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British bookmaker William Hill has promised a reward of 1 million pounds to those who have evidence of the existence of the famous Loch ness monster.
Nessie finally "lit up"!
Bookmakers promise to provide all visitors with 50 thousand disposable cameras through which you can capture the beast. "We hope that a million pounds will help to solve one of the greatest mysteries of our time, - said the representative office Rupert Adams. - Obtained evidence will be provided to the evaluators that will determine their authenticity.
Almost simultaneously with this statement bookmakers in Scotland was published sensational and at the same time unique two-minute video of the Loch ness monster.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw at a distance of 200 yards on the black thing, about 15 meters long, which quickly moved in the water, " said 55-year-old Gordon Holmes, laboratory technician from Shipley Yorkshire, who accidentally shot a video that I had on lake experiments."
"Holmes says that the observed object was moving at a speed of about 12 km/h pretty straight course. At first I thought it was very large acne. They look like snakes, and perhaps it is observed all these years in Loch nesse, he assumed."
The Scottish media are usually wary messages about Nessie, but Holmes video was so good quality that even the Scottish BBC reported it in the main news.
Scientists began to study the evidence, report that the picture quality is much better than all previously known photos and videos, which is cited as "indisputable evidence".
However experts are not in a hurry to make loud statements. They think that to say something more or less certain it will be possible only after a thorough study of both the film and what it depicts.
"Specializing on Nessie marine biologist Adrian Shine, member of the center Loch ness 2000, had carefully studied the movie and have not yet come to a final conclusion. According to the expert, it will need at least a few months in order to conduct a thorough investigation and make a final decision."
"I consider myself a skeptic about what happens in Loch ness, but I don't rule out anything, and, without doubt, is one of the best videos I've ever seen, " said Shine."
The expert also added that filmed Holmes video is of vital importance for research of Loch ness, because the author of the entry, not believing his eyes, not only directed the camera lens on mysterious creature, and drove them around, simultaneously capturing the shore of the pond and the water surface. This, according to Schein not only help accurately determine the size monster by comparative measurements, but also serve as an additional argument in the proof of the authenticity of the recording.
Four thousand witnesses
By the way, Nessie has become some kind of emblem of Scotland and the lake is one of its tourist attractions. It is the largest inland body of water in Britain. At a depth of up to 230 metres, it is even deeper than the average North sea.
The first who told the world about the mysterious monster in the remote Scottish lake, were Roman legionaries. The earliest written record of the monster living in Loch ness, dates back to the year 565 ad In the life of St. Columba, Abbot Jonah tells the story of the triumph over the Holy "water beast" in the river ness.
The first picture of the monster of the lake appeared in 1930. The first detailed account of a meeting of a married couple McKay, who were faced with Nessie, was published in the spring of 1933 in the newspaper "the Inverness courier".
Since then, Nessie has seen more than 4 thousand times, although much of the evidence scientists explain the excessive hobby eyewitnesses poor whiskey and other strong drinks.
Scientists who are not particularly believe in the legend, put forward a variety of versions to explain the facts alleged existence in the lake monster. In their view, this is either a giant sturgeon, or acne.
The appearance of a legend about the monster Scottish Loch ness may be obligated and elephants, which in the early twentieth century is often bathed in this water body vagrant circus groups.
British paleontologist Neil Clark last year concluded that most of the messages about Nessie go back to 1933 and subsequent years, when along the lake handed highways.
According to Clarke, legend became one of the best marketing developments of the twentieth century. After 1933 the first reports came in that people saw a large animal with a long neck, managing circus troupe Bertram mills proposed a large cash reward to anyone who will hunted for it is a monster. So Nessie has got wide popularity.
"Clark believes that his research on this topic proves that in most cases, when someone saw the monster actually watched the elephant bathing. These animals are often swim in such a way that the surface of the water see only the top of the head and trunk. Sometimes you can see the back. From afar, this picture can be taken for waterfowl dinosaur."
In the lake there is a Ghost!
Underwater inhabitant of the Loch ness lake is haunted not only researchers, but also sorcerers. Some time ago Kevin Karlin, the high priest of one of the religious communities, preaching the so-called natural magic "Vika" - stated that he is going to call the monster that lives in the waters of the lake. In the ritual were to be attended by the members of his community, whose duties included to protect the legendary monster with their enchantments.
The followers of the "Vikki" relations with scientists rather strained. The first time Kevin Carlin appeared on the lake in 2001 while working there, Swedish scientist Jan Sandberg, studied the bottom of the reservoir. Then the high priest put a spell on the draft Sandberg, who, in the opinion of the sorcerer, had no right to interfere in the life of a monster.
The spell was as follows: Carlyon summoned to the aid of the four natural elements, which he asked to protect the lake and its underwater inhabitants from outside interference. Then he threw it into the waters of Loch ness amulet, made them especially for those living in the lake monster.
Today Kevin Carlin declares that Nessie died several years ago, but its spirit lives in the lake. Imposed by wizards guard the spell was too strong and prevents Ghost Nessie to be people.
"The ban is still valid and now I want it gently to remove to the spirit of Nessie was free and could appear on the people, if he so wishes, " said the high priest "wiki". - Protective functions will be saved: no one can disturb Nessie and to harm her, but her spirit will be more free in his movements".
His decision to weaken the spell of Carlin explains the fact that people have missed the appearance of the monster above the water.
But the Ghost of Lee lives in the lake, prehistoric plesiosaurus, or even aliens from other worlds, - however athletes, annually taking part in the international tournament triathlon taking place on the lake in the famous Bay Arcart, just in case one of the UK companies still insures against attack Nessie! The amount of insurance is 1 million pounds!
"The insurance company representative David Parker says With an insurance point of view it is very unusual risk, and many insurers would refuse to do it, but our company provides insurance for the sum up to 1 million pounds in case the participant will receive damage that it will be possible to prove as a result of the attack, the Loch ness monster..."