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Круги на полях - ИсторияThe first crop circles were seen in 1972, the year when two eyewitness, Artur Settled and Bruce bond, set on a hillside hoping to see the mysterious unidentified flying object that has made this area of England Mecca for ufologists. But what they saw this moonlit night had a few more extraordinary: a hundred feet they saw as part of the fan-shaped ears were killed, forming a smooth circle on the field.

From that moment came about eighty reports of similar incidents, some of them were videotaped. The emergence of a circle takes about twenty seconds, and is often accompanied by a creaking sound.

After a decade of the phenomenon of crop circles began to manifest itself quantitatively. By that time there were already more than 9000 reports of the PNC worldwide, 90% of which came from England. In General, the variety of forms of crop circles is very high. This, coupled with their huge number, casts doubt on the claims that all crop circles are falsifications, without denying the participation of people in the process.

Back in 1986: one newspaper has paid a certain farmer money for the creation of round at home. But it was nothing compared to the flow of counterfeit circles , rushed later the Most sensitive blow to the enthusiasts "alien" versions of the origin of crop circles, was applied in September 1991, when two unemployed artist from Southampton, Bower and Chorley admitted that falsified mysterious circles, and proved it by pictures. Artists explained their antics desire to demonstrate the innocence of citizens and, whenever possible, to become famous. Since then, the number of their followers considerably increased. In November 2000, one of them, Matthew Williams, was even detained for intentional infliction of damages, after he was photographed in the process of creating a circle on the field. And in November 2001, the Australian researcher of anomalous phenomena accused "Disney Studios" (Walt Disney studios) that they are forged "circles" around the world in order to provide advertisements upcoming film "Signs" ("Signs") with the participation of Mel Gibson's playing the role of a farmer who discovered the "circle" in his field.

Today it is considered that about 30 % of crop circles are created by people. However, the problem is that no false circle does not contain a set of attributes that contain these circles..

The problem of falsification of crop circles is that the wheat is necessary to press any physical object, which, certainly, will break the ears. In these figures the ears are not broken, but only bent about an inch from the ground, where the first trick of the ear. It seems that the plants are exposed to short the effects of heat, which softens them, and makes it shifts to the ground almost at a right angle, where they again become hard. Humanity is unknown technologies, using which it would be possible to do this.

In addition falsifiers of crop circles can't reproduce the traits such as thickening of the ear, and the expansion of its burl, changes of the embryo in the grain, and the emergence of cavities in plants as if they were heated from within. In these figures observed changes in cellular structure,however, the plant dies, and continues to grow. None of the fake was not able to reproduce it

In contrast to these circles , in fakes ears simply dumped in different directions, and trodden down, and, of course, is broken. Ears "crop circles" twisted into a spiral, which uses the same logarithmic ratio and Fibonacci numbers, or the Golden proportion, which, however, can be found in nature, for example in the shell or the horn of a RAM. The bottom of the figure can have up to five layers, and wheat in each layer twisted to the side opposite of the previous one. Each spikelet in them lies neatly next to the other. In the center of the circle ears can cunning way to intertwine, and often in the center is only one standing right ear(usually in the centre stands untouched beam ears).

Another feature of these circles is increased infrared radiation inside and outside of the shape. Also in the manufacture of this circle mysterious forces use extremely complicated form in Euclidean geometry, changing the magnetic structure of space. Compasses are not able to determine where the North and South, cameras, mobile phones and batteries do not function, and the devices of the plane start to fool when you fly over the figure "crop circles", (most Likely the change of the magnetic structure of nothing to do with it, and here is guilty all the same unknown field or radiation, as in anomalous zones - approx. translator) Geiger counters show an increase of radiation is about three times compared with normal background.

Animals from the surrounding farms avoid the vicinity of crop circles even before the figure will appear.

These circles also love to be in the foreground on the energy lines of the Earth, repeating the energy pattern of the area. They can be "scanned" with vines. Even when collected, and the following year field again plowed and sown, lithotec will be able to determine the place where the figure was.


About technologies create crop circles.
1) the Luminaries of selhoznauk assure that if you fall on the field of winter crops, within the circle, to make "loading dose" ammonium nitrate, such perekopki nitrogen plants within the circle will grow faster and achieved such growth that thin stems will Lodge from the slightest breeze. You can put them with a rope in a spiral (such picture is observed in "crop circles"). As has been demonstrated to journalists "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in one of the private farms near Moscow in 2001 year. However, it is not clear how this method you can create shapes with sharp edges and a few mixed substrate layers.

2) Tiden put forward his theory, based on weather factors: the circles make the unknown atmospheric phenomena, such as electrified vortices.

3) According to Dr. Colin Andrews, who was involved in research circles for 17 years, about 20% of them formed because of vortex disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, and the rest -- created by human hands. He believes that some mysterious offset electromagnetic field creates an electric current, which bends the ears in a circle.

4) according to "Washington post", recently California researcher don Scott watched the appearance of a mysterious circles on the fields of rye in southern England. Among its equipment were detector of radiation, infrared devices vision, cameras and video cameras. Don Scott came from the well-known fact that lying circles cereal recorded the presence of radioactive isotopes. Therefore, before you install your equipment, he defined with a detector of radiation areas rye fields, radiation above normal level. After two weeks of searching he found such an anomaly, and the waiting began. A few days later in 1 hour 57 minutes in the morning was included automatic infrared camera. In the night vision device Scott watched as the ears of rye begin to bend, forming a circle. Increasing the image, the researcher saw little creatures scurrying between the ears. These were not aliens from outer space, not mystical creatures of ancient Celtic legends. Builders circles were ants, one of the species of insects, with primitive social organization. What makes the ants to walk in a circle? By assumption Scott, direction ants defines the Earth's magnetic field. Theory American scientist deserves attention because the ants, as well as the circles are found on all continents of the planet.
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