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In July 1957, the French newspaper published a story that happened to 54-year-old Mireille Wife, a woman from the Provencal town of Arles. Mireille was experienced, qualified nurse and her willingly invited as visiting nurses, and nurses to young children. In the town it was well known as a person calm, well-balanced character. The greater surprise was her story about the unusual event that happened to her one summer day...
16 July 1957 around noon, Madam Wife, as usual, came to the house of the family of Chatillon, who invited her to care for her newborn baby. Taking the carriage with the child, the nurse went for a walk in the city Park. The weather was Sunny. Because of the heat, most citizens held their time on the river and the Park at that time was almost deserted. Small Cotillion was peacefully sleeping in the pram, and the nurse went with him on a bench in the shade of a large tree.
. Suddenly the light faded. All around were wrapped tight, absolutely impenetrable darkness. This was not the effect of sunstroke, when a person suddenly all darkens the eyes, it was not a symptom of safeguarded for some other diseases, as Madam Wife kept full and clear consciousness and remembered all the details of his condition.
Sleep baby woke up and burst into tears. Having found in the darkness on the touch of the child, the nurse grabbed him and threw her close to him, trying to CALM down. There was total darkness. Disappeared street noise, the smells of flowers and trees, voices of birds. Madam Wife stood, afraid to move.
She thought, this state lasted no more than a quarter of an hour. Darkness has disappeared as suddenly as they appeared. It turned out that evening came, it was getting dark. Blew a sharp cold wind in the Park lanterns were lit. On the Boulevard walked a few warmly dressed couples.
Nurse with a carriage suddenly ran to the house of Komiljonov. Met her terrified, tear-stained parents: it turns out, Madam Wife with a child was absent... three days! They were looking for the police and numerous volunteers, turning upside down the whole Arles, city Park is literally covered by centimeter, but nothing, of course, did not find.
At the gendarmerie Madam Wife was subjected to severe and prolonged interrogation: what it might explain his three-day absence? But she could tell only the dark...
Case in Arles still one of the most unusual and unexplained phenomena of the twentieth century. But this story is not the only case of a meeting with the mysterious, all-absorbing darkness.
April 2, 1904 unusually thick, absolutely impenetrable darkness has covered the underground station in London's Wimbledon, causing a stir among the numerous passengers, and among the staff of the metro. A few days later at the scene was conducted strictly scientific experiment designed to simulate the situation and to find an explanation for what had happened. However, to the embarrassment of the skeptics, to recreate the exact same dark failed anyway experiment participants could discern in the darkness of the dim shapes of people and objects, saw each other, saw the moving train station. Darkness, enveloped Wimbledon April 2, was absolute darkness where nothing, no ray of light - as if people and the station was filled with thick black ink.
This case gave rise to a storm of scientific and pseudoscientific speculation, but still it remains unexplained. Meanwhile soon even this mysterious and exciting the imagination episode faded before the new news about the appearance of mysterious dark this time she covered... the whole city with a 50-thousand population!
on March 7, 1911, about 16 hours to the town of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, fell thick, absolutely impenetrable darkness that lasted about an hour. During this time on the streets was picture worthy of the pen of Dante. Later, numerous witnesses described all details of the event. It is a pity that it was impossible to photograph!
Answer a question about the nature of this contingency darkness still there. There are those who argue that it was the work of Satan, or Vice versa - the mark of God. There exist more and less efficient version, but the science is still unable to explain this mysterious phenomenon. Maybe we are dealing with the violation of the integrity of space, or with the interpenetration of different dimensions, and can be, this phenomenon is linked with the fluctuation electromagnetic field of the Earth, when the visible part of the spectrum of a sudden for some reason changes the hour Utah fluctuations and enters the state, which are recorded to herawati human senses... Who knows?