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Вторая попытка человечестваArtifacts, contradicting the conventional theory of the origin and development of mankind, is amiss are located in various parts of the world. Scientists then the figure of a man in a suit in the ancient burial ground will find the imprint of the tread of boots in Sandstone, the age of which 10 million years, a porcelain Cup, which 500 thousand years.

The first nuclear explosion on Earth happened 30 million years ago

Of course, all these findings you can close your eyes. However it is possible and to prevent the unthinkable: once existed on Earth developed civilization, which was able to produce charcoal to smelt iron, producing plastics, was an expert in electronics and aircraft construction, and at leisure flown in space. But if so, where did she go? Perhaps mankind, who lived on Earth before us, not just survived a nuclear war...

That nuclear war on Earth have ever was, like to speculate those who are called alternate historians. The official science considers their theory fake. To explain, for instance, how come the iron hammers in the layers of the Cretaceous period, she can't. But if to assume that humanity has experienced a nuclear war, these "inconsistencies" be easily explained. Yes and arguments for the fact that our planet is already experienced a nuclear Apocalypse, is enough.

Both of myths and legends, and quite tangible, which literally can touch it. What, in fact, made by specialists from NASA together with French scientists: five years ago, this "team" of volunteers traveled all over the world and found a lot of evidence that nuclear war was already. For example, they are counted in the land of about 100 giant craters obviously artificial origin. The biggest diameter is 120 km, is in Africa. Of course, it can be assumed that 25 thousand years ago to the Earth has fallen meteorite not that rain, and a real shower. But in place of the fallen meteorite does not appear high desert.

And most of the giant craters discovered just in the areas of modern deserts. Meanwhile, a number of legends says that once it is in these places were blooming gardens and stood rich cities. For example, according to Chinese legend, the highly developed countries were once in the Gobi desert. In India - again according to the myths and legends - the whole city was situated in the part of the Indus valley, where now there is nothing but sand. Under sandy drifts buried today before the great Sumer and Babylonia. Ruins of ancient cities hidden in the deserts of Egypt and Mongolia, traces of settlements scientists find on now totally uninhabitable areas of America and Australia...


Why the once flourishing city turned into a lifeless wasteland? Went crazy weather and climate has changed? Suppose. But why when this melts the sand? Exactly turned into the vitreous mass, the sand was found by the researchers and in the Chinese part of the Gobi desert, and in the lake lop Nur, and in the Sahara, and in the deserts of the Middle East and new Mexico. The temperature necessary for turning sand into glass, naturally on Earth does not appear. But when a nuclear explosion - please. The conclusion is clear: these areas, with all their blossoming gardens, villages and cities, and took a nuclear strike. But that was not destroyed by the explosions that destroyed radiation: all flora and fauna, including the "crown of creation - man.

Actually, the traces of radiation can be detected and now - after a few tens of thousands of years: the fossils of animals and plants in the earth's crust to this day are traces of biological mutations. Cyclops, three-headed dragons, cruise diva now firmly established on the pages of myths and legends. But, maybe, once they really existed: radiation could cause such a mysterious creatures. The more modern scholars argue: Cyclops, that is, the appearance of one eye over the bridge, is one of the most likely mutations, as polyploidy - doubling chromosomal causing gigantism and doubling bodies. And huge human skeletons, skulls crowned with one eye socket or with a double row of teeth, made by archaeologists in a deadlock.

In contrast to the giants appeared on Earth and dwarfs. One of the versions says that modern pygmies in Africa and Tibetan peoples of the rally and ham is not who other, as the direct descendants of these little people.

But perhaps the most noticeable today, the manifestation of radioactive mutation is mongoloidness. In any case, according to some scientists. Now, this race is the most common on Earth. Before the Mongoloids was even more - and they inhabited as Asia and Europe and even Central Africa.


Need more specific? Not the question. A journey in Mohenjo-Daro is able to dispel doubts. Ruins of the ancient city on one of the Islands of the Indus river were found only in 1922. Scientists immediately began talking about the discovery of hitherto unknown ancient civilization - the Indus. While they were perplexed: why do about this unique city, no one knew? As it was destroyed and, most importantly, where are its inhabitants? The researchers found no cemetery in the vicinity of the city. But he lasted at least half a Millennium. Those few human remains that have been found, lying right in the middle of the street: death overtook them in place. No traces of violence, traces of wounds pricking or cutting items.

Mohenjo-Daro was the victim of some mysterious accident - a sudden and irreversible

One thing was clear: Mohenjo-Daro was the victim of some mysterious accident - a sudden and irreversible. But which one? In 1979, the Englishman David Davenport and Italian Ettore Vincenti put forward his hypothesis destruction of the city: Mohenjo-Daro was struck by a nuclear blast! Moreover, they managed to scientifically substantiate his incredible version. The researchers sent the so-called black stones, that littered streets of the city, in University of Rome and in the laboratory of the National research Council (Italy). And it turned out black stones - not that other, as shards of pottery, baked at a temperature of about 1 400-1 600 degrees, and then hardened. The scientists drew attention to the fact that the center of Mohenjo-Daro survived much worse margins. The pattern of destruction enabled them to assume that it is at the center of the city and was the epicenter of a nuclear explosion. Why archaeologists and failed to find the remains of people - they simply vanished.


So, nuclear war was already. But who started it? Why did it start? Unfortunately, the exact answer to this question does not exist: it is impossible to entirely rely on ancient legends. However, to read them still stands.

Ancient Indian epos ' Mahabharata ' claims that the inhabitants of the Earth - Asura - quarreled with the gods. Named as the cause of discord: that God had stolen the wife of the ruler of the Asuras. It is unlikely that this was the true reason for fighting, but the fact remains: most likely, the Terrans had a fight with the aliens. What they do not share? Spheres of influence? Area?

According to another version put forward by the British physicist Dr. Lyndon Meredith, people themselves unleashed a nuclear war. According to Meredith, 30 million years ago the Earth was already in existence of human civilization developed so that mastered space - the entire Solar system. But no matter how technically advanced man, he always remains man - with its inherent greed, temper, aggression. Strife and discord led to nuclear war. Meredith sure that the extant legend of Noah's ark, the sinking of Atlantis, ancient legends of American Indians about flying gods, tales of space battles in the Indian "Upani-shad" and the "Mahabharata", these are the memories of those few who managed to survive in terrible war.


Other dates referred to as researchers from NASA: in their version, nuclear war happened 25 thousand years ago. Scientists were able to calculate the date analysis of the walls of the 120-kilometer crater in South Africa. They managed to identify and force of impact: about 500 thousand tons of TNT. To understand this a lot, it is worth Recalling: on Hiroshima dropped the bomb capacity of 20 thousand tons of TNT.

The power of a nuclear attack was such that changed the Earth's rotation around its axis, the waters of the World ocean moved in and swirled in a giant whirlpool. Began the same notorious deluge. When the waters subsided, the surviving people stepped on barren land: there was nowhere to hide from the coming of the nuclear winter. In desperation, the people went under the earth: the evidence of a great many kilometers of underground galleries dug around the world. Such "shelter" was found on the territory of the Perm region, Altai, Ural, Tien Shan, the Caucasus, in the deserts of Sahara and the Gobi desert in North and South America. It is curious that often these underground caves connected with the surface of the earth so-called pipe - through-hole correctly rounded. The official science considers them a generation of geophysical processes in rocks and soils. Those who thinks bolder, I am convinced that it traces from the laser, which trayskey aliens or land-not - smoked each other from shelters.


Survived existing units. And their doom was unenviable: they had to return to the caves.

Gradually, they have forgotten everything I knew once. And remember only one thing: the knowledge is dangerous, to possess them can only be elected. As a rule, these "dedicated" became clergy. In 1966, the American writer Thomas Andrews heard from yoga of Pandido of Kaniaha one very curious recognition: "Scientists-the brahmin from time immemorial were required to store a lot of information, meaning that they themselves didn't understand." Didn't understand, but kept carefully watching that valuable information is not leaked into the world. The same policy, do not declare their intentions, adhered to by all who had access to the secret.

The proof is seemingly absurd act of Emperor Cheng Tang, who ruled in the XVIII century B.C. One of his citizen has built a flying chariot. But during tests wind brought the aircraft to a neighbouring province. Having learned about this accident, Cheng Tang ordered the destruction of the chariot, so that her secret was not known in the nation. Not knowing the terrible history of mankind, the Emperor could easily be counted among the Orthodox, impeding progress. But having faith is the fact that humanity has survived a nuclear war, you can just applaud his foresight. Alas, the murder will out: today humanity is developing according to the same scenario, as tens of thousands of years ago. We fly into space, quarrel with their neighbors, threaten each other with military action. What to do to nuclear catastrophe not erupted again? Probably just to think, to stay... Or to rely on their own genetic memory in the hope that it will not repeat the nightmare.
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