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Законопроект Обамы о здравохранении потребует от всех американцев имплантировать микрочип или медчип до 2013The main news this week on AOL and countless other media is that the bill Obama on health care will require all U.S. citizens and their children to implant a microchip or modchip to 23 March 2013. However, it is still unknown whether the requirement of the law on the implementation of microchips completed by 2013 or not.

In 2010, I was released book "are you Ready to microchip?", I asked: "Is the fact of implantation of the microchip hidden in the law on health care? Will there be a newborn in 2013 to implant microchips immediately after their birth?" Then, I wrote the following: " In the vast U.S. law on health care, for which, without reading it, voted selected candidates, contains a section called: Subtitle C-11 section 2521 - national Registry of Medical Devices, saying: "the Ministry of Health will establish a national register of medical devices (in this paragraph refers to the "register")in order to facilitate the analysis of security in the commercial use of devices that - "(A) are, or have been used in or on the patient; and "In" are the device, class III; or "(ii) belong to the class II implantable devices."

The text of the law intends not clear, but it provides the basis for the transformation of America into the first world country, where every U.S. citizen should receive the implanted radio-frequency ID (RFID)microchip, to control for medical help.

In some US States such as Virginia, were protests under the slogan "stop the law mark of the devil, trying to stop the bills of this kind.

As with many other things, about which I wrote and spoke, based on reliable sources, I regularly criticized by some people, especially those who belong to the Christian community who have no idea about what is happening. Their criticism has never prevented me to present the facts, because I never conduct surveys about what I write or what to say. The Christian is called to tell the truth in the name of love to God, regardless of whether it is accepted or not. I'm not trying to demean any of the clergy, but I do not limit their statements on the basis of whether they find approval or popularity in the society. The only question is, is this true and reasonable will I tell her now?

There are many things I can say, but I don't do that, because in our country many people when confronted with the truth that is outside their socio-formed consciousness can enter into cognitive dissonance. Implantation of microchips coming every day, in parallel with "artificial crisis" of illegal immigration. Problems of States, such as Arizona, create conditions under which senators Charles Schumer (Democrat of new York) and Lindsey Graham (Republican, South Carolina) move the legislation to ensure that all the same, American workers, citizens and residents, received a national biometric identification card (National Biometric ID Card) in order to work in the United States.

No matter what your opinion on Amnesty or immigration, each will have a national biometric identification card, which will eventually contain RFID transmitter that provides Big Brother (Big Brother) electronic database to track all of your personal information. It's the same national ID (national ID card), but only under a different name. The national identity card will turn into the implanted microchip, as from a technical point of view it is more effective. All this will happen very soon, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

President Ronald Reagan refused to sign the law, calling him the "seal of the Antichrist." In my book "are you Ready to microchip?" I consider the wording in the law on health care, which calls for the implantation of Mechitov and microchips. She never hid, just Republicans and Democrats together with our Orwellian media deliberately chose to ignore it.

Group Bilderberg gave the order to precipitate the General U.S. population, and then the rest of the world. Before the health care bill was passed, 2013 was appointed date, when every child born in the U.S. will receive a microchip immediately after birth. Many criticized for it (the attack) President Obama, but at this point, and were included in the law Obama on health care (Obama Health Care Bill), the implementation plan of microchips was developed several decades ago and accelerated in the implementation of the Republican administration of President George W. Bush and his alleged "established in the faith" after the events of September 11, attorney General John Ashcroft. Apparently, Ashcroft was more concerned about covering the breast of the statue of Liberty in the corridor of the Ministry of justice, what was going to protect our constitutional freedoms, including freedom of religion.

Unfortunately, Evangelical Christians excellent political pawns in this game, because they are more focused on secondary issues than on the really important. This is due to the fact that today, Evangelical Christianity in America has truly biblical worldview. I really don't want to be rude, but the historical reality is that Evangelical Christians played the role of those whom Lenin called "useful idiots". Obviously, this is not what God has planned for His people. But rejecting the biblical worldview, Scripture, thus, fulfilled - "My people perish for lack of knowledge". Most Evangelical Christians in America very superficial faith is the result of what they preach in many of its churches and seminaries.

New technology of microchips with RFID chip is so perfect that it sounds like science fiction. The Apostle Paul explains how this fits in the 13th Chapter of Revelation, where the false prophet will be led by the only religion in the world and get people to take the mark of the beast. The implanted microchip, biochip or honey chip, by itself, is not necessarily the sign of the beast. The mark of the mark of the beast, under the leadership of the false prophet, requires a conscious rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord and commitment to worship the Antichrist as God.

For Christians and other people of the act of acceptance of the microchip, biochip or media will be a challenge due to the existing Parallels with the biblical mark of the beast. Will the believing people granted privilege in this matter, for religious reasons, or they will be put before a choice - to implant the chip or to be incarcerated. In addition, any technology of microchips can be activated with the strengthening of control after implantation. So, what starts as a simple microchip implantation, it may become a technology where in the future you will have to worship the Antichrist as God and reject Jesus Christ as Lord, to be a member of the economic system. Ability to implement microchips, and the development of the technology of microchips makes this possible danger.

In the end, the simple fact of reception of implantation of the microchip for medical reasons only with the mind seems harmless. However, there is no guarantee that once implanted, he will not be used to technologies under the sign of the beast. This danger and challenge that faces us.


Paul McGuire / Paul McGuire


Paul McGuire: leading talk shows on the radio, the author and producer of feature films and TV commentator.

Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, including such bestsellers as "the Day the dollar died" and "are you Ready to microchip?".

He leads syndicationui television show called "The Paul McGuire Report ("Report of the Floor by researchers such as McGuire"). In addition, Paul McGuire was the leading national syndicated radio talk show, "the Show Floor by researchers such as McGuire" within 10 years. He works as a television commentator, he was often invited to the channels of the Fox News Network and CNN.

Floor - producer of two science-fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel took a 2-hour special edition with Paul Makhira called "the Seven seals of the Apocalypse". Paul interviewed a number of world leaders, presidents and Prime Ministers.

Paul lives in Los Angeles, California.

In fifteen years Floor participated in demonstrations, along with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and was made an honorary member of the Party black Panthers. However, in our study of Altered States of consciousness" at the University of Missouri, Paul has acquired a wonderful experience hitchhiking on a long distance, which is similar to the movie "Field of dreams". The floor is reconsidering its socialist and humanist worldview and rejects them as plain wrong. Paul has devoted his life to revealing the truth to the people.

Comment: Alex M (30 July 2012 13:55)

Monitorul the topic of the article in English-speaking search. Revealed the following facts:

1. In addition to formulating "is of class II, which can be implanted" no other quotations from the law or projects forKonov in fact not given.

2. Discussions on "popular news TV channels" not found (possibly bad looking).

3. The theme itself (and quoted wording) was actively discussed in 2009, why she surfaced three years later, what was "trigger" this time is unclear. I suspect that "trigger" is another stage of the advertising campaign of the book the author of the article, written in 2010 and quoted in the article. This assumption is validated by the following quote from the blog the Floor:

"President Ronald Reagan refused to confirm what he called this law "the mark of the beast". However, at the moment we are on the verge of something so large, both globally and in national sense that this world and this nation will never be the same. Book your new book Floor "are You ready to microchip?"... Starting from 2013, every child that's borned in the US, will receive a microchip at birth, if they will fit into the schedule, or after some number of years later".

In his phrase "after some number of years later" Paul could compete with criticize them North American legislators in terms of broad wording: does it postponing enforcement practice for an indefinite period, or there is a view "a few years after the birth", I did not understand.

My conclusion is that to keep abreast, of course, necessary, but to blow on every corner about chipping babies in the United States as the accomplished fact I would not hurry like to write to friends commentator on CNN, which is the Floor; it would be at least naive.

Having some idea of the degree of cynicism modern journalism, I would not be surprised if I find out that this publication is the order of the initiators of mass chipping and all, sort of a trial balloon, which aims to sound out public opinion on the subject.
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