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In the middle of August was marked by a rapid weather changes: replacing the 40-degree heat unexpectedly came the rain and cold. Forecasters say: on the territory of Ukraine started the modification of the atmospheric processes, which will lead rainy weather in the Western, Northern and Central areas. According to the Director of the Ukrainian hydrometeorological center of EMERCOM of Mykola Kulbida, throughout the country, except the South and East, will be held intensive rains.
"In a week on most of the territory is expected complication weather conditions: rain, storms in places, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s in some areas hail. There will be heavy rains in the Carpathians and Prykarpattia, as well as in the West, North, Vinnytsia , Cherkasy, Kirovohrad region. The air temperature in the Western and Northern regions will be up to +20 C, in the southern and Eastern regions - +23, +28, and in the North and in the centre- + 20, +25", - told the head of the Department of meteorological forecasts Ukrgidromettsentra Lyudmila Savchenko.
Most precipitation during 13-15 August will fall in Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv regions, in the South of Kyiv, and also in the North Khmelnytsky and Ternopil regions. In the Carpathians, due to heavy rains the water level in rivers will rise by 0.5-1.5 meters without leaving water on the floodplain. However, and in this weather has its pros: precipitation that fell over the weekend, significantly reduced the level of fire danger in southern, Central regions and in the North of the country, says Irina Hub in the article "Heat repaid rain" in the newspaper "Ukraine's young".
For a day in Kyiv, according to Ukrgidrometcentr had almost monthly norm of precipitation! And water drains, which already cleaned after last year's floods, was again not ready to repel the attack of the elements. In the end, Kiev swam. The first could not stand Kurenivka.
On the street Sklyarenko water reaches people to the waist, and machines up to the bumper. Rescuers had to evacuate people... on rubber boats. Not stood the test shower and neighboring Kurenivsko lane. According to witnesses, near a supermarket formed the present lake, says Natalia Mamchur the material is "People on Kurenevka were taken by boat" in the newspaper "Today".
Traditionally, in these days of Kiev could not call a taxi. "Many of our remained at home, and then to fix the machine itself will be more expensive" - said the taxi driver Nikolai.
The experts identified three main reasons why the capital is not ready to heavy rains.
1. The main cause of the flood in Kyiv - cluttered drainage of lakes and streams. After a shower the water from the streets enters the reservoir, and from there into water bodies. But if the rain volley, water has no time to quickly go as rivers and lakes clogged. All streets that are situated near rivers, flood.
2. Another cause flooding of spot trade in the transitions. Traders Samusocial water drains, causing water with difficulty seeps into sewers.
3. Another problem is the narrow collectors who do not cope with the increased volume of water. Recall, was laid Metropolitan Sewerage decades ago, and the city for this time has grown considerably. But the repair in the city Treasury is already no money.
To deliver Kiev from regular flooding, need about three billion hryvnias, said in Kievavtodor. Plans to address the problem already exists, but whether they will translate into life, learn a year later, when they receive a master plan for the capital, analyze the situation, Alexander and Dmitry Bochkarev Derin in the article "Why Kyiv again sailed?" in the paper "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine".
Next week, the night becomes colder there will be a gradual transition to fall.
"August 20, heat will return. But it won't be so hot, as recently. High temperatures will be in the South and the East to plus 30," - quotes the Deputy chief of the Department of the weather forecasts Ukrgidromettsentra Natalia Tibia in the material performed Evseeva pages "Gazeta po-Ukrainsky", entitled "Warmer from August 20".