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Звездные ВратаIn different parts of the world, on all surface of the Earth are special points that mystics have called "Places of Power". These singular points of the planet are the custodians of the divine wisdom, they have special power and bear consciousness certain light codes that are beneficial for the physical and spiritual health and is able to reveal the secret ancient knowledge, finding that he will be able to use them for the benefit of themselves and others.

The complex of the Great pyramid of Giza is the Central point of this system, its "North pole". Here originates electromagnetic coil, which floats on the principle of Fibonacci, it covered the entire surface of the Earth. Therefore, one of the most powerful, sacred places are located on the territory of Egypt. Today we will tell you about the places for thousands of years was used to Great Initiations of man in the spiritual mysteries.

According to the ancient Egyptian texts, the sacred places of Ancient Egypt, where open star portals and where on Earth are powerful vibrations of higher dimensions, this plateau of Giza, Saqqara, Luxor, Karnak, Dendera, tel-El-Amarna and the temple of ISIS on the island Phil near Aswan. Sacred point of our planet still contain the message that the researchers were not able to decrypt.

In "the Emerald tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, whom the Egyptians was associated with the God Toth said that the great Pyramid was carried out the process of initiation - "initiation" adept in secret knowledge, and the camera Pharaoh" was the bathroom initiation. The initiation was conducted in two parts: first - in the sarcophagus, the second after many years was held in the center of the room, marked by the middle of the diagonal. In the Egyptian practices required twelve years of schooling of the Left Eye of Horus and twelve years in school Right Eye of Horus, to reach the stage of "initiation", and only after twenty-four years of study adept recognized ready for initiation.

Luis Ortega, academician, philosopher, recipient of the Nobel prize, wrote:

"Between the Sphinx and the Great pyramid was previously Gallery Arcana. Twenty elders major Arcana were located on both sides of the gallery, and they were made from minerals existing Arcana. Neophyte, ground yourself by touching an obelisk lasso, received knowledge".

Over the sarcophagus, which is "the chamber of the king"found strange structure, shaped like a beehive. The structure is composed of the four elements of the same shape but different materials. They are superimposed on each other and form a galvanic element. This item today emits strong vibration, which is recorded not only the instruments, but the pendulum. This vibration was the wave of life or the wave of death, depending on whether the person is dedicated. The priests of Egypt knew how to relay and simulate this wave for treatment.

In the great pyramid of Egypt by the priests held the mysteries of ISIS and Osiris. The priests taught dedicated to predict the future by the stars and make contact with cosmic forces. Drunvalo Melchizadek, scientific and esoteric, in the book "mystery of the Egyptian mystery," writes:

"The ancient Egyptian mysteries taught that divine energy proceed to the top of the great pyramid, which is like an inverted tree with the crown at the bottom and roots at the top. This inverted tree of divine wisdom extends down the sloping sides and spreads over the world. The triangular shape of the pyramid is similar to the position of the human body, which adopts a traditional meditation. Great Pyramid, according to the plan of the priests, looked like the Universe, its top - man, stretching out to God. Through a mysterious corridors and chambers of the great pyramid were initiated, they were like people, and were like Gods.

Dedicated people regains its original condition divine purity and knowledge with which he began his earthly cycle of incarnations".

Molecular biologist Petr Garyaev and physicist George tertyshny called pyramid complex of Kailash Tibet "matrix of life on Earth" - so striking was its similarity with the spatial structure of DNA. Complexes of the pyramids are energoinformation from Space and broadcast directly into the DNA of living organisms. In ancient Tibetan texts written, the sacred mountain Kailas was built through the power of the five elements - Air, Water, Earth, Wind and Fire.

Bonpos-Lama explains that the power of the five elements must be understood as psychic energy. Professor Ernst Muldashev writes that "there is a strict mathematical system location of the pyramids and monuments of antiquity on the earth, because the pyramids were built with the purpose of entering into the world of "subtle energy".

As described in the Tibetan religions, Atlanta gained access to knowledge Lemurians by harnessing the power of spiritual energy. These true knowledge was recorded at the famous "Golden plates", which, according to legend, hidden in the deep recesses of Tibet and the Himalayas.
Some scientists believe that in the geometric shape of the pyramids coded information about the structure of the Universe, Solar system and man. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato was revealed positive impact five geometrical form of a cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron on human energy structure. Scientists suggest that the five crystal lattices have a powerful harmonizing and activating the impact of the centres of the person, which is achieved by generating a torsion fields Platonic bodies. Pythagoras believed that each of geometric figures is a model of the corresponding element: the tetrahedron - Fire, a cube - Earth, the octahedron - Air, icosahedron - Water, the dodecahedron - Ether. These elements are the building blocks of the Universe.

The human body is a hologram of the Universe and contains the same basis and principles. At the microscopic level, the dodecahedron and icosahedron are relative parameters of DNA, plans, which built the whole life.

Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant and physician, claimed that in the great pyramid of Khufu at Giza is stored chronicle and household items Atlanteans prove the existence of highly developed science and technology in the distant past. Pyramid, according to Casey, was built between 10490 and 10390 years before our era. Casey called the pyramid of Cheops ' Pyramid of understanding". It is, in his words, was created by using the phenomenon of levitation. The great pyramid was a giant powerful generator special energy used by pharaohs and priests. Scientists ascertained that the pyramidal form is the best hub so-called radiostations radiation due to the influence of the Earth. This radiation has high penetrating power and a specific effect, resulting in the change of physico-chemical and biological properties of objects, including living organisms and humans.

Temple of Dendera dedicated to the goddess Hathor - daughter of the sun God who was worshipped by the Egyptians as a symbol of womanhood, motherhood and called "Golden lady". Hathor was known as the cosmic divine, from which life originated, she was worshipped in ancient times and worship to this day, the pilgrims visited the Church and make their mysterious ceremonies.

In the most ancient period of Hathor was revered as a divine Cow gave birth to the Sun, she was the personification of the milky Way, submitted to the ancient Egyptians as milk Celestial Cow. The temple of Hathor symbolizes the idea of new birth, embodied in the form of a structure which is built in the form of magical musical instrument of the goddess Hathor - sistrum, thanks to vibration which dissipate the negative and attracted positive force. According to the official Egyptology, Hathor, or Hathor - "Mountain House", that is "the Sky" - is the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, in ancient times it was identified with ISIS, but in modern esoteric traditions of Hatori is intergalactic lifted up civilization, which in the times of Ancient Egypt coexisted with us and then left the Land.

The relationship of the goddess Hathor, the Sky is highlighted by plenty of beautiful astronomical images in her temple at Dendera. Eighteen of the columns of the first hall of the Temple represents not only the systray, but "pillars of Heaven." The sky is represented by the goddess Nut, which in the evening, swallow the sun, revives at night and returns to the world the next morning. In the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in ancient times was a majestic building with the sacred lake and the underwater temple, in rooms-niches which was a sacred scrolls. Now this place is the passing down of a rectangular pit of large stone blocks at the bottom of which palm trees.

From the texts of the papyri it is known that Egyptian priests through figures, drawings, and also the legends and myths were encrypted knowledge about the Universe, who could understand only dedicated. From century to century people gave each other these myths, legends and images mysterious figures and signs, engraved on the columns of ancient temples and religious buildings, without knowing their true sense. One of such ancient messages - Bendersky the zodiac, or the zodiac Osiris, which was installed in the ceiling of one of the chapels on the roof of the temple of Hathor, where encrypted cyclical processes of planet Earth, and the frequency of recurrence global disasters, and much more.

In the second half of December, in the days of the Winter solstice on the magnificent pyramids of Giza in Cairo, offers one of the most powerful starsdata portals through which Land are powerful vibrations of higher dimensions. At the same time open up the Stargate in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, where on Earth powerful stream flow energy the higher planes.

The pyramids around the world began to emit beams of energy in the region photon cloud. Although NASA conceal information about the strange clouds of photons, which are now almost covered the whole Solar system, the information is still leaked from some scientists. And now, as it is unknown cloud enters the Solar system, it begins to impact on, the Sun and planets inexplicably. It is surprising that at the same time, as this strange energy is invading our space, some of the most famous pyramids of the world begin to produce intense energy. Several cases where powerful visible beams were thrown out into space in the direction of photon cloud, has been well documented. At the same time, people around the world have begun to note and record weird scary sounds and noises that produce the impression that the Earth itself is groaning and crying. All these phenomena, including never before unseen giant turbulent emissions in the Sun, most likely come from the presence of photon cloud.

Egypt is the Place of Power, where we can awaken the memory to recall their past life in Egypt, to realize who we really are in this life and what our mission. Are we willing to make the forthcoming transition into the following measurement in the full realization of all human experience gained in past incarnations?

The first sign of the beginning of the transition of our planet in another dimension is the sharp drop in the intensity of the magnetic field of the Earth. Fully magnetic field disappears at least three and a half days.

Axis shift and shift in consciousness usually interrelated. This will happen when our consciousness will move into the Fourth dimension, and the consciousness of the Third dimension will disappear. With most people, the following will happen: they will sleep and shall dream dreams within 3-4 days. When the world of the Fourth dimension will come into your mind, the light will come back again. Much remains without changes at transition from world to world. Your physical form is unchanged, but the atomic structure of your body will change dramatically. The density of previous physical structure for the most part will be converted into energy, and nuclear structure is more rarefied than before. A large part of the body will be converted into energy. On the Ground in the Third dimension you need about 18 to 21 years to move from the status of the child to the state in which you yourself can take care of themselves. In the world of the Fourth dimension empirically need about 2 years to switch from your current growth and state to an adult.

We told you about what usually happens when a planet is in transition in the Fourth dimension. And now let's state a new hypothesis that can happen now, at the beginning of the XXI century. Sometimes to facilitate the transition planet enters the anomaly. When this old dimension recreated in such a way that to work out the old karma and make the transition into the next world smoother. This rarely happens at the global level, but theoretically it is possible. However, for such initiation requires a very high level of consciousness, and to achieve it, as a rule, is rather problematic. Edgar Cayce said that the axis of the Earth will change "in the winter of 1998, but it has not changed. According to other predictions, we had to go to a higher dimension or destroy yourself to the August 11, 1999, but, apparently, this also did not happen. Maybe we have already moved into the Fourth dimension and simply do not know about this? It is likely...
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