat and laid almost the same way.
In August 2000 years, not far from the Observatory has already been observed circles (Aerial view of the circles to the right, made by Peter R. Sorensen ©.). But "circles" 2001 year is clearly distinguished.
When Paul Vigay (Paul Vigay), Director of the Independent center for research unexplained phenomena (Cause, Hampshire, England) saw aerial photographs "binary"he said immediately that the image is very similar to a digital message which 16 November 1974, was sent into space by astronomers from Cornell University ( featuring Carl Sagan) using a radio telescope "Arecibo" (Arecibo), built in Puerto Rico. The beam was aimed at the star cluster M13, at a distance of about 23,000 light years from Earth.
Below You can see the explanation of this binary-coded radio(Source: Cosmos © 1976 by Carl Sagan.).
In the form of curved lines show the double helix of the DNA molecule. Below, between binary information about the number of population and the average height of a man, showing a humanoid figure, depicting people. Under the image of man in the form of a square shows the sun and the 9 planets. The third planet of the paper to the symbolic figure of a man. At the bottom above the line with the letter M is shown, the symbol representing the radio telescope "Arecibo", as the binary encoding below announces its diameter (300 m).
And now let's compare black and white graphic binary encoding. radio 1974 year (left) and "binary"arising from Chilbolton in 2001
As can be seen "message" have differences. The left part of the figure that appeared on the field of Chilbolton differs from its right side.
Before you an excerpt from an interview with Paul Vigee, Director of the Independent center for research unexplained phenomena (Cause, Hampshire, England):
"It is possible that the spiral of their DNA molecules is uneven and contains some additional components. More precisely, I can say after decoding the Central band, which is in the middle between the two curves. In the radio broadcast made from a radio telescope "Arecibo", this band is corresponded to the number of nucleotides in the DNA molecule in binary form. In the picture on the box, we see that this page has some differences. Apparently, this may explain why the arc left and right are different from each other. If the DNA molecule has a different number of nucleotide threads, then it explains this imbalance.
- Have you been able to verify these differences right on the field?
- Yes, right on the field I can see that in the middle there is one single point, which means that was changed a single digit.
- One digit?
- When it comes to binary code, the information in it is represented in the form of zeros and ones, or filled and empty squares, as in a vertical bar between the threads of DNA in the figure. It is visible, that in comparison with the original image in the middle of the picture there is a difference. Perhaps after processing this code on the computer and its translation in the sequence of the DNA molecule can see why curved lines that differ from those depicted in the figure to the radio.
- Apparently, the differences in the image sequence of DNA, what do you mean. If you look at the images of the planets in our message is plain to see that our planet is the third from the Sun as she pushed against a humanoid figure head, two hands, two legs and torso.
- Absolutely.
- If you look at the figure that appeared in the wheat field, you can see that after the first two planets group of three planets pushed same way as it was done in our message.
- The third planet in the series raised. The fourth planet is raised. And the fifth planet not only raised, but converted from one point in four smaller points, forming something like a cross.
- Do you think that means?
This difference is really very interesting. It could mean that in their solar system, three planets are inhabited, and that they happen to fifth planet. As the figure shows, what are the three planets, and the fifth planet allocated more than any other. It may also mean that the fifth planet has three satellites.
- We see that there is consistency between the picture on the box and the message with the figure of the man that was sent from Earth in 1974. Moreover, on the picture you can see something like figure, which has a very large head, very large, protruding eyes and short, thin body. In your opinion, this is an accurate description?
- Yes, and some people even compared depicts a figure with a grey alien. You should still be noted that there is another discrepancy between messages. The right of the figure of the person is indicated its growth. In the message, sent with "Arecibo", there are three numbers that correspond to seven. Of course, if you pass a message to the other end of the galaxy, there is no point to use as the unit of measurement in feet, inches or meters, so I consider this expression just as 7 units of something. If you look at the picture on the box, you can see that in this place there is only one unit. From here we can conclude that whatever unit is not used, this growth is much less human.
- Strange, but if it's really their reply to our message, which was sent in 1974 with a radio telescope "Arecibo", and if they tried to describe it yourself why then "person" is so similar to a human?
- I would not like now to talk about the origin of these drawings. My goal is to study. Based on the results of this study, people can draw their own conclusions. However, it seems to me incredible that all of this could be a hoax. The fact that this kind of figure it is impossible to see from earth. These drawings made very carefully and precisely, though they seem to be near a complete mess. Looking at them, we cannot say that this is the usual "circles and arcs in the fields". They appear as random set of points. But looking at them from a height, - and they of course were designed so that they will be seen from a height, - they produce an incredible effect. And I can't imagine how you can make such pictures without the participation of anyone who, being in the helicopter would not filed on the radio commands like "to the right a little... a little to the left", because the drawings are so complex that their land is extremely difficult to consider. It's hard to explain how it is possible (especially in the dark) go through the land from one element of the image to another and not to make mistakes, to do well and get a picture of this complexity.
- Now let's talk about the lower part of both messages. In binary message sent in 1974, was drawn arc, under which stated the antenna diameter of the telescope "Arecibo", with which this message was sent. In the message that appears in a wheat field near Chilbolton this element is identical to that figure, who also appeared at Chilbolton in August 2000. It can be assumed that the picture that emerged in August 2000, and those pictures that appeared in the August 2001, apparently, there is a connection. In the place where the message sent from a radio telescope "Arecibo" in 1974, indicating the size of the antenna, is precisely the image that was found near Chilbolton in August 2000.
- Absolutely. The key to understanding the coding is the size of the antenna of the radio telescope "Arecibo ' specified under its image. It ultimately depends on the frequency of transmission. And here is one more difference between emerged on the pitch pattern and the message that was sent from a radio telescope "Arecibo". This difference relates to the part where you specify the size of the antenna of the radio telescope. The coding here is different, and I need to figure out how it was encoded wavelength in the message that is passed to "Arecibo", and then apply this method of encoding to the picture and see what the result will be obtained. I have a suggestion that the previous figure on the field (discovered in August 2000) is a key message and perhaps it is you can use it to decrypt all the drawings. If some creature on the other side of the Universe were able to receive a signal like the one that was sent from a radio telescope "Arecibo", it is obvious that they were able to decipher and understand where it came from. In the end, you can find out at what frequency the signal was adopted.
There is also a contradiction, which deals with atomic numbers. When I first saw aerial photograph, I thought it was just a flaw in the pictures. And this was one of the main reasons why today I went there to see everything yourself. I realized that this is not an error, because the change was intentional and it's encoded in the sequence.
You mean a sequence of elements? Radionuclides?
No. Right at the top there is a number indicating the numbers from 1 to 10. Immediately below them are the atomic number of the basic elements that are the building blocks that support life on Earth.
This is what is indicated by the letters P.O.N.C.H.?
Yes, it phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. Now you can decrypt. That corresponds phosphorus, marked by a long line, i.e., 1111, which means 15. The next element of the image, if you read it vertically, gives 0001. This corresponds to 8, which of course means oxygen. The next element (1110) corresponds to 7, which means nitrogen. Next (011) corresponds to 6, which means the carbon. And finally, the last element is 1, which corresponds to 1 means the hydrogen.
In your opinion, drawing on the field of Chilbolton shows other items?
In a message sent from "Arecibo"shown 5 columns: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. In the picture on the box is 6 columns. This can be seen, only if we consider the image detail, which I did today. Thus, this code contains an additional element.
This element was inserted between oxygen and phosphorus, i.e. instead of a number 1, 6, 7, 8, 15, there is another row containing the item that is marked as 0111, which corresponds to 14. Thus, it turns out the number of: 1, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15.
Now if you look at the periodic table, you will see that the item under the 14th atomic number is called the silicon. This is a very interesting discovery, as many researchers say that if there are any other forms of life, which, unlike earthly forms, not based on carbon, the whole periodic table is almost the only element that could support life, is silicon. It is theoretically possible that there is a planet in which silicon is the predominant element. If it really is a binary-encoded message, the presence of additional element in the form of silicon is an important information.