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Statistics show that at least 60 percent of people believe in the possibility of telepathic communication. Yes and scientists conducted dozens, hundreds of experiments to establish a mental contact, put forward a number of interesting theories explaining this phenomenon. And yet still no one can confidently answer the question: is there a telepathy?
Scottish experiment.
Wanting to finally solve the mystery of telepathy, or, more generally, extrasensory perception, specialists Edinburgh University recently decided to hold a series of research to install: are we dealing with a real phenomenon or another romantic fantasy? A group of researchers used a method called "ganzfeld", developed by the American researcher Chuck Honorton, who died in 1992, just one year after joining the University of Edinburgh. Currently heading the group of Dr. Bob Morris explains: "the Idea of Chuck is the following. If all this really "something", then discover it very difficult. Apparently, telepathic contact occurs only in specific conditions. And they rarely develop during our normal state of wakefulness. However, they can be created artificially by meditation and similar techniques, leading consciousness into an altered other than normal, condition".
We hear a lot about altered States of consciousness, and it may seem that this is something mystical, out of the ordinary. Did we fall into this state many times a day. Started to fall asleep and was on the verge between a dream and reality: one altered state. Angry, scared - other, drank - third and so on ...the Subject sits back in a comfortable chair in a completely Soundproofed room. Headphones can enjoy a light background noise, creating a feeling of comfort. Eyes tight, almost weightless glasses made of halves of balls for tennis. Red light is turned on, which also creates a feeling of warmth and peace. All this lulls and hypnotizes "Guinea pig". In addition, from the senses almost not received any information. In such conditions the images that arise in the brain become very bright and similar to those that we see in the last moments before falling asleep.
At a time when "man-receiver" dwells in the border state between sleep and awake, another participant of the experiment is "people transmitter" - is also in a soundproof room and looks demonstrated his material - a photo or an excerpt from the film, the word "picture". Its task is to try to convey what he sees, "target". So after some time passes. Then the first of subjects show four different pictures, one of them is the same, "right". His task is to determine which is more reminiscent of images that arose in his mind during the session telepathic communication.
An ordinary man, pointing at random finger has one chance in four (25 percent) to fall into the picture that mentally broadcast "transmitter". If the percentage guesses more mean (and this is strictly proves mathematics), in fact, involved some other factors unknown to us.
In their experiments, Dr. Morris and received results that 90 percent convinced it of the existence of these factors. In other words, telepathy or extrasensory perception (ESP). However, it does not hurry to make conclusions and prefers carefully to talk about "obvious new forms of communication between organisms and the environment"and not about ESP. Given the fact that ongoing for over a hundred years of scientific researches in the field of parapsychology has not led to the obtaining of evidence, clearly confirming or disproving the phenomenon of telepathy, caution is understandable.
Strange fate of parapsychology.
Passion psychic phenomena began in the middle of the XIX century, when the epidemic passion for spirituality, as the epidemic has engulfed first, America was flooded and the rest of the world. Spiritual salons become as popular and widespread as salons for playing cards. All kinds of mystics, mediums and clairvoyants who allege their exceptional mental capabilities, flooded Europe.
The scientific world reacted to this hobby mostly negative - in the best case as a fad. In 1869, the famous English scientist Huxley turned down the invitation to take part in the study of spiritualism and in the hearts said, "Even if we assume that this phenomenon exists, it does not interest me. If I was given the gift of listening to the chatter of old ladies and assistants of parish priests, then I would still not decided against it, because they have more worthy classes".
Hardly a response of an open and inquisitive mind, but it is quite significant for understanding the relationship grips similar to "stuff".
American parapsychologists and still divide people on "Baranov" and "easy". "Sheep" are those who inclined to the belief in the paranormal. "Goats" - people who are prone to unbelief. The traditional view of Orthodox science is evident "goat". And this is confirmed by the fact that the first really serious attempt to study the phenomena of extrasensory perception was made by American scientists J. Bi Ryan and his wife Louise only in the 30-ies of XX century. They suggested that the term "extrasensory perception" to describe such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and Providence.
Using so-called card Zenera containing five simple characters - star, circle, wavy lines cross the square, the wife of the Rhein conducted experiments that spoke in favor of the existence of ESP. Their method and formed the basis of the method of Edinburgh groups. Raina showed one of the cards of Zenera "transmitter" and requested to broadcast its way "target". Then everything went about the same as in the Scottish experiment.
However, the methodology of the American researchers was immediately criticized. Enthusiasts even accused of quackery. Later they "rehabilitated", but doubts still. Anyway, thanks to the work Coming parapsychology was largely separated from spiritualism, not averse to use divination on the tea leaves, crystal ball and so on, and raised to a higher scientific basis.
As often happens in history: was looking for something and found quite another. The biggest impact of the opening of the spouses Ryan had not parapsychological research, not on the relationships of researchers to the secrets of human "I", and on... literature.
Studies of Americans have become a source of inspiration for a generation of science fiction writers. For 50 years to denote ESP in science fiction became even sustainably use the word "psi". Fiction writers wrote about the awakening forces "psi" as the result of mutations, medication, processes of evolution contacts with aliens. In many subjects under the influence of "cold war" introduces a number of books and movies, where the telepaths-villains took control of the minds of the people.
In the 60-ies of the ESP and psychokinesis "seized" television. Light emitting eyes close up... Electronic music... the Greatest popularity in the USA has received a series "star-trek"where "physician minds" SPOCs Volcano is constantly rescued from many hazards American spacecraft enterprise". In another TV series "champion" three secret agent received from a lost civilization additional mental and intellectual energy.
"The Golden age" for ESP came in the 70-ies. In 1973 on TV literally burst series "People of tomorrow"in which teenagers which is the next stage of human evolution, possessed the powers of telepathy and teleportation. When there was URI Geller, by an effort of the mind bending and stopping plugs mechanisms hours, many seem that the idea of the movie "the People of tomorrow" is not so farfetched. And soon many began to seem that everyone has a friend or acquaintance, aunt of which one with his eyes could pokoriti all the spoons in the dining room. So strong was "psi"-the effect of mass media, television and video programs, performances on a number of parapsychological topics.
But even after the phenomenon Geller burst like a bubble on this subject continued to appear in films with the most intricate plots. They represented people with paranormal abilities, but none of the paintings was not done even attempts to explain the phenomenon and its possible consequences.
The exception to some extent was a film by David Cronenberg Scanners," in which he discussed the negative consequences of having telepathic abilities. Imagine having the ability to telepathically "hear" all thoughts of others. Now because of this, one of the heroes of the film began psychosis, and to get rid of engulfing his brain the thoughts of others, he tried to drill yourself in my head hole.
But if the great film industry has benefited from craze of paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, as you might expect, only from this lost. Yes, professional magicians produced "genuine miracles". On the other hand, refused to participate in purely delivered scientific experiments. This gave rise to a skeptical scientists, and the discredited research in the field of ESP.
Twenty years later.
Now, after twenty years, perhapsecology seem to have learned from the mistakes of the past. Like most of his contemporaries, Dr. Morris is well aware ingenuity all kinds of mystification. That is why it Edinburgh, the group attracted to his experiments only normal volunteers, not known psychics and mediums who claim that they have exceptional abilities. The group also cooperates with professional magicians, to be able to recognize the various deceptive practices.
Although Dr. Morris and recognizes the inability to put absolutely pure experiment, the method "ganzfeld" allows to minimize the danger of deception, fraud or incorrect. Moreover, the results achieved by the Creator of this method Honorton, are encouraging, although they are still not convinced skeptics. But in 1985 the dispute that erupted between Honorton and one of its main opponents, a psychologist from the University of Oregon (USA) ray Hyman, led to the fact that these two scientists have agreed on cooperation.
As a result, the automated version of the method. The entire experiment was carried out by computer. With the start of the experiment and to completion all was under the control of an electronic machine. The computer also recorded the choice made by the recipient telepathic information. Pictures are no longer used.
Instead, they were offered a wide range of scenes from various films, arranged in groups of four. After defining your computer at random one of these groups, the machine was launched randomly chosen (one of four) episode and showed it to the "transmitter".
Scientists were in the third room, where he had the opportunity to observe the recipient of information and to record on a tape a film, as he spoke about his impressions and feelings. After the demonstration of the episode "transmitter" remained in his room in complete isolation until "listener" expressed their opinion of what he handed telepathic means. At this point, even the researchers did not know which of the four selected episodes were shown. Only after "listener" has introduced its response to computer scientists could learn, if he got in Apple".
The level of correct answers in computer experiments of Honorton was 34.4 percent, well above the average 25 percent mentioned above. After the death of Honorton Edinburgh, the group has improved its method and improved their results to 40 percent. This cannot be explained by chance. The success of edinburgas inspired by other researchers, and now the system "ganzfeld" is used in various centers in the U.S. and other countries.
The problem of Thomas unbeliever.
But skeptics't going to work out. A psychology Professor of English Western University Susan Blackmore, itself being a parapsychologist, after 20 years of research in this area still decided to quit his job.
- I think that the probability of the existence of telepathy is very small, " she says. Simply because the brain is very difficult encodes any idea. Even with "transmitter" and "the receiver", it is extremely difficult to translate thoughts of one person into the language of the thoughts of the other.
Academic agree that people often face extraordinary phenomena. Earlier interest Blackmore to parapsychology was caused by its own "out-of-body experiences", suffered by the release of the astral body from the physical. But she still believes that the phenomenon of out-of-body experience a psychological explanation.
So instead come up with paranormal theories, it is much more important to try to understand their hidden psychological basis.
- The surrounding world is unpredictable and uncontrollable, so the human brain is constantly looking for ways of predicting the future and the governance of the world, " says the researcher. - People always dreamed about it. But my 20-year experience in the field of parapsychology makes me think that telepathy is more desirable than real. Mental contacts occur regardless of the will of participating in them. No one has yet proven that they can consciously control. Including Edinburgh experiments that gave encouraging results. For the whole history of parapsychology this has happened not once, but alas, nothing has changed...