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One morning in the apartment of an employee of the Novgorod regional printing house Olga M lost a scarf, a shove in the evening in the sleeve of his coat.
Scarf looked for and calmed down. Two months later he found himself lying in the apartment in the most prominent place. Of course, none of the households never would have remembered about this case, if there is another, more serious loss. The husband of Olga Alexander earned a companion and a large sum of money. And when the companion is gone, have missed - there is no money. Turned upside down the whole apartment, went to his companion, he rummaged, quarreled... in Vain. Returning home, opened the cupboard, and paper money rain fell on their heads.
Since that day in the house began the real terrorism. Things then disappeared without a trace, then somehow changed their location, it was all white hair spray. Light up the paper in the trash. Poured shampoo, were being squeezed toothpaste and creams. Once someone poured water into boots, and then threw their glue, so much so that boots had to throw out.
At first, Olga and Alexander were sure that all these tricks are the work of their ten-year daughter. Well, who else can be blamed for the disappearance of chocolates or a wall painting on the new Wallpaper made of colored markers? But the daughter of these "feats" categorically refused, moreover, very often, when there was "something", it just wasn't home.
Suspected something wrong, Olga turned to friends, who advised her to come into contact with evil spirits through self-made frames. The first talk was held in the evening. Olga asked a house, how old he is and there in the house of the spirits, except him, and he answered her fluctuation limits and knock. From "dialog" revealed that domofonu hundred years and that his brothers are all over the house. Soon she was to receive a note, written by an unknown her handwriting. Their content was different: from the apologies for the caused damage to invitations to birthday. The signature was one of: "Your house Kuzma".
Despite the friendly message, Kuzma was not appeased - began to disappear large sums of money, suddenly in the night I turn on the TV, and they could hear the snoring, laughter and wild songs. For help Olga turned to the editorial staff of the newspaper "Nowogrodski University", and they in turn asked a consultation with Professor Igor Lancia, not just the speakers in this publication with articles on anomalous phenomena.
According to the Professor, the poltergeist phenomenon that was observed in this case, the characteristic dark astral forces of the lower order. Very often they are connected with people, suddenly died, not ready for transition to a post-mortem state. Such souls are often drawn to the land, to his former flesh, unlike conventional food they feed on the energy of the person, and such that is released when experience negative emotions: fear, irritation, anger. That is why the action of such spirits is targeted - they try to scare, annoy people. Spirits feel at home in the houses where not going well, the relationship of people. One solution is to change the microclimate in the family.
It would seem that the solution proposed by Professor Lancelin, looks surprisingly simple: take it easy, purify your soul from evil, and you have nothing to worry about any dark forces. But where did these astral "barabashka"?
It turns out that the apartment Olga is adjacent to the house in which 15 years ago crashed a plane flying from Syktyvkar to Riga through Novgorod. Then perished passengers, crew and several residents of the destroyed house. Apparently, the souls of these people and steel "house Kuzey".
This amazing story was told a year ago, the correspondent of ITAR-TASS Victor Troyanovsky. In the Novgorod "brownie Kuzya" you can believe or not believe, however, scientists have amassed a lot of evidence that poltergeists are a phenomenon of the abnormal,but it is quite amenable to study. Experts believe that this phenomenon is related to the transformation of a biofield in mechanical efforts. Simply put, the man's energy is so great that in particular the concentrated state can work wonders.
All, for example, you know about the psychic URI Geller, who at a distance look Flex metal spoons, and once even stopped the clock London's famous big Ben. Much less is known about the 13-year-old Sasha K. from the city of Yenakievo, who had a remarkable ability pirogeny (spontaneous combustion of items). Cost Sasha to look at the burning light bulb, she exploded. From the English" boy brought a lot of trouble to my parents, because under the influence of his biofield flashed interior door, oilcloth, a chair, furniture. At school he used to illuminate the diary, was charred notebook.
In October 1991 in Tomsk there was a fire, puzzled by many experts. Lit apartment whose owners were absent for several days. Doors and Windows of this apartment have been closed. The wiring was a working - traces of a short circuit fire did not find. But found nine of isolated fires. As if someone was running around the apartment, and lighted a small fire and threw them crackers. Neighbors who wakes up from fourth loud cotton or explosion, claimed that the fire is guilty of the house, which has long been terrorizing their house.
For fixed poltergeist phenomena characteristic not only the spontaneous combustion of items, but also spontaneous calls on the door and opening them, phone calls and threatening at the same time absurd content, sudden sharp decline in the level of indoor air, odors, water on the ceiling, the walls and finally, move or disappearance of objects. Noticed that all the hell are often initiated by family quarrels and other strong emotions. Almost all studied poltergaste objects had broken glass in the Windows with the size of the punched holes of 2 to 260 mm (like evil spirits at high speed flew in or coming out of it). Noteworthy is another fact: most of the investigated in Siberia objects poltergeist located near cinemas and DK, where ever showed films of horrors.
Muscovites Elena and Sergey - people are welcome, therefore, and took in her three-room apartment for visiting friends special room. Main "lodger" for several years was Andrew from Rostov. In another trip Andrew, as usual, sat in the kitchen at the table, and went to their corners - because tomorrow to get up early.
The night Lena woke up with the feeling that there is something going on. Threw on her robe and into the corridor. From under the closed kitchen door light came. She came in and saw Andrew, with a scared face sat with his legs on a stool and nervously smoked.
I don't know. There from the corner out some terrible red man and mocked me.
"Cut it out... You're just tired of the way.
"Nothing, Flax, you go lie down to sleep, and I will sit here, " Andrew said, lighting another cigarette.
The next night the same thing happened. Healthy guy, a former paratrooper, Andrew spoke about "scary red man" and for any price is not agreed to go to the guest, though before he often slept in this room. They had to put a cot in the kitchen.
Week in one and a half to Elena and Sergey have come other friends of the couple. Andrey they were not familiar about him "visions" knew nothing.
But the first night in the corridor was heard them frightened screams that from the corner of the room goes crimson freak and threatens them. Lena and Sergey entered the room, but nothing strange there have not noticed. However, all night owners and guests were awake. And in the morning friends as the wind blew. He remained just a note: "Thank you for hospitality, but together with the evil spirit to sleep can't".
Remembering the terror commando Andrey, Lena told about these strange cases colleagues. Tips fell the most different: some recommended to go to the witch, others - day and night to pray, third-burning candles in the apartment for cleansing from evil spirits. But Lena followed its own path and has been invited to the home of specialists from the Association "Ecology Unknown". The first question experts her terribly surprised:
- Perestanovok furniture in the room did?
- No.
- A powerful radio equipment bought?
"Yes, " replied Lena. - A musical center. We furniture slightly shifted and supplied it.
Experts advised to move "miracle of technology" in another room to calm down. The couple did. Impatiently they waited for the next arrival of Andrei to check "cleared" if their apartment from the impure forces. And this experimental moment came. All three were cautiously waiting for the night. But it was surprisingly calm: neither "red men"or "crimson freaks" did not jump out more from a corner.
What happened in this case? Tatiana Fominskaya, member of the interdepartmental Commission on problems of biolocation and the expert of Association "Ecology Unknown", States that took place in the imposition of various fields of radiation sources at each other. Apparently, after installing the audio corner of the room really was " abnormal " - people feel discomfort, something wrought in their brains, causing some vision.
Elena and Sergey lucky "red man" helped them to recognize the adverse area in the apartment, and on their health is not affected. But many of us do not even suspect that live on a powder keg and a private apartment is a kind of burial crypt.
A few years ago experts "Ecology Unknown" had a chance to explore the old and quite nice-looking house in the suburbs. The owners appealed for help to the Association, because they were very concerned about their own future: four died from cancer, and the fifth, a very elderly woman died for other reasons, but a few years before her death had an operation, too, about the cancer. During the examination of the house revealed that all of the dead were sleeping near the same wall, and under it were water flows on two different levels. And it had to happen, that the projection of their intersection on the surface of the earth coincided with the node, the so-called "geobiological grid Kurri". This became the main cause of death.
And you can determine whether the anomalous zone? Experts say that it is possible, using a special frame. In ancient times to search for underground water used walnut or willow twigs. In Russia it's called "askedto", as in Soviet times, - "biolocation". To master this art without much trouble may, eight people out of ten, Dowsing rods can be made most. Rent 3-millimeter steel needle and bend it at right angle. Know, that the person is a universal sensor, plug and play system, capable to react to all disturbances in the environment. But if you take a box in his hands and walk through the apartment, she can roll through each step. Indeed, in the house there are electricity and communications, and various domestic appliances. All it radiates energy. Some combination of these radiations can detrimental to act on the person. So if you regularly hurts tin, or have bad dreams, or are you just an uncomfortable feeling in your own home, contact the specialists of biolocation.
Especially this advice relevant to "new Russians". Here to whom it would not hurt to move the frame on the site before building your "castles". After all, peace of mind depends not on the number of floors, not on the quality of Italian Jacuzzi and Spanish furniture, and on the correct choice of the construction site. For centuries the land for house chose lovingly and carefully, using clever ways and beliefs. If your site is located on verschidene, but covered landfills, cemetery, near the former quarries, in the marshy lowlands, it may be that this place is generally unsuitable for living. Therefore, according to Tatiana Fominskaya, it is necessary to make preliminary dowsing shooting his possession.
Otherwise, you are risking their health and happens to you what happened last winter with the watchman of the one dacha near Moscow settlement. They say that for no apparent reason defeated him and his watchdog "evil": that is appearing that, prislista, the dog's coat will shiroshita not understand what... Long watchman was attached - and candle burned, and to the priests went. Nothing helped. Then he gathered his things and ran away. But no "impure force" was not. The secret was in the very land on which the house stood guard.
Should closely relate not only to suburban villas and offices. Do not go out of some poor guy case, and he blames this and partners, and people-envious, and his mother-in-law. And running for "the removal of curse" to some semi-literate the witch, which for joy fleeces it as a sticky. But something he sometimes merely to refer to the ancient Chinese science "Feng Shui", which helps to achieve family happiness, health, successful career, wealth and good luck. The essence of this science is that all surrounding objects have on a person's good or bad effects. So thrice right who, feeling of unexplainable sadness, sadness, instantly pushing furniture.
In China "Feng Shui" is used to define the date weddings and a funeral, when buying an apartment, at the opening of shops and restaurants and, of course, at the beginning of any construction. Eastern wisdom adopted and materialistic West. Many large firms, such as the American chamber of Commerce, the British commercial Bank, city Bank and others use the services of experts "Feng Shui", although it is very expensive. For example, a survey of the office draws on 4 thousand dollars per day, and the constant surveillance of experts during the design and construction of the shopping and business centers at several million dollars.
Here are some simple tips "Feng Shui". Main office - your table. If the business is not related to customer visits, he must stand against the wall in a quiet location. The table should be solid and strong, which testifies to the wealth and prosperity of the company. Do not sit with his back to the window or door. You can not put a table at a sharp angle to the wall - it leads to financial failures and quarrels with the staff. Businessman must hold a command position and authority comes from the corner of the room, the most remote from the door.
If you sell something, you put velagaleti face to you and back to the door. In this case you aware of the situation, and the client loses control over it. If you buy something, then your client should sit facing the door. Then he will rise to the mood, and it is easier to agree on vasiukova. Do not sit too close to the door, visitors will take you for an ordinary employee.
Once a group of enthusiasts examined one of geoactive areas of Moscow region. Nothing supernatural guys were not found and was going to return home. Turned to the tent, Packed our backpacks and, as usual, "sat down on the track". One of the participants of the expedition decided on just a moment away in the bushes to purely natural cause. Slowly, she went through a clearing, and before reaching the cherished bushes, disappeared right in front of the whole company.
At first they did not understand. She jumped up and began to look - but how can people to sink into the ground on a completely flat place! Was looking for another hour, until the evening. Spent all night at the fire, wondering what could happen and what "Goblin" had the perplexed girl.
Waited almost a day. And when he finally decided to leave, disappeared suddenly appeared at the same place where yesterday disappeared. They were so stunned that he looked at her as a Ghost.
- Guys, what are you? - she was surprised.
- Where were you?
- Yes nowhere.
- Almost a day anywhere?
Here she killed her: "Oh, come on fool of me!" And when he understood that this was not a joke, very surprised. For her this day fell from life - she just went into the bushes and came back.
This phenomenon is called the teleportation in time. And there are such phenomenal cases in geoactive areas. In the suburbs of such places abound. This is kind of small "Bermuda triangles" under the Serpukhov, under the Krasnogorsk, Noginsk, Sergiev Posad, Solnechnogorsk, Chekhov, Mozhaisk and in Dmitrov district. Are they even in Moscow, in the district of hot rolling Mill. There by the decree of Peter I were not allowed to settle-built. In General anomalous zones in the city you can quite easily recognize - on statistics of road traffic accidents.
But back still in the forests of native Moscow. Not in all of them safely walk from mushrooms. And not because they are full of wolves, bears and bandits. There are places that the locals say that there "Goblin leads". For example, you walk down the familiar path and suddenly be on a completely unknown glade kilometers of about five to ten of your paths. As it happens - God only knows or the same "evil". To explain it, can't even "the researchers of anomalous phenomena,has been in such situations. They just call it "spontaneous teleportation".
Not to get you in this mess, just in case the reported signs of geopathogenic zones. First, here are bright, extremely varied vegetation. Secondly, a lot of pine trees with a forked and ugly trunks. And thirdly, the most dangerous of these areas during a lightning storm. And people say: "Bad place attracts the storm". Here you risk losing the last health.
Indeed, within such areas, especially the influence of magnetic storms connected with solar activity.
"No unknowable, is unknown", say the experts "anomalii".
Tatiana Fominskaya told us about some girl Tone that came to her "damage to remove". And it was so. For a long time Tonya was struggling with his teeth, and finally a sincere friend, Laura took her to his dentist. He did a very beautiful crowns - metal, shiny coated by gold. And everything seems fine, but after a while Tony began to buzz head, she began to hear voices, could not sleep. And if asleep, I dream about her terrible nightmares - faces terrible lez and shouted and roared something inside the head.
The poor woman decided that going crazy. The last effort to hide the fact that something wrong is going on. Felt blame crowns those damn, to which she was hit friend Lyuda. Four months Tonya tolerated, and then smashed quarreled with Luda, accusing her that she had put on her damage. Crowns are removed. But the nightmare was not.
Once exhausted Tonya swallowed pills in the hope quietly to sleep, and woke up in a psychiatric hospital. It was long treated from neurosis and depression. Cured. But the thought: "what a friend Lyuda me?", stayed. So she came to be treated to Tatyana from Faminskii spoilage. As expected, People had nothing to do with it. "Damaging" Tonya brought professionally incompetent doctor. She was absolutely contraindicated metal in the mouth. Chemical composition of saliva when interacting with a metal prosthesis has generated vortex microcurrents, which affected her brain, creating the effect of the detector receiver.
This case is pretty funny, and it can only laugh. So "evil" really exists. In fact it is the introduction of negative information in the energy-information structure of a person. However, the real "evil" occurs no more than 2-5 cases from the total number of patients to specialists. Most often these are different forms of the so-called "evil": someone we, without even noticing, hurt, someone stepped on his foot in the bus, someone is jealous of us, and some simply don't like our face. Here is a powerful surge of negative energy in our direction. If the person is not protected, then the result of this "energy shot" can be subjected to foot, and cut finger. And when resistant dislike not excluded, and the chain of disease and failure.
In recent years, many became fascinated with the occult and, in particular, spiritualism. But this is also a kind of unknown phenomenon,and not forget that the game with the unknown can result in a very sad. So, in medical-improving center Solaris" (a division of Association "Ecology Unknown") came a young woman (let's call it Valentina),practicing spiritism. According to her, she became actively communicate the spirit of a young man named Tom, who died a violent death. He explained his love for her and sought to physical intimacy.
Soon Valentina stopped using saucer as a mediator between it and Vadim. She began to hear his voice, physically feel his presence and even to see a young man, almost every night she began to feel incredibly long orgasms. And the moment came when saprashanas began to frighten.
"Spirit" came not only at night but also during the day. And when she had refused him close, then beat her.
Valentina was seriously worried by the state of his psyche. But to the doctor-psychiatrist did not go, and turned in Solaris". The psychoanalysis has shown that she is a normal person. She was asked to meet with her "spirit" in a deep trance, and Valentine agreed. A few minutes after immersion in a hypnotic state, the expression of her face changed beyond recognition - it was male. And instead of the female voice sounded thick bass. And the hypnotist already he was to speak with the spirit of Vadim through Valentina. A few minutes later, after a question: "You really beat Valentina, hurting her?", the woman's face was terribly distorted, and she slowly began to bend the arc. The session had to stop.
In Solaris" Valentine no longer come. Whatever became of it is unknown. But this case is not the only one. Many similar message comes from abroad. Experts still don't know what a person faces, establishing a spiritual contact. One thing is for sure: such a passion for idle curiosity not safe. After all, we deal with another reality a manifestation of which is unpredictable. In this world everything is possible.