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Unconscious, instinctive, misty produced random hand experience live, ahead of the science on the whole century.
This happened in the summer of 1953 near one of quay walls Omsk river port. He played serious storm. Sharp gusts of wind came with such force that side ends, held at the berth tysyachnyi lighter, broke down and burst...
The doctor advised to seek the grandma
I was barely three years old, just remember how, sitting in his mother's arms, seen rushing to the deck of our fragile wooden boat, pressed steel a large web-site, father. And her mother, bobbing from the horror, and cried unto him, "Jump, jump! For God's sake, jump!". But he continued to try to save our pusok.
My child's mind could not stand that terrible shock. At night I started suffering from terrible dreams, nightmares. The medicine was powerless. Moreover, the doctor himself advised my mother: "You need to look for grandma. Only it will help". And this lady, to my luck, there was, God rest her soul. She has lived 106 years and many patients in my long life healed. In 1955, we have neighbors - it helped me to get well.
And doctored grandma mainly conspiracies. It has been more than fifty years, but I still remember how she has treated me. Took a severe thread, go around it my head, and tied at the end of measuring the knot and whispered to him the words of the conspiracy. This was repeated three times, then three threads with knots she carried on three roads forks and there were buried. Of course, the whole procedure of the conspiracy, the more of his words, I did not know. But the result is obvious - full recovery!
Magic power
Touching upon the issue of conspiracy and witchcraft, I certainly remember kudrinskay Olesya. After all, A.I. Kuprin wrote his stories and novels based on true stories from life: "I do not know and cannot say, possessed whether Olesya and half of those secrets that were told with such a naive faith, but something I was often witness has given me an unshakable belief that Olesya were available for those unconscious, instinctive, misty produced random strange experience knowledge, which, ahead of the science on the whole century, live, mixing up with the funny and wild beliefs, in the dark, closed the people as a whole, passed as the greatest mystery, from generation to generation."
It took almost a hundred years since then, as were written these words, behold, there came a time when restrictions on secret knowledge lifted. Is it good or bad - will show time. But, first of all, recall the biblical truth: "In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God!". This is where the roots of the healing of a conspiracy! In addition, it is quite possible to agree with the statement Rudyard Kipling, that the word is the most powerful drug used by mankind. A well-known German psychologist Bark Besser-Sigmund developed a special technique and argues that the magic words can be targeted to charge a truly magical power.
Here is another example. My grandmother, Praskovya Ivanovna, in 1947, nasatv water healing conspiracy, saved the life of a man. (The doctors were powerless to help him!) Literally within minutes after a hopeless patient drank a glass of charmed Praskovya Ivanovna water, a miracle happened - he was fully recovered!
Sinister experiment
The word can not only heal, but also to protect people from various misfortunes. I was able to see for twenty years before in my hands got the book's Crust Besser-Sigmund "Magic words".
By the way, the word "doctor" is derived from the word "lie" and "talk", that is to heal the word. But in the Scriptures plainly says: "the Word was God!". So, the word has the divine power!
But the word can be both good and evil. Good is of God, and the evil of the devil. Angry words can hurt even to himself.
Here is another example. At one of the Sochi working in the Smoking-room found someone had left a magazine. One turned back, the second, the third came across an article in which he described as yourself to encode for certain duration of life.
The old master, following the proposed "recipe"for a joke zakodirovatsia 90 years, and the young worker, which the next day was filled 28, suddenly said, "This can easily be checked. I now secaderos to 28, tomorrow they will come to work, and you all make sure that with me nothing will happen!".
Indeed, the next day he usually came to work and worked for a few hours until someone (all found the information stated in the article, nonsense), seeing him, said: "Bah! You're still alive! And isn't it time over there?". And pointed to the sky.
And then there was an incredible! Young, strong, perfectly healthy boy died! Instantly! And it would seem that only worry is detrimental to information (subconsciously, apparently, had), which outwardly did not believe... it Turns out that the code word in the subconscious mind of this man turned into a kind of a mine with a clockwork mechanism. This is a fateful moment, and it worked!
This tragic story was told to me in August 1993, the head of the enterprise in which it happened. Of course, there are many of those who resolutely declares: "This cannot be, because it can never be!" - and wish to experience the action code. By the way, the above phrase first said one of the medieval monk, but, alas, I repeat until now, instead of saying: "I admit the existence of this or that phenomenon, though not find him convincing explanation". This may make only a man with an inquisitive mind, a researcher. He will always remember the biblical commandment: "Knock and the door will be opened". And this opens!
Hypnosis and the plot is very similar
These researchers is George N. Sytin. It was he, one of the few, today managed to lift the curtain on his Majesty the word. First of all, it is true the doctor and scientist. Largely due to the conspiracies of Georgy Nikolaevich was able to get rid of the consequences of heavy wounds received in the war. And, rebounding from the ancient conspiracy, was able to come to his method verbal-shaped emotional-volitional control the state of a person. That's where the mystery of healing influence of the word! But many seem to be empty, meaningless and even meaningless words magic conspiracy. But no! Even devices fix his divine power! The plot something like an ordinary pill, medication it 5-10%
- the rest is filler. In the plot is also a healing effect have one or two magic words, and all the rest - verbal background, creating the environment in which the key encoding sounds its vibration exposure and create a miracle, that sometimes causes instant healing.
I am afraid that it is such a delicate field of Sciences about the person, to which scientists are only just starting to touch, although the action requested words and hypnosis is something close to each other. Hypnosis, as we know, has been studied much better, he is recognized as a science, unlike conspiracy. However, the plot has a more mysterious principle effects. After all, the word conspiracy, as a rule, not pronounced aloud. Sometimes sorcerer or sorceress just whispers to him on the water. And sometimes this is done at a distance from the patient. And the healing effect is obvious!
Remote healing
In the early 1950's my aunt, then still a young, strong and healthy woman, came back home from the city, in the village. Advanced neighbor nicknamed Pronia, examining it from all sides, admiringly Akhali:
"Oh, Kurochka, yeah what are you smart, Yes Rashoroshina...
Ran my grandmother, Praskovya Ivanovna. Quickly glancing at her daughter, she kicked her.
- What are you her? "said her aunt.
"Do you know?! I hope to God that all went well...
But it was not. Very soon my aunt was going incredible: it all was coreia, beat fever, mouth went dry foam.
My grandma immediately ran to the other end of the village. There lived grandma pretty pretty. Praskovya Ivanovna dropped to her house and, still not catching his breath, with the move gave: "Nurcu to death drives! Pronia jinxed, stab her." And heard the calm reply: "Sit down, calm down, now the tea will, and Nurse your better... washing Floors".
Back, grandma really caught daughter healthy, and she was already dayval floors in the house.
Hence the questions: how learned - not seeing the patient!
- about her condition village herbalist grandma pretty pretty? And as she healed the sick, even without leaving your house?
I think she had a phenomenal dalnetizen, and healed (at any distance!) by taking thought.
Life goes on. And the mystery of divine healing word will be disclosed.