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on August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church marks Honey spas: a celebration of old, which served as a signal to start collecting honey. It was thought that in the middle of August cells in the hive are filled to capacity. Today many manufacturers of honey don't wait for natural ripening of the product, and prefer to use numerous industrial tricks.
To find natural honey without mixture and additives can be difficult. In order to obtain the benefit of unfair beekeepers and honey producers bred product sugar syrup, and for density add flour, starch, chalk and even sand. The result is something, in appearance resembling a real honey. However, the attentive consumer will notice the wrong consistency, spumescence, and lack of flavor or, on the contrary, unnatural sour smell.
To check the honey on "naturalness" in several ways: for example, bring to the product's a lighted match. Quality honey should melt and zashipel not immediately, but after a few moments. You can also dissolve honey water and drop in solution 2-3 drops of vinegar. Natural product should not foam - otherwise front of you is a fake.