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Услышать голос бедыThey say that some people are able to predict beforehand the development of this or that situation. Moreover, when they are asked about how they do it, they just shrug their shoulders and say that intuition worked... What is this strange feeling? Is it possible to develop such a feeling in yourself?

Air crashes and other transport tragedy often anticipated the people

In March 1979, I was going to fly in Alma-ATA. Wrote a business trip, received an advance, but on the threshold of booking office suddenly understood: to fly is not necessary. I was sick, suffered a business trip, and then abandoned it altogether.

And I do not regret about it. Still believe that on the road or in the very fact lovely town in those times threatened me some serious trouble. And the past thirty years have not dissuaded me in this. On the contrary, I now have enough evidence to prove their point of view.

Here you have at least some facts from the collection, gathered over the past decades.

...In winter, December 6, 1978 Scottish newspaper "Courier & AdVita Dundee" published an article titled "the prophet Has no ticket". It told about how sorokarichchya Edward Person appeared before the court, as she rode on a train without a ticket from Inverness in the city of Perth.

When asked where and why he went, "unemployed prophet from Wales reported that in a hurry for a meeting with the Minister of the environment, to warn him about the earthquake, which was supposed to take place in Glasgow in the coming days.

Many readers of this article seemed funny. But all was not fun anymore, when a few weeks later and in fact happened in a strong earthquake that rocked not only Glasgow, but other parts of Scotland.

Earthquakes are very rare in the British Isles, but predictors of earthquakes are even more rare. However, when journalists have pressed Edward Person, asking, even demanding that he told how he was able to predict the disaster, he could not say anything definite. "Just in the beginning of December I woke up with a feeling close troubles", he shrugged.

...On Friday evening, may 26, 1979, the world was shocked by the news that the us DC-10 aircraft crashed into a heap of rubble, in flames, at takeoff from the international airport O'hair in Chicago. In this most terrible of all the crashes in the history of U.S. aviation died 273.

While in Cincinnati, Ohio, twenty-three year old Manager David Booth in horror froze in front of the TV. A few nights before he dreamt the same nightmare. At first he heard the sound stall engines, then watched helplessly as the plane of American airline sharply bent, rolled over and hit the ground, overcome the red-and-yellow flame.

"I had not the slightest doubt that the tragedy necessarily had to happen, " he said. - The only trouble is that I didn't know when and where this should happen..."

However, the Bout was not keep his premonition in secret and Tuesday may 22, 1979 called the Federal office of flights at the airport in Cincinnati. Then he called in the American airlines and psychiatrist at the University of Cincinnati.

We must pay tribute, specialists listened to him, but to ease the state bout failed because they did not know when and where will the tragedy. And in three days he saw the story in the news about the fall of the DC-10, and nightmares stopped. But it's his little pleased. "I would give anything, " said David Booth to journalists, - for the opportunity to actually help those unfortunate that were on Board..."

...None of the passengers, held on 3 September 1998 the check-new-York - Geneva, had no idea that air travel will be his last. However, shortly after leaving Boeing crashed around the canadian city of Halifax. To survive failed to anyone.

This is a known fact. Less well known is another. The same flight was supposed to fly known Swiss tennis player mark Rosset, but at the last moment he changed his mind. As he explained meticulous reporters, the decision was dictated by the inner voice, who claimed that couldn't go.

This fact has become another confirmation of the amazing patterns revealed, as it turned out, in the 50-ies of the twentieth century, the American scientists Century Cox: in trains suffering a collapse, passengers is less, than usually. A similar phenomenon is observed also for ships, which may repeat the fate of the Titanic, and for aircraft that did not come to land. Meticulous statistics: if the average load one or another vehicle usually reaches 75 percent, that, judging by the list of passengers and the number of tickets sold, on those trains, ships and airplanes, which never reached the destination, remained up to 30 percent of available seats or more.

However, the number directly late for a flight or refuse the trip usually so small that it fits in so-called statistical error. However, the survey of people fleeing thus certain death, showed the following. Many remembered the state that preceded the spontaneous decision: dim anxiety, strange restlessness, causeless agitation. Interestingly, unconscious emotions often manifest and externally: the man blushed or turned pale, he had increased heartbeat, "was paralyzed legs.

Yes and every one of you, perhaps, once in my life seen such mysterious and obscure phenomenon of intuition. "I knew it", "gut feel", "inner voice told" - about the way we react to unconscious revelation of our psyche.

"Intuition is a one-stage realization of truth without any logical evidence, accurate and immediate guessing", - this definition gives the Executive Secretary Psychoanalytical Association of the Russian Federation Marina Borisova.

She notes that it is often intuition is credited with much more importance than it has in fact. So, back to the example of Rosset, scientists, as he did not know plainly, for what reasons abolished mark your flight. And most importantly, no and never will be able to interview those who flew the fatal flight, they felt, sitting in the doomed plane...

In such situations, often triggered the so-called phenomenon of attribution, the researchers note. By the way, the same happens in the case of horoscopes, fortune telling and other predictions. If something comes true, our memory automatically marks this: "wow!.." But if not fulfilled, this prediction, the anticipation safely forgotten.

No wonder psychoanalysts believe that the human psyche is the iceberg, the leadership of which the conscious beginning, and everything else is unconscious. If the same mark Rosset held a session of psychoanalysis, plunged it into hypnosis, was, I think, to identify and other, more important at that moment cause than a vague feeling that forced him to cancel the flight.

By the way, when a person lives in expectation of the poor, usually what happens. Not by chance, for example, scouts, test pilots, astronauts, and so on, specially taught to tune before job cheerful, optimistic. Listen to cheerful music, to say to yourself: "I will succeed", believe in it and only after that - forward.

If a person is sure that he will fail, it is better this case and in fact not start...

Not accidentally, in the Second world war was not once mentioned: the experienced veterans had a premonition of his death, talked about his friends, wrote a suicide letter. Apparently, the man realized that his stock of vitality ends, he is no longer able to resist life circumstances. So he became less agile, slower decisions, poorly acted and eventually died.

However, there were cases of the opposite kind. An inner voice told a man how to avoid death. For example, autumn night 1940, when German Luftwaffe did another RAID on London, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were riding a battery of anti-aircraft gunners, in order to support morale of the soldiers. And now, returning once again to his waiting car Churchill ignored the warning open door, walked around the car and sat on the other side. As it turned out later, it saved his life: air bomb exploded nearby riddled body fragments with the side where you had to sit British Prime Minister. He then admitted that bypass the car made him it is the inner voice.

According to psychologists, in all this, do not look for mystical roots. In a combat situation dramatically exacerbated now too many half-forgotten feeling of danger. It ever helped primitive people to recognize preparing them the predator's attack before the beast will make its decisive rush.

Now an experienced fighter, using, once acquired by our ancestors skills, unconsciously picks up the hidden threat to the environment and also unconsciously, automatically responds, sometimes managing to raspustitsya before grenade.

Well, for those who can do it, can only take comfort in the proverb: "If I only knew where you fall..."

The sixth sense is included usually when denied logic and analysis, when the brain is not able to "digest" in the short term is hugeE. the number of incoming information. Intuition is like a guiding star, guiding us in difficult situations. We perceive this as an Epiphany, emerged from the depths of our subconscious.

However, it is said that the inspiration visits only enlightened people. Well-known test-pilot and writer mark gallay once noted: in order intuition worked correctly at the right moment, the pilot before the flight must carefully analyze all possible situations, to calculate the troubles that can happen to think, how to act in this or that case. And then, though trouble can be out of the ordinary, not provided by any instructions and laws, his brain, trained before, will be able to instantly find the only right decision.

Approximately the same noted and St. Petersburg writer, Navigator on education Victor Kopecky. Talking about how the co-driver selects the best route, focusing on the map, it describes the process of "immersion" specialist in the situation. He thought of losing one or another variant, while in the brain suddenly POPs up like a very right decision: "And I will go here along the coast, then take obliquely, focusing on the lighthouse directly to the entrance of the Bay..." And then shows how careful analysis, this solution is optimal, even if the Navigator did not know which side will blow in the wind at the moment and how to behave in volatile bottom current. But he has taken into account and their influence in their decision. As have taken into account? Intuitively. On the basis of past experience he knew that we need to do so and not otherwise.

We cannot deny the value of intuition in science.

"In the mid 60-ies of the last century a group of scientists was awarded the State prize for the creation of the mathematical theory of jet nozzle - recalled once psychologist Sergei Enikolopov. "And then, when compared the theoretical results with the practice, it was found that experienced masters without any calculations, intuitively did nozzle such optimal form..."

As they came? It's very simple - nozzles other form, seemed to be ugly. "This plane will not fly, gnarled it", - used to say the famous aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. And rarely wrong.

A well-known story about academician A.N. Krylov, the author of fundamental works on the theory of shipbuilding. Once the British had invited him for a consultation at large firm producing ship blades. Steamer with new screws, could not develop a design speed, and the British wanted to know why. Academician of carefully examined the ship's screw, and took a hammer, hit the blades in two places, slightly reformirovat them.

After that, Krylov asked for advice tidy sum. The British had hesitated, but the ship at the next test even surpassed the design speed limit. Then the British respectfully asked academician at least tell us what the secret of his success. On the academician Krylov innocently replied, "I need to know where to hit..."

However, intuition helps not only scholars. It is difficult to imagine a profession in which you can easily do without intuition. Class footballer instinctively feels the trajectory of the ball and not looking knows where the goal. A good photographer will never miss your "point." No one computer will replace broker sixth sense, recommend to sell shares or, alternatively, a buy recommendation.

Many researchers thus believe that women, as a rule, intuition is more developed than in men. Many mothers in the distance I feel when their children are ill. Often they are better than any doctor recognize beginning disease in their child.

They say that the art of women trained life. Being weaker manhood physically, living in a world where the advantage is largely given to men, women were supposed to compensate for this deficiency. And they glance learned to know a good man in front of them or bad, whether to make acquaintance with him, or better to keep away from him...

Many children also unmistakably feel threatened by adults. And if the adults, even women, sometimes even can be confused brains" distinction and tender words, the child reacts to the essence, and no mask unable to deceive him.

Unfortunately, with age, many lose this ability. They mistakenly believe that the developed mind, accumulated knowledge, experience will help them better to understand the environment, the people and all sorts of life collisions. And often wrong...

So, the sixth sense is not mysticism, and lessons learned, many psychologists. The person is aware of only ten percent of what he perceived from the outside world.

However, intuition have not all. It's like an ear for music. Someone he is absolute, and someone no ear has come. If a person has a tendency to abstract-logical thinking, intuition, he, most likely, deprived. Or simply don't trust sixth sense. Here, as in any business, the right training, skills, experience.

And finally, the conclusion to the story about intuition - a few small test that will allow you to understand how intuitive you personally. Answer yourself the following questions. Can you cook the egg "in the bag" without the help of clock, stopwatch or other timer? Does cloud shapes of various objects? You know the meaning of the symbols? Able to see the forest, not the trees? Tend to give spontaneous ideas? Can learn something you never saw? Lucky are you in the game? Is there who is calling you without picking it up? And in love from the first sight believe?

If most of your answers are positive, you can continue to trust your intuition.
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